
Dr. Shi Lin

Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong(China)
Research Assistant Professor


2008 M.Phil-PhD, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (China), Computer Science
2001 B.Sc., Xidian University, China, Computer Science

Publications (selected)

  1. Lin Shi, Shangping Liu, Defeng Wang, Hing-lok Wong, Wen-hua Huang, Yi-Xiang J. Wang, James F. Griffith, Ping-chung Leung, Anil T. Ahuja. Computerized Quantification of Bone Tissue and Marrow in Stained Microscopic Images. Cytometry: Part A(SCI 5-year IF: 2.895) (to appear)
  2. Liu S, Shi L, Wang T, Wang D, Chu WCW, Chen J, Jiang Z, Wang W, Ahuja AT. MRI-guided Navigation and Positioning Solution for Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Biomedical Engineering. (to appear)
  3. Lin Shi, Wen Liu, Heye Zhang, Yongming Xie, Defeng Wang. A survey of GPU-based medical image computing techniques. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery (to appear)
  4. Wang D, Kong Y, Shi L*, Ahuja AT, Cheng JCY, Chu WCW. Fully Automatic Stitching of Diffusion Tensor Images in Spinal Cord. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. (SCI IF: 2.1) (to appear)
  5. Defeng Wang, Lin Shi*, Winnie C.W. Chu, R. Geoffrey Burwell, Jack C.Y. Cheng, Anil T. Ahuja. Abnormal cerebral cortical thinning pattern in adolescent girls with idiopathic scoliosis, NeuroImage 2012, 59(2): 935-42 (SCI 5-year IF: 6.884).
  6. Defeng Wang, Lin Shi*, James F. Griffith, Ling Qin, David TW Yew, Christopher M Riggs. Comprehensive Surface-Based Morphometry Reveals the Association of Fracture Risk and Bone Geometry. Journal of Orthopaedic Research. 2012 Aug; 30(8): 1277-84 (SCI 5-year IF: 3.385)
  7. Hongluan Yu, Qi Li, Defeng Wang, Lin Shi, Gang Lu, Lin Sun, Li Wang, Wei Zhu, Ying T. Make, Naikei Wong, Yixiang Wang, Fang Pan. Mapping the central effects of chronic ketamine administration in an adolescent primate model by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Neurotoxicology 33(1): 70–77, 2012 (SCI IF 3.096)
  8. Chu WCW, Wu JCY, Yew DTW, Zhang L, Shi L, Yeung DKW, Wang D, Tong RKY, Chan YW, Lao LX, Leung PC, Berman BM, Sung JJY. Does Acupuncture Therapy Alter Activation of Neural Pathway for Pain Perception in Irritable Bowel Syndrome – A Comparative Study of True and Sham Acupuncture Using Functional MRI. Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility (to appear)
  9. Zhang MQ, Li F, He Y, Shi L, Wang D, Lui LM. Registration of Brainstem Surfaces in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis using Discrete Ricci Flow. 2012. Lecture Notes of Computer Science. Springer.
  10. Hu M, Chu WC, Yamashita S, Yeung DK, Shi L, Wang D, Masuda D, Yang Y, Tomlinson B. Liver fat reduction with niacin is influenced by DGAT-2 polymorphisms in hypertriglyceridaemic patients. J Lipid Res. (SCI IF: 6.115) 2012. 53(4):802-9.
  11. Shi L, Hui CN, Wang D, Chu WCW, Yu CM, Ahuja AT, Application Of Diffusion Tensor Imaging In Myocardial Infarction, European Heart Journal Supplements 2012, 14: A35 (SCI 5-year IF: 9.275).
  12. Lin Shi, Defeng Wang, Winnie C.W. Chu, Tien-Tsin Wong, Geoffrey R. Burwell, and Jack C.Y. Cheng, Pheng Ann Heng. MRI Segmentation and Morphoanatomy Analysis of the Vestibular System in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis, NeuroImage2011; 54 Suppl 1: S180-8. (SCI 5-year IF: 6.884).
  13. Lin Shi, Defeng Wang, Benson H. Y. Yeung, Winnie C.W. Chu, James Griffith, Pheng Ann Heng, and Jack C.Y. Cheng, Anil T Ahuja, Computational Enhancement of Shape Measurement and Statistical Morphometry of Forearm Bones from 2D Cross-Sectional pQCT Images: A Study of Girls with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis Vs Normal Controls, Medical Engineering & Physics. 33 (2011), pp. 1103-1107 (SCI 5-year IF: 2.314).
  14. Lin Shi, Defeng Wang, Mark Driscoll, Winnie CW Chu, Isabelle Villemure, Jack CY Cheng, Carl-Eric Aubin, Modelling of Biomechanics of Vertebral Column Overgrowth in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis, Scoliosis 2011, 6:11. (IF: 1.31) (Highly Accessed. Total accesses to this article since publication: 2378, only access from Scoliosis website was counted).
  15. Defeng Wang, Lin Shi, Yi-Xiang J. Wang, Gene Chi-Wai Man, Pheng Ann Heng, James F. Griffith, Anil T. Ahuja. Color Quantification for Evaluation of the Stained Tissues. Cytometry: Part A (SCI 5-year IF: 2.895) 2011; 79(4): 311-6 (cover page).
  16. X. Qiu, L. Shi, P. Tony, P. Alain, and Defeng Wang, Atlas-guided Correction of Brain Histology Distortion, Journal of Pathology Informatics, 2011, 2:7.
  17. Lin Shi, Defeng Wang, Christopher M Riggs, Ling Qin, James F Griffith. Statistical Analysis of Bone Mineral Density Using Voxel-Based Morphometry ---An Application on Proximal Sesamoid Bones in Racehorses. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 2011;29(8):1230-6 (SCI 5-year IF: 3.385).
  18. Yi-Xiang J. Wang, Thibault Quercy-Jouvet, Hao-Hao Wang, Ak-Wai Li, Chun-Pong Chak, Shouhu Xuan, Lin Shi, De-Feng Wang, Siu-Fung Lee, Ping-Chung Leung, Clara B. S. Lau, Kwok-Pui Fung and Ken Cham-Fai Leung Article: Efficacy and Durability in Direct Labeling of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Using Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles with Organosilica, Dextran, and PEG Coatings. Materials 2011, 4(4), 703-715; doi:10.3390/ma4040703.
  19. XIN Shi-qing; HE Ying; FU Chi-wing; WANG Defeng; SHI Lin; CHU Chiu Wing Winnie; GU Xianfeng David and LUI Lok Ming. "Euclidean Geodesic Loops on High-genus Surfaces Applied to the Morphometry of Vestibular Systems." Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2011, 6892: 384-392.
  20. Chu WCW, Wang D, Shi L, Rasalkar DD, Heng PA, Cheng JCY. "Difference in Shape and Relative Alignment of Semicircular Canals in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS) Comparing with Normal Controls: High Resolution MR Imaging and Morphometry Study". Pediatric Radiology 2011,vol.41 no.Suppl 1, pp.S299. (SCI 5-yaer IF: 1.364).
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