
Prof. M. Levent Kavvas

University of California, USA

UCD Hydrologic Research Laboratory

J. Amorocho Hydraulics Laboratory






Ph.D., Civil Engineering, in the Hydraulics and Systems area; Purdue University, W. Lafayette, Indiana (as Fulbright Scholar and Purdue University Victor O’Schaunessy Fellow)

M.S., Civil Engineering, in the Hydrology and Water Resources Program, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, Colorado (as Fulbright Scholar)


Publications (Selected)

  1. M.L. Kavvas and A. Ercan, "Time-space fractional governing equations of unsteady open channel flow", J. of Hydrologic Engineering.22 (2) 04016052-1-7,, 2017.
  2. A. Ercan and M.L. Kavvas, "Scaling Relations and Self-Similarity of 3-Dimensional Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations", Nature-Scientific Reports, 7: 6416, doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-06669-z, 2017.
  3. T. Trinh, K. Ishida, M. L. Kavvas, A. Ercan, K. Carr, "Assessment of 21st century drought conditions at Shasta Dam based on dynamically projected water supply conditions by a regional climate model coupled with a physically-based hydrology model", Science of the Total Environment, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.01.202; 586, 197-205, 2017.
  4. M.L. Kavvas, A. Ercan, J. Polsinelli. "Governing equations of transient soil water flow and soil water flux in multi-dimensional fractional anisotropic media and fractional time", Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., Special Issue: Modeling hydrological processes and changes. 21, 1547-1557, doi: 10.5194/hess-21-1547-2017, 2017. A. Dib and M.L. Kavvas. "Ensemble modeling of stochastic unsteady open-channel flow in terms of its time-space evolutionary probability distribution: theoretical development" Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. -, 2017 A. Dib and M.L. Kavvas, " Ensemble modeling of stochastic unsteady open-channel flow in terms of its time-space evolutionary probability distribution: numerical application" Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. -, 2017
  5. K. Ishida, M.L. Kavvas, S. Jang, Z.Q. Chen, N. Ohara, M.L. Anderson, "Physically based estimation of maximum precipitation over three watersheds in Northern California: atmospheric boundary condition shifting", Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE. 1943-5584.0001026, 2014.
  6. S. Jang, M.L. Kavvas. "Downscaling global climate simulations to regional scales: Statistical downscaling versus dynamical downscaling", Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE. 1943-5584.0000939, 2014.
  7. M.L. Kavvas, S. Kure, Z.Q. Chen, N. Ohara, S. Jang. “WEHY-HCM for Modeling Interactive Atmospheric-Hydrologic Processes at Watershed Scale: I. Model Description”, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 18(10), 1262-1271, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE. 1943-5584. 0000724, 2013.
  8. M.L. Kavvas, "Some issues and emerging methods in the modeling of hydrologic processes", (Invited paper on the occasion of Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources International Award). Journal of the Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, Vol. 29, No.1, pp.4-13, 2016.

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