
Dr. Adinel Gavrus

Department of Mechanical and Automatic Control

National Institute of Applied Sciences -Rennes, EuropeanUniversity of Brittany

Associate Professor



1993-1996  Ph.D., Thesis in Materials’ Sciences (Summa Cum Laude), Ecole Nat. Sup. des Mines de Paris (ENSMP), France

1992-1993  M.Sc., Special Metallurgy & Materials, ENSMP, Sophia Antipolis, France

1987-1992  B.Sc., Univ.ofGalati, Mech.Faculty, Romania

Publications (Selected)

  1. S. DIOT, D. GUINES, A. GAVRUS, E. RAGNEAU – “Forming Process of a 5083 Aluminium Alloy: Constitutive Model Covering a large Range of Temperature”, International Journal of Forming Processes, Vol. 9 (2), pp. 167-188, 2006.
  2. A. GAVRUS, H. FRANCILLETTE – “Formulation of anisotropic Hill criteriafor the description of an aluminium alloy behaviour during the channel die compression test“, American Institute of Physics, Journal of AIP Conference Proceedings, ISSN 0094-243X, vol. 907, n° 1, pp. 321-326, 2007.
  3. S. DIOT, D. GUINES, A. GAVRUS, E. RAGNEAU – “Two step procedure for identification of metal behaviour from dynamic compression tests”, Journal of Impact Engineering, Vol. 34, pp. 1163-1184, 2007.
  4. A. GAVRUS, M. BANU, E. RAGNEAU, C. MAIER, V. OLEKSIK – “An inverse analysis approach of the Erichsen test starting from a finite element model”, International Journal of Material Forming, Vol. 1, n° 1, Supp./1, pp. 5-8, 2008.
  5. D. GUINES, A. GAVRUS, E. RAGNEAU – “Numerical modelling of integrally stiffened structures from creep age forming technique”, Int. Journal of Material Forming, Vol. 1, n° 1, Supp./1, pp. 1071-1074, 2008.
  6. OLEKSIK V., BOLOGA O., RACZ G., BREAZ R., GAVRUS A. – ”Numerical simulations and experimental research regarding the precision of the incremental forming process”, Steel Research International, Vol. 79, n° Spec., vol. 1, pp. 591- 594, 2008.
  7. S. DIOT, D. GUINES, A. GAVRUS, E. RAGNEAU – “Minimization of friction influence on the evaluation of rheological parameters from compression test – Application to a forging steel behavior identification”, ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, vol. 131, n° 1, 10 pages, 2009.
  8. A. GAVRUS, M. BANU, E. RAGNEAU, C. MAIER – “ An Inverse Analysis of the Erichsen Test Applied for the Automatic Identification of Sheet Materials Behavior”, Engineering, vol.2, n° 7, pp 471-476, 2010.
  9. A. GAVRUS – “A Rheological Analysis of Solid Polymers Using an Inverse Method Applied to a Finite Element Model of the Torsion and Tensile Tests”, Proceedings of Romanian Academy Series A-Mathematics Physics, Technical Sciences, Information Science, vol. 11, n° 4, pp.363-370, 2010.
  10. V. OLEKSIK, A. PASCU, A. GAVRUS, M. OLEKSIK-"Experimental Studies Regarding The Single Point Incremental Forming Process“, Academic Journal of Manufacturing Engineering, vol.8, n° 2, pp. 51-56, 2010.
  11. A. GAVRUS, D. -T. PHAM, H. FRANCILLETTE – “Identification of Friction Parameters from the Inverse Analysis of a Direct Extrusion Test“, American Institute of Physics, Journal of AIP Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-0-7354-0871-5 , vol. 1315, n° 1, pp. 1455-1460, 2011.
  12. A. GAVRUS, H. FRANCILLETTE, D. -T. PHAM – “A New Friction Test Based on a Forward Extrusion Device Proposed for Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Materials Tribological Properties Corresponding to Bulk Forming Processes“, Tribology & International , vol.47, pp. 105-121, 2012.
  13. S. ZHANG, A. GAVRUS, H. FRANCILLETTE – “Analysis of the Anisotropic Behavior and of the Formability Aptitude for an AA2024 Alloy using the Channel Die Compression Test and the Simple Tension Test“, Key Engineering Materials, vol. 504-506, pp.23-28, 2012.
  14. A. GAVRUS – “Constitutive Equation for Description of Metallic Materials Behavior during Static and Dynamic Loadings Taking into Account Important Gradients of Plastic Deformation“, Key Engineering Materials, vol. 504-506, pp.697-702, 2012.
  15. A. GAVRUS, B. DAVOODI, E. RAGNEAU – “A study of material constitutive behaviour at elevated temperature from compressive SHPB test using an inverse analysis method”, EDP Sciences, Journal de Physique IV, 134, pp.661-666, 2006.
  16. P. CAESTECKER, A. GAVRUS, E. RAGNEAU - "Mise en évidence de l’influence de la loi de comportement sur la génération de la surface d’un copeau lors de la simulation numérique de la coupe orthogonale", Les Annales de l'Université de Galati, fascicule V, Technology in Mechanical Engineering, pp.5-10, 2006.

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