The role of the self-concept in the relationship of menstrual symptom attitudes and negative mood
Sibylle Peterse, Tilman Eckloff
DOI: 10.4236/health.2011.36056   PDF    HTML     4,615 Downloads   9,327 Views  


Background: A relationship between symptom attitudes and negative affect has consistently been found in a range of different symptom domains. Little is known, however, about the role of different aspects of the self in this relationship. We explored the mediating role of interferences of symptom with the self-concept in the association of menstrual symptom attitudes and depressive mood. Methods: Eighty-one women completed an online survey on menstrual symptom attitudes, perceived interferences of symptoms with various self-aspects and negative mood states. We tested our hypothesis in a mediation analysis. Results: We found a complete mediation of the relationship of symptom attitudes and depressive mood by interferences of symptoms with self-aspects. However, interferences with self-aspects did not play a role in the association of anxious mood and symptom report. Conclusion: The self-concept should receive greater attention in research on symptom attitudes and psychological well-being. This would be particularly important in research on medically unexplained symptom report.

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Peterse, S. and Eckloff, T. (2011) The role of the self-concept in the relationship of menstrual symptom attitudes and negative mood. Health, 3, 326-332. doi: 10.4236/health.2011.36056.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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