
Prof. Alexander O. Kasumyan

Head of Department of Ichthyology, Faculty of Biology

Moscow State University, Russia



1995 Dr. Sc., Moscow State University, Russia

1977 Ph. D, Moscow State University, Russia

1973 M. D., Moscow State University, Russia

Publications (Selected)

  1. Lebedeva N. Ye., Malyukina G.A., Kasumyan A.O. 1975. The natural repellent in the skin of cyprinids // J. Ichthyology. V. 15. № 3. P. 472–480.
  2. Kasumyan A.O., Lebedeva N.E. 1977. On the chemical nature of the repellent of skin of the minnow // Biologicheskye nauki. № 1. P. 37–41 (in Russian).
  3. Malyukina G.A., Kasumyan A.O., Marusov E.A., Pashchenko N.I. 1977. Alarm pheromone and its significance in fish behaviour // Zhurnal obshey biologii. V. 38. № 1. P. 123–132 (in Russian).
  4. Kasumyan A.O., Lebedeva N.E. 1979. New data on the nature of the alarm pheromone in cyprinids // J. Ichthyology. V. 19. № 5. P. 109–114.
  5. Malyukina G.A., Kasumyan A.O., Marusov E.A. 1980. Significance of olfaction in fish behaviour // Sensory systems. Leningrad. P. 30–44 (in Russian).
  6. Soin S.G., Kasumyan A.O., Pashchenko N.I. 1981. Ecological and morphological analysis of the development of the minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus (Cyprinidae) // J. Ichthyology. V. 21. № 4. P. 90–105.
  7. Kasumyan A.O. 1982. The behavior reaction to alarm pheromone and olfactory sensitivity to these signals of cyprinid fishes // Pheromones and Behavior. Moscow: Nauka Publisher. P. 53–64 (in Russian).
  8. Kasumyan A.O., Pashchenko N.I. 1982. The role of olfaction in the defense reaction of grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella (Cyprinidae) to alarm pheromone // J. Ichthyology. V.22. № 2. P. 122–126.
  9. Lebedeva N.E., Kasumyan A.O., Golovkina T.V. 1982. Comparative biochemical characteristics of natural alarm chemical signals in prey-predator relationships in fishes // Chemical signals in animals. Moscow: Nauka Publisher. P. 310–317 (in Russian).
  10. Pashchenko N.I., Kasumyan A.O. 1983. Some morpho-functional features of the olfactory organ development in European minnow Phoxinus phoxinus (Cyprinifirmes, Cyprinidae) // Zool. J. (Zoologicheskiy zhurnal). V. 26. P. 12–25 (in Russian).
  11. Pashchenko N.I., Kasumyan A.O. 1984. Degenerative and restorative processes in the olfactory lining of white amur, Ctenopharyngodon idella (Cyprinidae) after treatment with detergent triton X-100 // J. Ichthyology. V. 24. P. 112–121.
  12. Kasumyan A.O., Pashchenko N.I. 1985. Olfactory way of alarm kairomone perception by fishes // Vestnik of Moscow University. Ser. 6. Biol. Pochvoved. V. 40. P. 50–54.
  13. Kasumyan A.O., Ponomarev V.Y. 1986. Study of the behavior of zebrafish, Brachydanio rerio, in response to natural chemical food stimuli // J. of Ichthyology. V. 26. № 5. P. 96–105.
  14. Pashchenko N.I., Kasumyan A.O. 1986. Morpho-functional features of the olfactory organ in cyprinid fishes.1. Morphology and function of olfactory organ during ontogeny of the white amur, Ctenopharyngodon idella // J. Ichthyology. V. 26. P. 12–25.
  15. Pashchenko N.I., Kasumyan A.O. 1986. About relationships between structure and functional properties olfactory organ in fishes // Chemical communication in animals. Moscow: Nauka Publisher. P. 172–178 (in Russian).
  16. Kasumyan A.O., Ponomarev V.Y. 1986. About the species specificity of alarm pheromone in fish from the order of Cypriniformes // Chemical communication in animals. Moscow: Nauka Publisher. P. 202–207 (in Russian).
  17. Kasumyan A.O., Ponomarev V.Y. 1987. Biochemical features of alarm pheromone in fish of the order Cypriniformes // J. Evol. Biochem. Physiol. V. 23. P. 20–24.
  18. Pavlov D.S., Kasumyan A.O. 1987. The study of behaviour and reception in fishes in the USSR // Voprosi Ichthiologii. V. 26. № 5. P. 761–770 (in Russian).
  19. Kasumyan A.O., Ponomarev V.Y. 1989. Role of chemoreception in feeding behavior of cyprininds // Chemosensitivity and chemocommunication in fishes. V.E.Sokolov (ed.). Moscow: Nauka Publisher. P. 123–131.
  20. Radisheva O/L/. Devitsina G.V., Kasumyan A.O., Malyukina G.A. 1989. The role of chemoreception in feeding in common carp and pike fingerlings // Chemosensitivity and chemocommunication in fishes. V.E.Sokolov (ed.). Moscow: Nauka Publisher. P. 115–122.
  21. Kasumyan A.O., Kazhlaev A.A. 1989. Behavioural response of sturgeon fingerlings on natural food chemical signals // Chemosensitivity and chemocommunication in fishes. V.E.Sokolov (ed.). Moscow: Nauka Publisher. P.  167–174.
  22. Kasumyan A.O., Marusov E.A., Malyukina G.A. 1989. The study of fish chemocommunication in the USSR // Chemical signals in fish biology. Moscow: Nauka Publisher. P. 35–57.
