Prof. Rakesh Guglani
Asia-Pacific Institute of Management
1983 M.A. (Econ.), Panjab University Chandigarh
1989 DFM, University of Bombay, Mumbai
2007 M.Sc.(Insurance), ICFAI University
2011 Ph.D., Panjab University
2015 MBA(Banking and Finance), IGNOU
Research Fields
Banking Laws and Practice; Treasury Management; Financial Engineering and Risk Management; Financial Derivatives;
Financial Econometrics;Financial Innovations; Banking and Financial Services; Entrepreneurship Development for MSME;
Project Appraisal and Finance;Microfinance and Cooperative Management.
Selected Publications
Guglani, Rakesh (2014): Financial Intelligence – Challenges, Prospects and Strategy for India. (International) Journal of Management Research and Analysis.
Guglani, Rakesh and Somasundaran, CP (2014): Connected the Unconnected – Taking the Financial Services to the Last Mile. (International) Journal of School of Business Galgotia University
Guglani, Rakesh (2014): Financing for Better Family Ties and Lesser Violence
Guglani, Rakesh, (2013): Bridging Socio-economic and Cultural Fissures – A Case Study on Critical Infrastructure in Rural Karnataka; International Postgraduate Business Journal, ISSN Online 2180-2416 Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business (OYAGSB), Universiti IPBJ Vol. 5 (Special Issues) (2), 127 – 144.
Sahoo, B B and Rakesh Guglani (2013): Agricultural Risks and Coping Mechanisms: A case study of two districts in Karnataka, National Symposium on Current Concerns in Indian Agriculture, 08-09 March 2013, Karnataka University, pp. 1-32.
Guglani, Rakesh (2012): Socio-economic and Political Dimensions of Empowering Women in Haryana, Business Education in India, 2012, pp.96-105
Profile Details