
Dr. Hitoshi Komuro
Lerner Research Institute, USA



1987 Ph.D., Department of Physiology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan

1983 M.S., Department of Physiology, University of Tokyo, Japan

1981 B.S., Department of Biological Science, Hirosaki University, Japan

Publications (Selected)

  1. Falluel-Morel, A., Vaudry, D., Komuro, H., Gorecki, D., Galas, L., Vaudry, H. (2010) Neurotrophic effects of PACAP in the cerebellar cortex. In: Hormones in Neurodegeneration, Neuroprotection and Neurogenesis, Wiley VCH-Books.
  2. Kumada, T., Komuro, Y., Li, Y., Littner, Y. and Komuro, H. (2010) Neuronal cell migration in fetal alcohol syndrome. In: International Handbook of Behavior, Diet and Nutrition (Preedy VR, Watson RR, Martin CR, eds) New York; Springer.
  3. Kiryu-Seo, S., Ohno, N., Kidd, G. J., Komuro, H., Trapp, B. D. (2010) Demyelination increases axonal stationary mitochondrial size and the speed of axonal mitochondrial transport. Journal of Neuroscience 30:6658-6666.
  4. Kumada, T., Komuro, Y., Li, Y., Wang, Z., Littner, Y. and Komuro, H. (2010) Inhibition of cerebellar granule cell turning by alcohol. Neuroscience 170:1328-1344.
  5. Komuro, Y., Kumada, T., Ohno, N., Foote, K. D., Komuro, H. (2010) Migration in the cerebellum. In: Comprehensive Developmental Neuroscience (Rubenstein, J., Rakic, P., eds), Oxford: Elsevir (in press).
  6. Komuro, Y., Fahrion, J., Foote, K. D., Komuro, H. (2010) Granule cell migration and differentiation. In: handbook of the Cerebellum and Cerebellar Disorders (Manto, M., Gruol, D., Schmahmann, J., Koibuchi, N., Rossi F., eds), New York; Springer.
  7. Ohno N, kidd, G. J., Kiryu-Seo, S., Avishai, A., Komuro, H., Trapp, B. D. (2010) Myelination and axonal electrical activity modulate the distribution and motility of mitochondria at nodes of ranvier in the central nervous system. Journal of Neuroscience (in revision).
  8. Komuro, Y., Fahrion, J., Li, Y., Foote, K, D., Komuro, H. (2010) The effects of methylmercury on cerebellar granule cell migration. Neuroscience (in revision).
  9. Komuro, Y., Foote, K, D., Fahrion, J., Li, Y., Komuro, H. (2010) Amelioration of the effects of methylmercury exposure on granule cell migration by altering the second messenger signaling pathways. Neuroscience (in revision).

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