  23. Kasumyan A.O. 1989. The dead fish as source for chemical signals released into the environment // Химические сигналы в биологии рыб. Moscow: Nauka Publisher. P. 168–177.
  24. Kasumyan A.O., Ponomarev V.Y. 1990. The ontogeny of feeding behavior in relation to natural chemical signals in cyprinid fishes // J. Ichthyology. V. 30. № 5. P. 89–100.
  25. Pavlov D.S., Kasumyan A.O. 1990. Sensory principles of the feeding behaviour of fishes // J. Ichthyology. V. 30. № 6. P. 77–93.
  26. Malyukina G.A., Kasumyan A.O., Marusov E.A. 1990. Ecological aspects in fish chemical signalization // Voprosi ichthyiologii. V. 30. № 6. P. 891–896 (in Russian).
  27. Radisheva O.L., Devitsina G.V., Kasumyan A.O.  1990. The sensory basis of the feeding behavior of very young pike, Esox lucius // J. Ichthyology. V. 30. № 8. P. 25–36.
  28. Kasumyan A.O. 1991. The sensory mechanisms of fish chemocommunications reliability // The problems of chemical communications in animal. V.E.Sokolov (ed.). Moscow: Nauka Publisher P. 263–270 (in Russian).
  29. Kasumyan A.O., Ponomarev V.Y. 1991. The chemical signals for natural feeding of fish // J/ Ichthyology. V. 31. P. 77–86.
  30. Kasumyan A.O., Sidorov S.S., Pashchenko N.I., Nemchinov A.V. 1992. Extra- and intraoral sensitivity to amino acids in young sturgeon Acipenser gueldenstaedti // Doklady Biol. Sci. V. 322. P. 82–84.
  31. Kasumyan A.O. 1992. Development of olfactory and taste responses to chemical signals in acipenserid fishes // Chemical Signals in Vertebrates. Doty RL, Müller-Schwarze D (eds). Plenum Press, Philadelphia. P. 135–139.
  32. Kasumyan A.O. 1993. Behavioral reaction of male sturgeons to the releaser postovulatory sex pheromone of females // Doklady Biol. Sci. V. 333. P. 439–441.
  33. Kasumyan A.O., Kazhlaev A.A. 1993a. Formation of searching behavioral reaction and olfactory sensitivity to food chemical signals during ontogeny of sturgeons (Acipenseridae) // J. Ichthyology. V. 33. № 8. P. 51–65.
  34. Kasumyan A.O., Kazhlaev A.A. 1993b. Behavioral responses of early juveniles of Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baeri and stellate sturgeon A.stellatus (Acipenseridae) to gustatory stimulating substances // J. Ichthyology. V. 33.  № 9. P. 85–97.
  35. Kasumyan A.O., Sidorov S.S., Pashchenko N.I. 1993. Effect of water temperatures on taste sensitivity of fry of the stellate sturgeon Acipenser stellatus to free amino acids // Doklady Biol. Sci. V. 331. P. 265–267.
  36. Kasumyan A.O., Sidorov S.S. 1993a. Taste sensitivity of chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta to types of taste stimuli and amino acids // Sensory systems. V. 6. N 3. P. 222–225.
  37. Kasumyan A.O., Sidorov S.S. 1993b. Behavioral responses of Caspian brown trout parr, Salmo trutta caspius Kessler, to the main types of sapid substances // Moscow Univ. Biol. Sci. Bull. V. 48. № 2. P.48–53.
  38. Pavlov D.S., Kasumyan A.O. 1994. Study of fish behaviour and sensory systems in Russia. Communication 1. // J. Ichthyology. V. 34. № 9. P. 1–26.
  39. Kasumyan A.O. 1994. Olfactory sensitivity of the sturgeon to free amino acids // Biophysics. V. 39. № 3. P. 519–522.
  40. Kasumyan A.O., Taufik L.R. 1994. Behavioral reaction of juvenile sturgeons (Acipenseridae) to amino acids // J. of Ichthyology. V. 34. № 1. P. 90–103.
  41. Kasumyan A.O., Sidorov S.S. 1994. Comparison of intra- and extra-oral taste responses to free amino acids in three sturgeon species of the genus Acipenser // Biophysics. V. 39. № 3. P. 523–526.
  42. Kasumyan A.O. 1995. Olfactory and gustatory responsivity of young sturgeons and paddlefish to natural and artificial chemical stimuli // Proceeding of International Symposium on Acipenserids (eds. A.D.Gershanovich and T.I.J.Smith). VNIRO Publishing. Moscow. P. 22–33.
  43. Pavlov D.S., Kasumyan A.O. 1995. Study of fish behaviour and sensory systems in Russia. Communication 2. // J. Ichthyology. V. 35. № 2. P. 75–98.
  44. Pavlov D.S., Kasumyan A.O. 1995. Study of fish behaviour and sensory systems in Russia. Communication 3. // J. Ichthyology. V. 35. № 1. P. 124–138.
  45. Kasumyan A.O., Sidorov S.S. 1995а. Gustatory properties of free amino acids in Caspian trout Salmo trutta caspius // J. Ichthyology. V.35. P. 8–20.
  46. Kasumyan A.O., Sidorov S.S. 1995b. The palatability of free amino acids and classical taste substances to frolich charr, Salvelinus alpinus erythrinus (Georgi) // Nordic J. Freshwater Res. V. 71. P. 320–323.
