
Prof. Emilio Defez Candel

Department of Applied Mathematics

Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain

Full Professor


Research fields

Matrix differential equations

Matrix special functions

Orthogonal polynomials

Numerical methods


1996 Ph.D., mathematical sciences, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain

1992 B. Sc., mathematics., University of Valencia, Spain

Publications (Selected)

  1. L. JÓDAR , E. DEFEZ, Analytic-numerical solution with a priori error bounds for time dependent mixed Partial differential problems. Computer & Mathematics with Applications, 34 (12), 45-59, 1997.
  2. L. JÓDAR, E. DEFEZ, A connection between Laguerre’s and Hermite’s matrix polynomials. Applied Mathematical letters, 11 (1), 13-17, 1998.
  3. E. DEFEZ, L. JÓDAR, Some applications of Hermite matrix polynomials series expansions, Journal Computational and Applied Mathematics, 99, 105-117, 1998.
  4. E. DEFEZ, A. HERVÁS, A. LAW , J. VILLANUEVA-OLLER, R. J. VILLANUEVA, Progressive transmission of Images: pc-based computations, using orthogonal matrix polynomials. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 32, 1125-1140, 2000.
  5. E. DEFEZ, A. LAW, J. VILLANUEVA-OLLER, R. J. VILLANUEVA, Matrix cubic splines for progressive transmission of images. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 17, 41-53, 2002.
  6. A. J. DURÁN, E. DEFEZ, Orthogonal matrix polynomials and quadrature formulas, Linear Algebra And its Applications, 345, 71-84, 2002.
  7. J. CAMACHO , E. DEFEZ, L. JÓDAR, J.V. ROMERO, Discrete numerical solution of coupled mixed hyperbolic problems. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 8-9(46), 1183-1193, 2003.
  8. R. COMPANY, E. DEFEZ, L.JÓDAR, Exact and analytic numerical solution of coupled parabolic mixed problems in a semi-infinite medium. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 47, 381-390, 2004.
  9. E. DEFEZ, A. HERVÁS, L.JÓDAR, A. LAW, Bounding Hermite matrix polynomials. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 40, 117-126, 2004.
  10. E. DEFEZ, L.JÓDAR, A. LAW, Jacobi matrix differential equation, polynomial solutions and their properties. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 48, 789-803, 2004.
  11. E. DEFEZ, L. SOLER, A. HERVÁS, C. SANTAMARÍA, Numerical solution of matrix differential models using cubic matrix splines. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 50, 693-699, 2005.
  12. J. SASTRE, E. DEFEZ, On the asymptotics of Laguerre matrix polynomials for large x and n. Applied Mathematical letters, 19, 721-727, 2006.
  13. J. SASTRE, E. DEFEZ, L. JÓDAR, Laguerre matrix polynomials series expansion: Theory and computer applications. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 44, 1025-1043, 2006.
  14. E. DEFEZ, A. HERVÁS, L. SOLER, M.M. TUNG, Numerical Solutions of Matrix Differential Models using Cubic Matrix Splines II. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 46, 657-669, 2007.
  15. E. PONSODA, E. DEFEZ, M.D. ROSELLÓ, J.V. ROMERO, A stable numerical method for solving variable coefficient advection-diffusion models. Computers & Mathematics with Applications 56 (2008), 754–768.
  16. M.M. TUNG, E. DEFEZ, J. SASTRE, Numerical Solutions of Second-Order Matrix Models using Cubic-Matrix Splines. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 56, 2561-2571, 2008.
  17. E. DEFEZ, J. SASTRE, J. IBAÑEZ, P. RUIZ, Computing matrix functions solving coupled differential models. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 50, 831-839, 2009.
  18. E. DEFEZ, M. M. TUNG, J. SASTRE, Improvement on the Bound of Hermite Matrix Polynomials. Linear Algebra And its Applications, 434, 1910-1919, 2011.
  19. J. SASTRE, J. IBAÑEZ, E. DEFEZ, P. RUIZ, Efficient orthogonal matrix polynomial based method for computing matrix exponential. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217, 6451–6463, 2011.
  20. J. SASTRE, E. DEFEZ, L. JÓDAR, Application of Laguerre matrix polynomials to the numerical inversion of Laplace transforms of matrix functions. Applied Mathematics Letters, 24, 1527-1532, 2011.

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