General Peer-Review Process

In summary, all manuscripts submitted for publication in our journals undergo strict and comprehensive peer-review. The review process is single blind. If the manuscript is deemed appropriate for full review, it will be reviewed by a minimum of two external reviewers.

The submitted manuscripts shall be subjected to a thorough initial check, including a Plagiarism Check conducted within the Editorial Office. Leading the peer-review process shall be an Editor – usually the Editor-in-Chief or a board member of the journal, working alongside the Editorial Office. It starts with a Preliminary Review by the Editor (which is completed no later than 10 days after the manuscript submission).

Upon acceptance for full review, the Editor will collect a minimum of two review comments and prepare a decision letter based on the comments of the reviewers (to be completed within four weeks after the preliminary review). The decision letter is then forwarded to the Corresponding Author requesting an appropriate manuscript revision (to be peer-reviewed again, if necessary). The author shall subsequently receive a request to format the manuscript according to SCIRP’s template before proceeding into the typesetting and proofreading stage with the publisher. Prior to the online publication of the manuscript, the author will receive a PDF copy produced by SCIRP for checking.

Flowchart of the peer-review process
Guidelines for peer-reviewers
SCIRP Review Form

Join SCIRP's Peer-Review Program!

SCIRP is globally recognized as one of the largest academic Open Access publishers. Our multi-disciplinary journals require all manuscript submissions to undergo rigorous peer-review. Our esteemed reviewers take part in the evaluation of all manuscripts submitted to our journals. Based on the reviewer's comments, the Handling Editor, usually the Editor-in-Chief, is subsequently making a final decision concerning the manuscript's required improvement. We, at SCIRP, cordially invite you to participate in our peer-review program. Through your participation, you will support authors from around the world by supplying your valuable expertise via ideas and suggestions.

If you are interested in volunteering, kindly forward your Curriculum Vitae to with the email subject titled 'Peer-Reviewer Application'. The procedures can be outlined as follows:

(1) Send us your CV;
(2) Become a peer-reviewer;
(3) Receive manuscripts from us, review the manuscripts, and send back your comments within 5 days.

The list of Guest Reviewers can be searched by name or research field(s).

Search for:

    Suriyan Somphong

    Kasetsart University, Thailand

    Research Fields: Sport Management, Sport Psychology


    Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Food Science University of Pretoria, South Africa, South Africa

    Research Fields: Food Chemistry, Engineering and Microbiology, Food Safety and Hygiene, Nutrition and Immunology Antioxidants and Phytochemicals in Food

    Prabakar Srinivasan

    Department of Biomedical Engineering, Dr.N.G.P. Institute of Technology, Coimbatore - 641 048, TamilNadu, India

    Research Fields: Medical Image/Bio Signal Restoration, Segmentation, Multiscale Representations and Algorithm Development Biomedical Engineering, Medical Technology Graphical & Physiological Modeling, Pattern recognition and Neural Networks Imaging, Audio & Video Processing DSP & Embedded Technology

    Werayuth Srithumsuk

    Faculty of Nursing Science and Allied Health, Phetchaburi Rajabhat University, Thailand

    Research Fields: age-related diseases, cognitive neuroscience of healthy aging, gerontology, frailty and sarcopenia, stroke in older adults, and home health care

    Sanjay K. Srivastava

    Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research, India

    Research Fields: Bulk Silicon (First Generation) Solar Cells, Silicon Nanowires, Carbon Nanostructures

    Pilios-Dimitris Stavrou

    European Doctorate of University Paris Descartes-Sorbonne (France) and University of Lund (Sweden), Sweden

    Research Fields: Psychology

    Aftab Alam Sthanadar

    Associate Professor, Govt. College Hayatabad, Peshawar, Higher Education Department, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar, Pakistan

    Research Fields: I am interested in human biology and health issues including: Maternal-child health, Pregnancy, Breast feeding, birth, Mortality, Natality, Contraception, Adolescents, Menopause and Reproductive health. My main research area has been on births, live births, still birth, abortions, miscarriages, child mortality, medical and genetic disorders. This research has led to my Ph.D work at Malakand, KP Pakistan. My research work involves the design to explore the relation of common gene pool marriage or inbreeding in the expression of deleterious gene causing many genetic and medical disorders. Part of this work has been published in Cambridge Journal of Bio Social Science and consisting of several other research articles.

    Giuseppe Suaria

    CNR-ISMAR, La Spezia, Italy, Italy

    Research Fields: Marine Ecology Marine Litter Plastic Pollution Microplastics Oceanography

    Savithri Subramanian

    Independent Consultant, India

    Research Fields: Economics,Sociology

    Leming Sun

    Ohio State University, USA

    Research Fields: Characterization and bio-inspired nanomaterials including nanoparticles and nanoadhesive from nature for biomedical applications

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