  47. Kasumyan A.O., Sidorov S.S. 1995c. A comparative analysis of the taste responses of young salmon trout Salmo trutta trutta from populations of the Baltic and White Seas // Doklady Biol. Sci. V. 343. P. 389–391.
  48. Kasumyan A.O., Sidorov S.S., Kazhlaev A.A., Pashchenko N.I. 1995. Behavioral responses of young stellate sturgeon to smell and taste of artificial feeds and their compents // In: Proceeding of International Symposium on Acipenserids (eds. A.D.Gershanovich and T.I.J.Smith). VNIRO Publishing. Moscow. P. 278–288.
  49. Kasumyan A.O., Morsi A.M.H. 1996. Taste sensitivity of common carp Cyprinus carpio to free amino acids and classical taste substances // J. Ichthyology. V. 36. № 5. P. 391–403.
  50. Kasumyan A.O., Nikolaeva E. V. 1997. Taste preferences of Poecilia reticulata (Cyprinodontiformes) // J. Ichthyology. V. 37. № 8. P. 662–669.
  51. Kasumyan A.O., Morsy A.M.H. 1997. Taste preference for classic taste substances in juveniles of the grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella (Cyprinidae, Pisces) reared on various diets // Doklady Biol. Sci. V. 357. P. 562–564.
  52. Kasumyan A.O. 1997. Gustatory reception and feeding behavior in fish // J. Ichthyology. V. 37. № 1. P. 72–86.
  53. Kasumyan A.O., Devitsina G.V. 1997. The effect of olfactory deprivation on chemosensory sensitivity and the state of taste receptors of acipenserids // J. Ichthyology. V. 37. № 9. P. 786–798.
  54. Kasumyan A.O., Ryg M., Doving K.B. 1998. Effect of amino acids on the swimming activity of newly hatched turbot larvae (Scophthalmus maximus) // Mar. Biology. V. 131. № 1. Р. 189–194.
  55. Pavlov D.S., Kasumyan A.O. 1998. The structure of the feeding behavior of fishes // J. Ichthyology. V. 38. № 1. P. 116–128.
  56. Kasumyan A.O., Morsi A.M.H. 1998. Effect of heavy metals on the feeding activity and taste behavior responses of carp Cyprinus carpio : 1. Copper, cadmium, zinc, and lead // J. Ichthyology. V. 38. № 5. P. 393–409.
  57. Kasumyan A.O. 1999. Olfaction and taste senses in sturgeon behaviour // J. Appl. Ichthyology. V. 15. P. 228-232.
  58. Kasumyan A.O., Malyukina G.A., Devitsina G.V., Marusov E.A., Lebedeva N.E., Chervova L.S., Golovkina T.V., Sidorov S.S., Golubev A.V. 1999. Chemosensory systems in fishes: morphology, physiology and role in behaviour // Ichthyology: recent research advances (ed. by D.N.Saksena). Science Publishers, Inc. Enfield. Chapter 9. P.115–144.
  59. Kasumyan A.O. 2000. Individual variability of taste preferences and of behavioral response to taste stimuli in carp Cyprinus carpio // J. Ichthyology. V. 40. № 8. P. 661–669.
  60. Pavlov D.S., Kasumyan A.O. 2000. Patterns and mechanisms of schooling behavior in fish: a review // J. Ichthyology. V. 40. Suppl. 2. P. S163–S231.
  61. Nikolaeva E.V., Kasumyan A.O. 2000. Comparative analysis of taste preferences and behavioral response to taste stimuli in females and males of the guppy Poecilia reticulata // J. Ichthyol. V. 40. № 6. P. 479–484.
  62. Lebedeva N.E., Kasumyan A.O., Golovkina T.V. 2000. The correction of the physiological status of carp Cyprinus carpio by natural chemical signals // J. Ichthyol. V. 40. № 3. P. 258–265.
  63. Devitsina G.V., Kasumyan A.O. 2000. Connection between centres of chemosensory systems in sturgeon fishes // Sensory systems. V. 14. № 2. P. 107–117 (in Russian).
  64. Hamdani E.-H., Kasumyan A., Doving K.B. 2001. Is feeding behaviour in crucian carp mediated by the lateral olfactory tract? // Chem. Senses. V. 26. P. 1133–1138.
  65. Kasumyan A.O., Sidorov S.S. 2001. The taste preferences in juveniles of lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush (Salmonidae) // Problems of Fisheries. Suppl. 1. P. 121–125.
  66. Kasumyan A.O. 2001. The rules in chemosensory systems development in fish ontogeny // Problems of Fisheries. Suppl. 1. P.116–121.
  67. Nikolaeva E.V., Kasumyan A.O. 2001. Taste preferences in juveniles of polar place Liopsetta glacialis and wolffish Anarhichas lupus // Problems of Fisheries. Suppl. 1. P. 197–201.
  68. Kasumyan A.O., Prokopova O.M. 2001. Taste preferences and the dynamics of behavioral taste response in the tench Tinca tinca (Cyprinidae) // J. Ichthyology. V. 41. № 8. P. 640–653.
  69. Kasumyan A.O. 2001. Effects of chemical pollutants on foraging behavior and sensitivity of fish to food stimuli // J. Ichthyology. V. 41. № 1. P. 76–87.
  70. Kasumyan A.O. 2002. Sturgeon food searching behaviour evoked by chemical stimuli: a sensory mechanisms for reliability // J. Appl. Ichthyology. V. 18. P. 685–690.
  71. Pavlov D.S., Kasumyan A.O. 2002. Feeding diversity in fishes: trophic classification of fish // J. Ichthyology. V. 42. Suppl. 2. P. S137–S159.
