Depression in adult males with lower extremity amputation and its bio-social correlates
Arupendra Mozumdar, Subrata K. Roy
DOI: 10.4236/health.2010.28131   PDF    HTML     6,110 Downloads   14,872 Views   Citations


Depression is often associated with many adverse health conditions and lower socio-economic status. Stressful conditions like presence of disability coupled with traditional negative societal attitude towards disability may result in higher level of depression in the individuals with disability than in general population and can cause other health problems as well. Therefore, the purposes of this study are to explore the association of depression with its biosocial correlates among individuals with lower extremity amputations (LEA) living in Kolkata, India. Eighty-five participants with traumatic LEA and 105 control participants with no amputation participated in this study. The depression levels of the participants were measured with Beck Depression Index (BDI). All participants were also measured with the following sets of health traits, using standard techniques-1) physical: body weight, stature, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, total cholesterol, triglycerides, blood glucose, hemoglobin%, 2) functional: functional outcome or degree of independence in daily activities, and 3) social: economic condition, and social discomfort. No significant difference was found in mean BDI scores for individuals with LEA and control participants. Higher BDI scores were associated with chronic energy deficiency. None of the other physical health traits was associated with depression level. Higher depression was associated with poor socio-economic conditions like low economic condition, dependency on others for daily activity, occupational constraints due to disability and perceived problems in conjugal life. Therefore, economic development with a positive social attitude toward people with disability is essential for the mental wellbeing of the individuals with LEA.

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Mozumdar, A. and Roy, S. (2010) Depression in adult males with lower extremity amputation and its bio-social correlates. Health, 2, 878-889. doi: 10.4236/health.2010.28131.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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