
Prof. Richard J. Ablin

Department of Pathology

University of Arizona College of Medicine, USA

Research Professor



1967  Ph.D., Major Microbiology, Minor Immunology, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA

1962 A.B., Major Biology, Minor Chemistry, Lake Forest College, USA


  1. M. ZAVIAČIČ, R.J. ABLIN, T. ZAVIAČIČ, M. KOPÁNI, S ŠTVRTINA, K. HOLOMÁŇ and J. BREZA. Signet ring cell carcinoma of skene’s gland (“the female prostate”): Histological and electronmicroscopicanalysis of a biopsy case. UroOncology, 2: 199, 2002.
  2. M. ZAVIAČIČ, T. ZAVIAČIČ, R. ABLIN and Y. ITOH. Prostate-specific antigen and progress in the prostate orthology and pathology: Special reference to the female prostate. Rinsho Kensa (J. Med. Technol.), 47: 1015, 2003.
  3. W.G. JIANG, R. ABLIN, A. DOUGLAS-JONES and R.E. MANSEL. Expression of transglutaminases in human breast cancer and their possible clinical significance.  Oncol. Rep., 10: 2039, 2003.
  4. X. HE, T.C. TSANG, B.L. PIPES, R.J. ABLIN  and  D.T. HARRIS. A stem cell fusion model of carcinogenesis. J. Exptl. Therapeut. Oncol., 5:101, 2005.
  5. A. S. RIVETTE, E.J. TOKAR, D. E. WILLIAMS, C. D. MACKENZIE, R .J. ABLIN and M.M WEBBER. Selection of cell  lines with enhanced invasive phenotype from xenografts of the human prostate cancer cell line WPE1-NB26. J. Exptl. Therapeut. Oncol., 5: 111, 2005.
  6. E.J. TOKAR, B.B. ANCRILE, R. J. ABLIN and M. M. WEBBER. Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) and the retinoid N-(4-hydroxyphenyl)retinamide (4-HPR) are synergistic for  chemoprevention of prostate cancer. J. Exptl. Therapeut. Oncol., 5: 323, 2006.
  7. G. DAVIES, R.J. ABLIN, M.D. MASON and W.G. JIANG.  Expression of the prostate transglutaminase (TGase-4) in prostate cancer cells and its impact on the invasiveness of prostate cancer. J. Exptl. Therapeut. Oncol., 6: 257, 2007.
  8. W.G. JIANG, R.J. ABLIN, H. G. KYNASTON and M.D. MASON. The prostate transglutaminase (TGase-4) regulates the interaction of prostate cancer and vascular endothelial cells, a potential role for ROCK. Microvascular Res., 77: 150, 2009.
  9. M.A. BROWN, R.J. ABLIN and D.N. WHEATLEY.  Reflections on the responsible conduct of cancer research. Cancer Cell Int. 10:5, 2010.
  10. W.G. JIANG, L. YE, R.J. ABLIN, H.G. KYNASTON and M.D. MASON. The prostate transglutaminase, TGase-4, coordinates with the HGFL/MSP-RON system in stimulating the migration of prostate cancer cells. Int. J. Oncol., 37:413, 2010.
  11. R.J. ABLIN, H.G. KYNASTON, M.D. MASON and W.G. JIANG. Prostate transglutaminase (TGase-4) antagonizes the anti-tumour action of MDA-7/IL-24 in prostate cancer. J. Transl. Med., 9:49, 2011.

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