  72. Kasumyan A.O., Sidorov S.S. 2002. Individual variability of taste preferences in the minnow Phoxinus phoxinus // J. Ichthyology. V. 42. Suppl. 2. P. S241–S254.
  73. Kasumyan A.O., Nikolaeva E. V. 2002. Comparative analysis of taste preferences in fishes with different ecology and feeding // J. Ichthyology. V. 42. Suppl. 2. P. S203–S214.
  74. Kasumyan A.O., Marusov E.A. 2002. Behavioral taste response of the minnow Phoxinus phoxinus (Cyprinidae) to chemical signals under normal conditions and after acute and chronic anosmia // J. Ichthyology. V. 42. № 8. P. 659–670.
  75. Kasumyan A.O. 2002. Olfactory system in fishes. Moscow: Moscow State University Press. 87 p. (in Russian).
  76. Pavlov D.S., Kasumyan A.O. 2002a. Fish biodiversity in feeding (fish trophic classification). Moscow: Moscow State University Press. 50 p. (in Russian).
  77. Pavlov D.S., Kasumyan A.O. 2002b. Study fish behaviour and sensory systems in Russia. Part 1. Basic forms in fish behaviour. Moscow: Moscow State University Press. 34 p. (in Russian).
  78. Pavlov D.S., Kasumyan A.O. 2002c. Study fish behaviour and sensory systems in Russia. Part 2. Fish sensory systems // Moscow: Moscow State University Press. 30 p. (in Russian).
  79. Pavlov D.S., Kasumyan A.O. 2002d. Study fish behaviour and sensory systems in Russia. Part 3. Fish nervous system and applied aspects of studied in fish behaviour and sensory systems. Moscow: Moscow State University Press. 21 p. (in Russian).
  80. Kasumyan A.O., Døving K.B. 2003. Taste preferences in fish // Fish and Fisheries. V. 4. № 4. P. 289-347.
  81. Zeiske E., Kasumyan A.,  Bartsch P., Hansen A. 2003. Early development of the olfactory organ in sturgeons of the genus Acipenser, a comparative and electron microscopic study // Morphol. Embryol. V. 206. № 5. P.357–372.
  82. Kasumyan A.O. 2003. The lateral line in fish: structure, function, and role in behavior // J. Ichthyology. V. 43. Suppl. 2. P. S175–S213.
  83. Kasumyan A.O., Marusov E.A., Sidorov S.S. 2003. Feeding behavior of the ruffe Gymnocephalus cernuus triggered by olfactory and gustatory stimulants // J. Ichthyology. V. 43. Suppl. 2. P. S247–S254.
  84. Kasumyan A.O., Marusov E.A. 2003. Behavioral responses of intact and chronically anosmiated minnows Phoxinus phoxinus (Cyprinidae) to free amino acids // J. Ichthyology. V. 43. № 7. P. 528–538.
  85. Fokina E.S., Kasumyan A.O. 2003. Comparison of taste preferences in two generations of the nine-spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius; Gasterosteiformes) population // Doklady Biol. Sci. V. 389. P. 169–171.
  86. Kasumyan A.O. 2003. The lateral line in fish. Moscow: Moscow State University Press. 93 p. (in Russian).
  87. Pavlov D.S., Kasumyan A.O. 2003. Schooling behaviour in fish. Moscow: Moscow State University Press. 147 p. (in Russian).
  88. Kasumyan A.O. 2004. The vestibular system and sense of equilibrium in fish // J. Ichthyology. V. 44. Suppl. 2. P. S224–S268.
  89. Kasumyan A.O. 2004. The olfactory system in fish: structure, function, and role in behavior // J. Ichthyology. V. 44. Suppl. 2. P. S180–S223.
  90. Kasumyan A.O. 2004. The vestibular system and sense of equilibrium in fish. Moscow: Moscow State University Press. 99 p. (in Russian).
  91. Kasumyan A., Tuvikene A. 2004. Composition and rate of release of chemical substances into water by dead fish // Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Fish Physiology, Toxicology and Water Quality. Tallinn. Estonia. G.L.Rupp and M.D.White (eds). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Ecosystems Research Division, Athens, Georgia, USA. EPA 600/R-04/049. P. 263–275.
  92. Kasumyan A.O. 2004. Taste preferences in fish and prospects for application of taste stimulants in aquaculture // Proceeding of the 4th International Iran-Russia conference. Agriculture and natural resources. ShahreKord: ShahreKord University. P. 1482–1488.
  93. Kasumyan A.O., Mikhailova E. 2005. Comparison of taste preferences and behavioral taste response in the nine-spined stickleback Pungitius pungitius from the Moscow River and the White Sea // Fish chemosenses. K. Reutter and B. G. Kapoor (eds.). Enfield: Science Publishers, Inc. P. 305–324.
  94. Kasumyan A.O., Sidorov S.S. 2005. Taste preferences of the brown trout Salmo trutta from three geographically isolated populations // J. Ichthyology. V. 45. № 1. P. 111–123.
  95. Kasumyan A.O., Sidorov S.S. 2005. Taste preferences in fish with chronic anosmia // J. Ichthyology. V. 45. N. 7. P. 526–534.
  96. Kasumyan A.O., Marusov E.A. 2005. The complementarity of chemosensory systems in mediating the searching behavioral response to food chemical signals in stone loach Barbatula barbatula // Doklady Biol. Sci. V. 402. P. 202–204.
