
Prof. Jordi Martí-Henneberg

University of Lleida, Pl. Victor Siurana, Spain



1986 Ph.D., Geography

1984 M.Sc., International Trade (MBA), ESADE, Barcelona

1982 B.Sc., Geography, University of Barcelona

Publications (selected)

1. Railways network and population distribution in Europe (1850-2000), editor, special issue for the Journal of Interdisciplinary History, including seven papers, accepted, due 2011, vol. 42 (1).

2. Space in History, Time in Geography. Applications of Geographical Information Systems to History, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, accepted, due 2011, vol. 42 (1).

3. Railways and population distribution, the case of France, Spain and Portugal, 1870-2000, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, accepted, due 2011, vol. 42: 1. With L. Mojica.

4. Transformations in the regional composition of a state in construction: Socioeconomic and transport data from Bulgaria: 1881-2002, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, accepted, due 2011, vol. 42: 1. With K. Stanev and M. Ivanov.

5. The railways, urbanisation and local demography in England & Wales, 1825-1911, Social Science History, 2010, vol. 34: 2, (199-228). With I. Gregory.

6. A GIS reconstruction of the population of Europe, 1870 to 2000, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 2009, 174. With I. Gregory and F. Tapiador.

7. Characterizing European high speed train stations using intermodal time and entropy metrics, Transportation Research A, 43, 2009 (197–208). With F. J. Tapiador and K. Burckhart.

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