
Prof. Vladan P. Čokić
Institute for medical research, Serbia
Associate Professor



20062009 Ph.D., Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade University, Serbia

1996–2005 M.Sc., Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade University, Serbia
1990–1996 M.D., Faculty of Medicine, Belgrade University, Serbia

Publications (Selected)

  1. Beleslin-Cokic BB, Cokic V, Cemerikic D, Beleslin BB. Similarities and differences in modulation of the outward potassium current by some monovalent and divalent cations in leech Retzius nerve cells. Iugoslav Physiol Pharmacol Acta. 1996;32:369-73.
  2. Beleslin BB, Dekleva M, Jovanovic Z, Beleslin-Cokic B, Cokic V. Resistivity of different tissues to oxidative stress. Iugoslav Physiol Pharmacol Acta. 1998;34:39-45.
  3. CokicVP, Smith RD, Beleslin-CokicBB, Njoroge JM, Miller JL, Gladwin MT, Schechter AN. Hydroxyurea induces fetalhemoglobin by thenitricoxide-dependent activation of soluble guanylylcyclase. The Journal of Clinical Investigation. 2003;111(2):231-39.
  4. Beleslin-CokicBB, CokicVP, YuX, WekslerBB, SchechterAN, NoguchiCT. Erythropoietin and hypoxia stimulate erythropoietin receptor and nitric oxide production by endothelial cells. Blood. 2004;104(7):2073-80.
  5. BugarskiD, PetakovM, VlaskiM, KrsticA, CokicV, JovcicG, StojanovicN, MilenkovicP. Signalingpathwaysimplicatedinhematopoieticprogenitorcellproliferation. Bulletin of hematology. 2004;32:156-159.
  6. CokicVP, Beleslin-CokicBB, TomicM, Stojilkovic, SS, NoguchiCT, SchechterAN. Hydroxyurea induces the eNOS-cGMP pathway in endothelial cells Blood. 2006;108:184-191.
  7. Cokic VP, Beleslin-Cokic BB, Noguchi CT, Schechter AN. Hydroxyurea increases eNOS protein levels through inhibition of proteasome activity. Nitric Oxide. 2007;16(3):371-8.
  8. Cokic VP, Andric SA, Stojilkovic SS, Noguchi CT, Schechter AN. Hydroxyurea nitrosylates and activates soluble guanylyl cyclase in human erythroid cells. Blood 2008;111:1117-1123.
  9. Čokić VP, Schechter AN. The Effects of Nitric Oxide on Red Cell Development and Phenotype. In: James Bieker, ed. Red Cell Development, Current Topics in Developmental Biology. Vol 82.Burlington, MA: Academic Press; 2008:169-215.
  10. Čokić VP, Beleslin-Čokić BB, Smith RD, Economou AP, Wahl LM, Noguchi CT, Schechter AN. Stimulated stromal cells induce gamma-globin gene expression in erythroid cells via nitric oxide production. Exp Hematol. 2009;37(10):1230-7.
  11. Čokić VP, Mojsilović S, Beleslin-Čokić BB, Gotić M, Milenković P. Gene expression profiling of stem cells in chronic myeloproliferative disorders. In: Pavle Milenković et al, ed. Current trends in tumor marker diagnosis: experience of FP6 HISERBS project. Institute for Medical Research, Belgrade: 2009:160-184.
  12. Antic D, Perunicic Jovanovic M, Dencic Fekete M, Čokić VP. Assessment of bone marrow microvessel density in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol. 2010;18(4):353-6.
  13. Beleslin-Čokić BB, Čokić VP, Wang L, Piknova B, Teng R, Schechter AN, Noguchi CT. Erythropoietin and hypoxia increase erythropoietin receptor and nitric oxide levels in lung microvascular endothelial cells. Cytokine. 2011 Feb 14. [Epub ahead of print]
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