  97. Kasumyan А.О., Marusov Е.А. 2005. Behavioral responses to alimentary chemical signals in the carp Cyprinus carpio in the norm and after acute and chronic anosmia // J. Ichthyol. V.45. Suppl. 2. P. S315–S323.
  98. Døving K.B., Hamdani E.-H., Höglund E., Kasumyan A., Tuvikene A. 2005. A review on the chemical and physiological basis of alarm reactions in cyprinids // Fish chemosenses. K. Reutter and B. G. Kapoor (eds.). Enfield: Science Publishers, Inc. P. 133–163.
  99. Kasumyan А.О. 2005. Structure and function of auditory system in fish // J. Ichthyol. V.45. Suppl. 2. P. S223–S270.
  100. Kasumyan А.О. 2005. Structure and function of auditory system in fish. Moscow: Moscow State University Press. 109 p. (in Russian).
  101. Mikhailova E.S., Kasumyan A.O. 2006. Comparison of taste preferences in the three-spined Gasterosteus aculeatus and nine-spined Pungitius pungitius sticklebacks from the White Sea basin // J. Ichthyology. V. 46. Suppl. 2. P. S151–S160.
  102. Fatollahi M., Kasumyan A.O. 2006.The study of sensory support of the feeding behaviour of the African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Clariidae, Siluriformes) // J. Ichthyol. V. 46. Suppl. 2. P. S161–S172.
  103. Jafari Shamushaki V., Kasumyan A.O., Abtahi B., Abediyan Kenari A. 2006. An study on olfactory reception preference in fingerlings Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) using free amino acids // Iranian Journal of Marine Sciences. V. 5. № 3–4. P. 13–21 (in Farsi).
  104. Kasumyan A. 2007. Paddlefish Polyodon spathula juveniles food searching behaviour evoked by natural food odour // J. Appl. Ichthyol. V. 23. № 6. P. 636–639.
  105. Kasumyan A.O., Marusov E.A. 2007. Chemoreception in chronically anosmiated fish: a phenomenon of compensatory development of the gustatory system // J. Ichthyology. V. 47. № 8. P. 647–655.
  106. Kasumyan A.O., Mikhailova E.S. 2007. Comparison of taste perception and behavior in two forms of the three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus, trachurus and leiurus // Doklady Biol. Sci. V. 413. P. 153–155.
  107. Jafari Shamushaki V.A., Kasumyan A.O., Abedian A., Abtahi B. 2007. Behavioral response of the Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) juveniles to free amino acid solutions // Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology. V. 40. № 3. P. 219–224.
  108. Jafari Shamushaki V.F., Abtahi B., Kasumyan A.O., Abedian Kenari A., Ghorbani R. 2008. Taste attractiveness of free amino acids for juveniles of Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus // J. Ichthyology. V. 48. № 1. P. 124–133.
  109. Kasumyan A.O. 2008. Sounds and sound production in fishes// J. Ichthyology. V. 48. № 11. P. 981–1030.
  110. Kasumyan A.O., Marusov E.A. 2008. Distant chemoreception in the rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in the normal state and after chronic anosmia // Doklady Biol. Sci. V. 423. P. 450–452.
  111. Pavlov D.S., Kasumyan A.O., Stroganov A.N., Makhotin V.V., Belova N.V., Emel’yanova N.G., Shatunovskii M.I., Savvaitova K.A., Kriksunov E.A., Devitsina G.V. 2008. Georgii Gennadievich Novikov (1942–2007) // J. Ichthyology. V. 48. № 5. P. 411–413.
  112. Døving K.B., Kasumyan A. 2008. Chemoreception // Fish Larval Physiology. Boca Raton: CRC Press. P. 331–394.
  113. Kasumyan A.O. 2008. Sounds and sound production in fishes. Moscow: Moscow State University Press. 117 p. (in Russian).
  114. Kasumyan A.O. 2009. Acoustic signaling in fish // J. Ichthyology. V. 49. № 11. P. 963–1020.
  115. Kasumyan A.O., Marusov E.A., Sidorov S.S. 2009. The effect of food odor background on gustatory preferences and gustatory behavior of carp Cyprinus carpio and cod Gadus morhua // J. Ichthyology. V. 49. N. 6. P. 469–481.
  116. Døving K.B., Sandvig K., Kasumyan A. 2009. Ligand-specific induction of endocytosis in taste receptor cells // J. Exp. Biol. V. 212. № 1. P. 42–49.
  117. Kasumyan A.O. 2009. Acoustic signaling in fish. Moscow: Moscow State University Press. 157 p. (in Russian).
  118. Kasumyan A.O., Sidorov S.S. 2010. The effect of starvation on taste preferences and testing behavior of food items in the carp Cyprinus carpio // J. Ichthyology. V. 50. N. 4. P. 330–341.
  119. Kasumyan A.O., Sidorov S.S. 2010. Taste preferences and behavior of testing gustatory qualities of food in stone loach Barbatula barbatula (Balitoridae, Cypriniformes) // J. Ichthyology. V. 50. № 8. P. 682–693.
  120. Mikhailova E.S., Kasumyan A.O. 2010. Taste preferences and feeding behavior in threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus in marine and fresh waters // J. Ichthyology. V. 50. № 9. P. 795–807.
  121. Kasumyan A.O., Sidorov S.S., Marusov E.A. 2010. Taste preferences and feeding behavior of the stone loach Barbatula barbatula (Balitoridae, Cypriniformes) after partial deprivation of circum_mouth external gustatory and tactile receptors // J. Ichthyology. V. 50. № 11. P. 1021–1029.
