
Prof. Firoze Khan

The University of Texas Medical Branch, USA





1983    Ph.D., Biochemistry, Industrial Toxicology Research Centre, Lucknow & Aligarh Muslim. University (AMU), India

1980    M.Sc., Biochemistry, Central Drug Research Institute. Lucknow & AMU, Aligarh, India

1978    M.Sc., Biochemistry AMU, India

1976    B.Sc., Chemistry, AMU, Aligarh, India


Publications (Selected)

  1. Khan MF. Enhanced analgesic activity of liposomized met enkephalin analogue. Ind J Biochem Biophys 18:440 441, 1981. 
  2. Khan MF, Jaffery FN, Ali S, Rahman Q.  Biochemical studies on the toxicity of slate mine dust.  Environ Health Perspect 51:305 310, 1983.   
  3. Singh SV, Das B, Khan, MF, Rahman Q.  Binding of silicic acid from slate dust to human plasma protein component.  Biol Mem 8:165 171, 1983.   
  4. Khan MF, Ali S, Singh SV, Rahman Q, Viswanathan PN.  Pulmonary biochemical response to slate dust in rats.  J Appl Toxicol 4:87 91, 1984.  
  5. Singh SV, Das B, Khan MF, Rahman Q.  Interaction of silicate dusts with erythrocyte ghost membranes: In vitro studies.  J Appl Toxicol 4:236 240, 1984.  
  6. Khan MF, Singh SV, Rahman Q.  Alveolar macrophage and its role in the toxicity of particulate air pollutants.  Biol Mem 9:210 221, 1984.   
  7. Singh SV, Das B, Khan MF and Rahman Q.  Binding of silicic acid to proteins from plasma and lung of rats: In vitro.  Chem Biol Interactions 49:155 164, 1984.    
  8. Singh SV, Khan MF and Rahman Q.  Interaction of silica with plasma proteins: In vivo studies.  Toxicol Lett 28:89-92, 1985. 
  9. Khan MF, Ali S, Rahman Q.  Bioreactivity of intratracheally administered slate dust:Incorporation of 14C acetate into lung lipids.J Appl Toxicol 9:305 311, 1989.  
  10. 10. Khan MF, Gallagher JE, Brody AR.  Effect of alveolar lining layer proteins and lipids on particle binding and phagocytosis.  Toxicol In Vitro 4:93 101, 1990.   
  11. Khan MF, Abidi P, Anwer J, Ray PK, Anand M.  Pulmonary biochemical assessment of fenitrothion toxicity in rats.  Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 45:598 603, 1990.   
  12. Khan MF, Kaphalia BS, Ansari GAS.  Heated linoleic acid anilide reduces serum enzyme activities in rats. Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol 73:107 110, 1991.  
  13. 13. Khan MF, Kaphalia BS, Palafox A, Jerrells TR, Ansari GAS.  Heated linoleic acid anilide:Toxicity and relevance to toxic oil syndrome. Toxicology 68:143 155, 1991.  
  14. Lemaire I, Jones S, Khan MF.  Bombesin like peptides in alveolar macrophage -increased release in pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis. Neuropeptides 20:63 72, 1991.  
  15. Khan MF, Kaphalia BS, Palafox A, Jerrells TR, Ansari GAS. Toxicity of oleic acid anilide in rats.  Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 21:571 577, 1991.  
  16. Boor PJ, Khan MF, Kaphalia BS, Jerrells TR, Ansari GAS.  Synergistic vascular toxicity and fatty acid anilides in the toxic oil syndrome.  J Am Coll Cardiol 18:1824 1828, 1991.  
  17. Khan MF, Gupta GSD.  Cellular and biochemical indices of bronchoalveolar lavage for the detection of lung injury following insult by airborne toxicants.  Toxicol Lett  58:239 255, 1991.  
  18. Kaphalia BS, Khan MF, Ansari GAS. Reduced activities of serum lactate dehydrogenase and aminotransferases due to an oral administration of 2 chloroethyllinoleate in rats.  Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 48:308 312, 1992. 
  19. 19. Kaphalia BS, Bhat HK, Khan MF, Ansari GAS. Tissue distribution of monochloroacetic acid and its binding to albumin in rats. Toxicol Ind Health 8:53 61,1992.  
  20. Kaphalia BS, Khan MF, Ansari GAS. Toxic response to repeated oral administration of 2 chloroethyllinoleate in rats. Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol 76:209-222, 1992.  
  21. Khan MF, Kaphalia BS, Ansari GAS.  Toxic response of linoleic acid anilide in female rats.  Res Commun Chem Pathol Pharmacol 77:241 244, 1992.  
  22. Khan MF, Kaphalia BS, Boor PJ, Ansari GAS. Subchronic toxicity of aniline hydrochloride in rats.  Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 24:368-374, 1993.  
  23. Ahmad F, Kaphalia BS, Khan MF, Ansari GAS.  Fatty acid anilides: A new conjugation pathway of aniline.  Biochem Arch 9:111-118, 1993. 
  24. Khan MF, Boor PJ, Kaphalia BS, Alcock NW, Ansari GAS.  Hematopoietic toxicity of linoleic acid anilide: Importance of aniline.  Fundam Appl Toxicol 25:224-232, 1995. 
  25. Ansari GAS, Kaphalia BS, Khan MF.  Fatty acid conjugates of xenobiotics.  Toxicol Lett 75:1 17, 1995.


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