
Prof. Fatma Göde

Department of Physics

Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Turkey




Ph.D., Anadolu University, Physics

M.Sc., Sheffield University, Physics

Publications (Selected)

  1. R. Demir, Fatma Göde, E. Güneri, F.M. Emen, The effect of nanoparticle sizes on the structural, optical and electrical properties of indium sulfide thin films consisting of In2S3 and In6S7 phases, J. Mol. Struct., Vol. 1227, No 5, (2021), 129565.
  2. N. Balpınar, F. Göde, Fabricatıon and characterization of dye-sensitized solar cells based on murexid dye and inorganic CdS:Mn thin films, Chalcogenide Lett., Vol. 17, No. 9, (2020), 429-437.
  3. Fatma Göde, S. Ünlü, Synthesis and characterization of CdS window layers for PbS thin film solar cells, Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. Vol. 90, (2019), 92-100.
  4. Fatma Göde, Effect of Cu doping on CdS as a multifunctional nanomaterial: Structural, morphological, optical and electrical properties, Optik 197 (2019), 163217.
  5. Fatma Göde, S. Ünlü, Investigation Of The Physical Properties Of Indium Sulfide Thin Films Grown By Chemical Bath Deposition Method, J. Nanoelectron. Optoelectron., Vol.14, (2019), 600-605.
  6. Fatma Göde, S. Ünlü, Structural, morphological and optical properties of chemically deposited nanocrystalline cadmium sulfide thin films, J. Nanoelectron. Optoelectron., Vol. 90, (2019), 92-100.
  7. Fatma Göde, S. Ünlü, Nickel doping effect on the structural and optical properties of indium sulfide thin films by SILAR, Open Chem., Vol. 16 (2018), 757-762.
  8. R. Demir, Fatma Göde, Preparation and characterization of polycrystalline CdS thin films deposited by chemical bath deposition, Mater. Focus, Vol. 7, (2018), 351-355.
  9. Fatma Göde, İ. Afşin Kariper, Emine Güneri, Serdar Ünlü, Effect of complexing agent on the structural, optical and electrical properties of polycrystalline -In2S3 thin films deposited by chemical bath deposition, Acta Phys. Pol. A, Vol. 132, No. 3, (2017), 527-530.
  10. Fatma Gode, O. Baglayan, E. Guneri, P-type nanostructure PbS thin films prepared by the SILAR method, Chalcogenide Lett., Vol. 12, (2015), 519-528.
  11. F. Göde, F. Yavuz, İ.A. Kariper, Preparation and characterization of nanocrystalline PbS thin films produced by chemical bath deposition, Acta Phys. Pol. A, Vol. 127, (2015), B215-B218.
  12. R. Demir, F. Göde, Structural, optical and electrical properties of nanocrystalline CdS thin films grown by chemical bath deposition, Chalcogenide Lett., Vol. 12, No. 2 (2015) 1-8.
  13. E. Guneri, F. Gode, S. Çevik, Influence of grain size on structural and optic properties of PbS thin films produced by SILAR method, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 589, (2015), 578-583.
  14. F. Gode, E. Guneri O. Baglayan, Effect of tri-sodium citrate concentration on structural, optical and electrical properties of chemically deposited Tin Sulfide films, Appl. Surf. Sci., Vol. 318, (2014), 227-233.
  15. F. Göde, E. Güneri, F.M. Emen, V. Emir Kafadar, S. Ünlü, Synthesis, structural, optical, electrical and thermoluminescence properties of chemically deposited PbS thin films, J. Lum. Vol. 147, (2014), 41-48.
  16. C. Ulutas, E. Guneri, F. Kirmizigul, G. Altindemir, F. Gode, C. Gumus, -MnS thin films prepared by chemical bath deposition: Effect of bath temperature on their physical properties, Mater. Chem. Phys. 138 (2013) 817-822.
  17. Emine Güneri, Fatma Göde, Behiye Boyarbay, Cebrail Gümüş, Structural and optical studies of chemically deposited Sn2S3 thin films, Mater. Res. Bull., Vol. 47, (2012), 3738-3742.
  18. A. Kariper, E. Güneri, F. Göde, C. Gümüs, T. özpozan, The structural, electrical and optical properties of CdS thin films as a function of pH, Mater. Chem. Phys., Vol. 129, (2011), 183-188.
  19. F. Göde, Annealing temperature effect on the structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnS thin films, Physica B: Condense Matter, Vol. 406, (2011), 1653-1659.
  20. E. Guneri, C. Ulutas, F. Kirmizigul, G. Altindemir, F. Gode, C. Gumus, Effect of deposition time on structural, electrical, and optical properties of SnS thin films deposited by chemical bath deposition, Appl. Surf. Sci., Vol. 257, (2010), 1189-1195.
  21. F. Göde, C. Gümüş, Influences of copper and manganese concentrations on the properties of polycrystalline ZnS:Cu and ZnS:Mn thin films, J. Optoelectron. Adv. M., Vol. 11, No. 4, (2009), 429-436.
  22. F. Göde, C. Gümüş, M. Zor, Influence of the thickness on physical properties on chemical bath deposited hexagonal ZnS thin films, Journal of Optoelectron. Adv. M., Vol. 9, No. 7, (2007), 2186-2191.
  23. F. Göde, C. Gümüş, M. Zor, Investigations on the physical properties of the polycrystalline ZnS thin films deposited by the chemical bath deposition method, J. Cryst. Growth, Vol. 299, (2007), 136-141.

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