  122. Marusov E.A., Kasumyan A.O. 2010. Feeding behavior mediated by chemoreception in the bitterling Rhodeus sericeus amarus // J. Ichthyology. V. 50. № 11. P. 1036–1042.
  123. Kasumyan A.O., Sidorov S.S. 2010. Behavior of food objects testing by taste in the carp Cyprinus carpio in the norm and at chronic anosmia // J. Ichthyology. V. 50. № 11. P. 1043–1059.
  124. Kasumyan A.O., Mikhailova E.S. 2010. Effect of water salinity on taste preferences and feeding behavior of the threespined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) // Doklady Biol. Sci. V. 432. P. 190–193.
  125. Kasumyan A.O. 2011. Functional development of chemosensory systems in the fish ontogeny // Russian J. Developmental Biol. V. 42. № 3. P. 173–179.
  126. Shamushaki V.A.J., Abtahi B., Kasumyan A.O. 2011. Olfactory and taste attractiveness of free amino acids for Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus: a comparison with other acipenserids // J. Appl. Ichthyol. V. 27. P. 241–245.
  127. Olshanskiy V.M., Kasumyan A.O., Pavlov D.S., Podarin A.V., Nguyen Thi Nga, Vo Thi Ha. 2011. Ejection of specialized electric discharges during prey puruit and unspecialized electric activity related to respiratory behavior of the clariid catfish Clarias macrocephalus (Clariidae, Siluriformes) // Doklady Biol. Sci. V. 438. P. 162–164.
  128. Kasumyan A.O. Mamedov Ch.A. 2011. Behavioral response of mature males of Acipenseridae to female sex pheromone // J. Ichthyology. V. 51. № 6. P. 457–465.
  129. Kasumyan A.O. 2011. Tactile reception and behavior of fish // J. Ichthyol. V. 51. № 11. P. 1035–1103.
  130. Maklakova M.E., Kondratieva I.A., Mikhailova E.S., Stupin R.V., Khapchaev Sh.Yu., Kasumyan A.O. 2011. Effect of antibiotics on immunophysiological status and their taste attractiveness for rainbow trout Parasalmo (=Oncorhynchus) mykiss (Salmoniformes, Salmonidae) // J. Ichthyol. V. 51. № 11. P. 1133–1142.
  131. Kasumyan A.O. 2011. Tactile reception and behavior of fish. Moscow: Moscow State University Press. 161 p. (in Russian).
  132. Kasumyan A.O., Sidorov S.S. 2012. Effects of the long term anosmia combined with vision deprivation on the taste sensitivity and feeding behavior of the rainbow trout Parasalmo (=Oncorhynchus) mykiss // J. Ichthyol. V. 52. № 1. P. 109–119.
  133. Kasumyan A.O. 2012.The intraoral tactile reception and its interaction with the gustatory system in fish // Doklady Biol. Sci. V. 447. P. 374–376.
  134. Kasumyan A.O., Ol’shanskii V.M., Pavlov D.S., Podarin A.V., Nguyen Thi Nga, Vo Thi Ha. 2013. Electrical activity of the broadhead catfish Clarias macrocephalus during paired aggressive–defensive interactions: effects of illumination and chemical alarm signal // J. Ichthyol. V. 53. № 1. P. 79–94.
  135. Kasumyan A.O., Tinkova T.V. 2013. Taste attractiveness of different hydrobionts for roach Rutilus rutilus, bitterling Rhodeus sericeus amarus, and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss // J. Ichthyol. V. 53. № 7. P. 499–508.
  136. Lari L., Kasumyan A., Falahat F., Døving K., Jafari V. 2013. Palatability of food animals for stellate sturgeon Acipenser stellatus Pallas, 1771 // J. Applied Ichthyol. V. 29. № 6. P. 1222–1224.
  137. Skog A., Vøllestad L.A., Stenseth N.C., Kasumyan A., Jakobsen K.S. 2014. Circumpolar phylogeography of the northern pike (Esox lucius) and its relationship to the Amur pike (E. reichertii) // Frontiers in Zoology. V. 67:11
  138. Kasumyan A.O., Tinkova T.V. 2014. Spreading of deterrency as a means of chemical defense among aquatic organisms inhabiting the coral reefs of Vietnam // Doklady Biol. Sci. V. 454. P. 39–42. DOI: 10.1134/S0012496614010086.
  139. Kasumyan A.O., Mikhailova E.S., Marusov E.A. 2014. Role of tactile sense and other sensory systems in control of feeding behavior in gourami of the genus Trichopodus // Doklady Biol. Sci. V. 454. P. 49–49.
  140. Tinkova T.V., Kasumyan A.O., Dgebuadze P.Y., Oanh L.T.K., Britaev T.A. 2014. Deterrence of feather stars (Crinoidea, Comatulida) from southern Vietnam for the Indo-Pacific sergeant_fish Abudefduf vaigiensis // Doklady Biol. Sci. V. 456. P. 195–198.
  141. Kasumyan A.O., Mikhailova E.S. 2014. Taste preferences and feeding behavior of three-spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus of populations of basins of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans // J. Ichthyol. V. 54. № 7. P. 453–475.
  142. Kasumyan А.О. 2014. Behavior and gustatory reception of air-breathing catfishes (Clariidae) // J. Ichthyol. V. 54. № 10. P. 934–943.
  143. Goli S., Jafari V., Ghorbani R., Kasumyan A. 2015. Taste preferences and taste thresholds to classical taste substances in the carnivorous fish, kutum Rutilus frisii kutum (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) // Physiology and Behavior. V. 140. P. 111–117.
