
Dr. Mathew T. Mathew

University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford, IL, USA



2005 Ph.D., University of Strathclyde, Mechanical Engineering

2000 M.S., Visvesvaraya Technological University, Mechanical Engineering

Publications (selected)

  1. Barao V, Mathew MT, Cortino S, Wimmer MA. Stability of cp-Ti and Ti-6Al-4V alloy for dental implants as a function of saliva pH–an electrochemical study, accepted in Clinical Oral Implants Research, COIR-Oct-10-OR-1875.
  2. Mathew MT, Pourzal R, Hallab NJ, Uth T, Fischer A, Wimmer MA. Construction of a tribocorrosion test apparatus for the hip joint: Validation, test methodology and analysis, accepted in Wear (doi:10.1016/j.wear.2011.01.085).
  3. Mathew MT, Runa MJ, Laurent M, Jacobs JJ, Rocha LA, Wimmer MA. Tribocorrosion behavior of CoCrMo alloy for hip prosthesis as a function of loads: A comparison between two testing systems, accepted in Wear (doi:10.1016/j.wear.2011.01.086).
  4. Barao V, Mathew MT, Cortino S, Wimmer MA. Influence of LPS on the corrosion behaviour of Titanium, as a function of pH, Accepted in Journal of Dental Research 2011; 90 5: 613.
  5. Mathew MT, Ariza E, Rocha LA, Vaz F, Fernandes AC, Stack MM. Tribocorrosion behaviour of TiCxOy thin films in bio-fluids, Electrochemical Acta 2010; 56 2: 929-937.
  6. Stack MM, Jirka J, Mathew MT, Jawan H, Huang W, Park G, Hodge C. Micro-abrasion-corrosion of a Co-Cr/UHMWPE couple in Ringer's solution: an approach to construction of mechanism and synergism maps for application to bio-implants Wear 2010: 269 5-6: 376-382, 2010.
  7. Kanagaraj S, Mathew MT, Fatima RV, Oliveira MSA, Simões JAO, Rocha LA. In vitro studies on multi walled carbon nanotubes/ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene nanocomposites, accepted in Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research 2010; 43: 476-482.
  8. Novo J, Mathew MT, Covas J, Gomes JR, Rocha LA. Tribological, rheological and mechanical characterization of polymer blends for ropes and nets, Accepted in Tribology international 2010; 43 8: 1400-1409.
  9. Kanagaraj S, Mathew MT, Fatima RV, Oliveira MSA, Simões JAO, Rocha LA. Tribological characterization of CNT UHMWPE composite: Effect of sliding distance, International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering 2010; 4: 305-321.
  10. Mathew MT, Srinivasa Pai P, Fischer A, Wimmer MA. Tribocorrosion: Review, current status, and future perspective, Published in Recent advances in Tribology 2009; 12: Article ID 250986.
  11. Mathew MT, Padaki NV, Rocha LA, Gomes JR, Alagirusamy R, Deopura BL, Fangueiro R. Tribological Properties of the directionally oriented warp knit textile polymer composites: Effect of sliding frequency, Wear 2009; 267; 1-4: 26-33.
  12. Mathew MT, Srinivasa Pai P, Stack MM, Rocha LA, Some thoughts on neural network modelling of microabrasion–corrosion processes, Tribology International, 2008; 41 7: 672-681.
  13. Mathew MT, Rocha LA, Ariza E, Vaz F, Fernandes AC, Carvalho P. TiCxOy thin films for decorative applications Tribocorrosion Mechanism, Tribology International, 2008; 7: 603-615.
  14. Mathew MT, Srinivasa Pai P, Rocha LA. An effective sensor for tool wear monitoring in face milling: Acoustic emission, SADHANA, Journal of Indian Science Academy, June 2008.
  15. Mathew MT, Matijevic B, Stack MM, Rocha LA, Ariza E. Micro-abrasion resistance of thermochemically treated steels in aqueous solutions, Tribology International, 2008; 41 2: 141-149.
  16. Mathew MT, Padaki NV, Rocha LA, Gomes JR, Alagirusamy R, Deopura BL, Fangueiro R. Tribological Properties of the directionally oriented warp knit GFRP composites, Wear 2007; 263 7-12.
  17. Stack MM, Mathew MT, Jawan H. On the construction of micro-abrasion maps for a steels/polymer couple in corrosive environment, Tribology International 2005; 38 9: 848-856.
  18. Stack MM, Mathew MT. Transitions in micro-abrasion mechanisms for HVOF coated steels, Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2005; 219 1: 49-57.
  19. Stack MM, Mathew MT. Micro-abrasion interactions of pure metals in Bio-oils, Journal of Synthetic Lubrication, 2004; 21-2: 105-117.
  20. Stack MM, Mathew MT. Mapping the micro-abrasion resistance of WC/Co based Coatings in aqueous conditions-comparison with the performance of metallic materials, Surface and Coatings Technology 2004; 183 2-3: 337-346.

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