  144. Pashchenko N.I., Kasumyan A.O. 2015. Scanning electron microscopy of development of the olfactory organ in ontogeny of grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella // J. Ichthyol. V. 55. № 6. P. 880–899.
  145. Mikhailova E.S., Kasumyan A.O. 2015. Taste preferences and feeding behavior in nine-spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius) in three geographically distant populations // J. Ichthyol. V. 55. № 5. P. 679–701.
  146. Kasumyan A.O., Marusov E.A. 2015. Chemoorientation in the feeding behavior of the blind Mexican cavefish Astyanax fasciatus (Characidae, Teleostei) // Russian Journal of Ecology. V. 46. № 6. P. 559–563.
  147. Kasumyan A.O., Marusov E.A. 2016. Selective feeding in fish: effect of feeding and defensive motivations evoked by natural odors // Biology Bulletin Reviews. V. 6. № 1. P. 70–83.
  148. Kasumyan A.O. 2016. Taste attractiveness of free amino acids and their physicochemical and biological properties (as exemplified by fishes) // J. Evol. Biochem. Physiol. V. 52. № 4. P. 271-281.
  149. Marusov E.A., Kasumyan A.O. 2016. Chemosensory mediation of food searching in the Buenos Aires tetra Hyphessobrycon anisitsi (Characidae) // J. Ichthyol. V. 56. № 3. P. 462–466.
  150. Mikhailova E.S., Kasumyan A.O. 2016. Orosensory food testing in fish: chronology of behavior // Biology Bull. V. 43. № 4. P. 318–328.
  151. Pashchenko N.I., Kasumyan A.O. 2017. Development of the olfactory organ in the ontogeny of carps (Cyprinidae) // J. Ichthyol. V. 57. № 1. P. 136–151.
  152. Vinogradskaya M.I., Mikhailova E.S., Kasumyan A.O. 2017. Taste preferences, orosensory food testing, and sound production during feeding by the pearl gourami Trichopodus leerii (Osphronemidae) // J. Ichthyol. V. 57. № 3. P. 445–457.
  153. Marusov E.A., Kasumyan A.O. 2017. Feeding Behavior and Responsivity to Food Odors in Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Cichlidae) after Chronic Polisensory Deprivation // J. Ichthyol. V. 57. № 5. P. 747–752.
  154. Diggles B.K., Arlinghaus R., Browman H.I., Cooke S.J., Cowx I.G., Kasumyan A.O., Key B., Rose J.D., Sawynok W., Schwab A., Skiftesvik A.B., Stevens E.D., Watson C.A., Wynne C.D.L. 2017. Responses of larval zebrafish to low pH immersion assay generate multiple interpretations, questions and problems. Comment on Lopez-Luna et al. (2017) Reduction in activity by noxious chemical stimulation is ameliorated by immersion in analgesic drugs in zebrafish // J. Exp. Biol. V. 220. № 17. Р. 3191–3194.
  155. Kasumyan A.O., Mikhailova E.S. 2017. Palatability of stereoisomers and other amino acid derivatives to fish // J. Evol. Biochem. Physiol. V. 53. № 4. P. 317-323.
  156. Abtahi B., Nabavi H., Jafari Shamushaki V., Gorbani R., KasumyanA.O. 2018. Influence of insecticides diazinon and endosulfan on taste reception in Persian sturgeon Acipenser persicus (Acipenseridae) // J. Ichthyol. V. 58. № 2. P. 248–254.
  157. Mikhailova E.S., Kasumyan A.O. 2018. Gustatory characteristics of carboxylic acids for ninespine stickleback Pungitius pungitius // J. Ichthyol. V. 58. № 4. P. 580–586.
  158. Kasumyan A.O., Pavlov D.S. 2018. Evolution of schooling behavior in fish // J. Ichthyol. V. 58. № 5. P. 670–678.
  159. Olshanskiy V.M., Kasumyan A.O. 2018. Electrical activity and predation in the clariid catfish Clarias macrocephalus (Clariidae) exposed to varying illumination // J. Ichthyol. V. 58. № 6. P. 902–915.
  160. Kasumyan A.O., Marusov E.A. 2018. Odor stimulation and relation to taste stimuli in the blind cave fish Astyanax fasciatus // Biology Bulletin. V. 45. № 6. P. 557–563.
  161. Kasumyan A.O., Mikhailova E.S. 2018. Rapid gustatory food evaluation in fishes // J. Ichthyology. V. 58. № 6. P. 916–926.
  162. Kasumyan A. 2018. Olfaction and gustation in Acipenseridae, with special references to the Siberian sturgeon, Acipenser baerii // In: Williot P., Nonnotte G., Vizziano-Cantonnet D., Chebanov M. (eds). The Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii, Brandt, 1869), Volume 1 – Biology. Chapter 10. Springer, Cham. P. 173–205.
  163. Browman H.I., Cooke S.J., Cowx I.G., Derbyshire S.W.G., Kasumyan A., Key B., Rose J.D., Schwab A., Skiftesvik A.B., Don Stevens E., Watson C.A., Arlinghaus R. 2018. Welfare of aquatic animals: Where things are, where they are going, and what it means for research, aquaculture, recreational angling, and commercial fishing // ECES Journal of Marine Science. V. 76. N 1. P. 82–92. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsy067 ( (1.8 п.л.).
  164. Kasumyan A.O. 2019. The taste system in fishes and the effects of environmental variables // J. Fish Biol. V. 95. № 1, P. 155-178. DOI: 10.1111/jfb.13940
  165. Pashchenko N.I., Kasumyan A.O. 2019. Morphology and ventilation of the olfactory organ in the Indo-Pacific sergeant Abudefduf vaigiensis (Pomacentridae) // J. Ichthyol. V. 59. № 2. P. 167–173.
  166. Vinogradskaya M.I., Kasumyan A.O. 2019. Palatability of water organisms for Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Cichlidae) // J. Ichthyol. V. 59. № 3. P. 389–398.
  167. Kasumyan A.O., Vinogradskaya M.I. 2019. Palatability of bile substances for fish // J. Ichthyol. V. 59. № 4. P. 610–618.
  168. Olshanskiy V.M., Kasumyan A.O., Moller P. 2020. On mating and function of associated electric pulses in Clarias macrocephalus (Günther 1864): probing an old puzzle, first posed by Charles Darwin // Environmental Biology of Fishes. V. 103. P. 99–114. DOI: 10.1007/s10641-019-00936-w
  169. Kasumyan A., Isaeva O., Dgebuadze P., Mehova E., Oanh Le Thi Kieu, Britayev T. 2020. Comatulids (Crinoidea, Comatulida) chemically defend against coral fish by themselves, without assistance from their symbionts // Scientific Reports. 10:6150.
  170. Kasumyan A.O., Mouromtsev G.E. 2020. The teleost fish, blue gourami Trichopodus trichopterus, distinguishes the taste of chemically similar substances // Scientific Reports. 10:7487 |
  171. Levina A.D., Mikhailova E.S., KasumyanA.O. 2021. Taste preferences and feeding behavior in the facultative herbivore fish, Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus // Journal of Fish Biology. V. 98. N 1. P. 1385–1400. IF= 2.082 (3-year).
  172. Kasumyan A., Isaeva O., Zvonareva S. 2021. Coloration type of two allied cowries (Ovulidae:Gastropoda) tested through palatability evaluation in feeding experiments with fish // Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 151529.
  173. Pashchenko N.I., Kasumyan A.O., Oanh L.T.K. 2021. Atypical structure of olfactory organ in moon wrasse Thalassoma lunare and sixbar wrasse T. hardwicke (Labridae) // Ichthyol. V. 61. № 3. P. 348–360.
  174. Kasumyan A.O., Pashchenko N.I., Oanh L.T.K. 2021. Morphology of the olfactory organ in the climbing perch (Anabas testudineus, Anabantidae, Perciformes) // Biology Bulletin. V. 48. № 8. P. 142–157.
  175. Mikhailova E.S., Kasumyan A.O. 2021. Taste preferences and orosensory food testing in three spot gourami Trichopodus trichopterus (Osphronemidae) // J. Ichthyol. V. 61. № 6. P. 939–954.
  176. Kasumyan A.O., Isaeva O.M., Oanh L.T.K. 2022. Taste attractivity of tropical echinoderms for barramundi Lates calcarifer // Aquaculture. V. 553. 738051
  177. Kasumyan A.O. 2022. Fish as sources of kairomones – chemical signals for aquatic animals // J. Ichthyol. V. 62. № 2. P. 289–315.
  178. Pashchenko N.I., Oanh L.T.K., Kasumyan A.O. 2022. Morphology and ventilation of the olfactory organ in scissortail sergeant Abudefduf sexfasciatus (Pomacentridae) // J. Ichthyol. V. 62. № 3. P. 373–384.
  179. Kasumyan A.O., Mikhailova E.S. 2022. Sound producing in the three-spot gourami Trichopodus trichopterus (Osphronemidae) during feeding // J. Ichthyol. V. 62. № 5. P. 968–976.
  180. Kasumyan A.O., Isaeva O.M. 2022. Timeline of orosensory food testing in cyprinid fishes (Cyprinidae) // J. Ichthyol. V. 62. N 6. P. 1170–1189.
  181. Kasumyan A.O., Isaeva O.M., Oanh L.T.K. 2022. Taste preferences and orosensory feed testing behavior in barramundi Lates calcarifer (Latidae, Perciformes) // Journal of marine science and engineering. V. 10. 1213.
  182. Sataeva V.V., Kasumyan A.O. 2022. Orosensory preferences and feeding behavior of Cladistia: a comparison of gray bichir Polypterus senegalus and saddle bichir P. endlicherii (Polypteridae) // J. Ichthyol. V. 62. №7. Р. 1501–1520, DOI: 10.1134/S003294522204021X.
  183. Olshansky V.M., Zlenko D.V., Orlov A.A., Kasumyan A.O., Moller P., MacMahon E., Xue Wei. 2022. Multielectrode registration of episodic discharges generated by weakly electric fishes // Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniy. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics. V. 30. №2. P. 239–252. DOI: 10.18500/0869-6632-2022-30-2-239-252.
  184. Kasumyan A.O., Pashchenko N.I., Isaeva O.M., Oanh L.T.K. 2022. A study of chemosensory systems in freshwater and marine fishes of Vietnam // Tropical Science and Technology. V. 30. № 12. P. 106–113.
  185. Kasumyan A., Levina A. 2023. Are the taste preferences similar in closely related fish of the same trophic category? A case of Nile and Mozambique tilapias // Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries.
  186. Kasumyan A.O., Isaeva O.M. 2023. Taste preferences of cyprinid fishes (Cyprinidae). A comparative study // J. Ichthyol. V. 63. № 1. Р.119–146. DOI: 10.1134/S003294522301006X.
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