Modification of Glucose Molecules with Alkali Elements as a Method to Dissolve Cancer Cells
Eue-Jin Jeong
EJ Cancer Pharma, Austin, TX, USA.
DOI: 10.4236/jct.2022.137038   PDF    HTML   XML   111 Downloads   876 Views  


Cancer cells are irresponsive to the central control of the cell growth mechanisms. It is difficult to turn on the responsive mechanism of cancer cells because the cells are completely dissociated from the central command and on their own in terms of cell division and growth. Precisely, this is the reason why they are at risk to the health of humans and/or any biological entities. Instead of trying to reconnect the central command of the growth control mechanism to cancer cells that are already out of the range, we present a method for using the cancer cell’s own irresponsive and uncontrolled growth mechanism to their disadvantage and destroy the cancer cells. We found that this is achievable in an atomic/molecular level study of the glucose molecule, which is the primary food source used for growth and energy generation by all cells in the body, including cancer cells. Testimonials of the clinical trial of the supplement provide proof of dramatic recovery from the advanced stage of cancer in seven days.

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Jeong, E. (2022) Modification of Glucose Molecules with Alkali Elements as a Method to Dissolve Cancer Cells. Journal of Cancer Therapy, 13, 430-439. doi: 10.4236/jct.2022.137038.

1. Introduction

The fundamental reason Cancer cells are difficult to remove from the body is they are identical in structure and mechanism of growth to any other cells in the body. If there is a noticeable way to distinguish between cancer and normal cells, these differences should be used to remove cancer cells. One factor everybody knows for sure is that cancer cells grow without any central command over the growth mechanism. Cells in the body are expected to grow proportionally with every other part of the body to maintain balance and the original configuration of the body. When this mechanism breaks down, lumps form in various parts of the body, causing havoc on the overall health of the body. We tested a method to dissolve cancer cells using the very property of the cancer cell uncontrollable growth mechanism using the method of glucose modification from the molecular-level study. If we can supply a small number of toxic atoms inside the cancer cells continuously through the food they consume, it will make a difference in the long run because of the uncontrollable consumption of glucose molecules by cancer cells.

2. Molecular Structure of the Sucrose (Sugar) Molecule

The sucrose molecule has 22 hydrogen atom tentacles surrounding the oxygen and carbon atoms bound by two rings, one fructose and the other glucose as shown in Figure 1. Glucose is the main source of nutrition that provides energy for cells in the body.

3. Hypothesis

Since all the cells including the cancer cells in the body cannot grow or produce energy without taking in glucose molecules, glucose can be an ideal vehicle that can be used to deliver toxins to the cancer cells if it can be done without harming the healthy cells. By noticing the fact that hydrogen and other first raw elements in the periodic table share the identical atomic structure of having one electron in the valence band of the atomic electrons orbit, it is easy to replace some of the hydrogen tentacles in the sucrose molecule with alkali element like sodium for example. The expectation is that because of the one-to-one replacement of hydrogen with other alkali atoms, the cancer cells may not be able to distinguish pure glucose from glucose with few of the hydrogen tentacles replaced by other alkali atoms. If cancer cells mistakenly consume alkali atom-ridden glucose molecules uncontrollably, there is a good chance that the cancer cells may be subject to dissolution because of the highly toxic deterging property of the hydroxide alkali molecules that are formed by contact with water molecules such as NaOH and KOH.

4. Replacing Some of the Hydrogen Tentacles of Glucose with Alkali Atoms

We utilized the fact that the hydrogen atoms consist of 22 tentacles (Figure 1) of sucrose molecules which could be replaced by any atomic element in the first row of the periodic table. Because of the smaller ionization energy of the first-row atomic elements next to hydrogen, the replacement reaction is exothermic and easy to accomplish. In addition, due to the strong corrosive nature of the first-row atomic elements other than hydrogen, the glucose molecule that has a few hydrogen atomic tentacles replaced by other alkali elements such as sodium, potassium, and cesium can be toxic to the growth of the cells that consume these glucosodine (C6H(11−Y)NaYO6) molecules which is a glucose ring of the full sucrosodine molecule (C12H(22−X)NaXO11) in Figure 1 in case of the sodium replacement.. The chemical secret of this method is that one-to-one atomic replacement is guaranteed because hydrogen and other alkali atoms have only one valence electron in their outermost atomic electronic orbital (Figure 2). For this reason, these atomic elements are lined up in the first row of the periodic table (Figure 3) [1]. Notably, hydrogen atoms can have only two valence electrons in their S orbital, and this orbital is filled with only one electron for an isolated hydrogen atom. Therefore, the two hydrogen atoms tend to share their electrons in both of their S orbitals to form a stable electronic configuration of the valence bond [2], which is the hydrogen molecule.

Figure 1. Molecular structure of sucrose.

Figure 2. Hydrogen and sodium atoms sharing the same atomic configuration of having one valence electron in their outermost shell.

Figure 3. Periodic table of the atomic elements.

This means that both hydrogen and other alkali atoms have the same chemical property of having one valence electron in their outermost orbital. Therefore, any molecule that has hydrogen atoms in its tentacles can have those hydrogen atoms replaced with other alkali elements one to one without drastically distorting the original structure of the glucose molecule. In terms of molecular structure and chemical properties, they are identical and almost indistinguishable. The important question is if cancer cells will be able to tell the difference between the pure glucose and the alkali atoms replaced by glucosodine molecules.

If the cancer cells recognize the alkali element replacing glucose molecules and avoid consuming them as food, there will be no clinical advantage of this method to remove the cancer cells. However, since there is no particular distinction between glucose and glucosodine in terms of the overall molecular structure, cancer cells may mistakenly take in the sodium-replaced glucose molecule (glucosodine) thinking (if they have brain functions) it is their food. Therefore, this is a matter of clinical trials.

5. Methods

It is expected that replacing a few of the hydrogen tentacles of sucrose molecules with sodium atoms can be accomplished by boiling sugar mixed with sodium bicarbonate dissolved in water due to the nature of the exothermic chemical reaction in the replacement process of hydrogen by sodium. However, after many trials and errors, it was found that bleached sugar does not react well for the chemical reaction and maple syrup produces the most optimum results which can be observed by the abundant production of bubbles which are the carbon dioxide byproduct produced by the chemical reaction in the boiling process, contrary to the scant bubbles observed in the case of using bleached sugar. The small number of other molecules mixed with sugar in maple syrup seems to work as excellent catalyst. The mixture ratio of one dosage is 17 gram of maple syrup plus 17 gram of food grade sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) and 525 gram of reverse osmosis filtered water. Mix them well and boil at medium heat of dial 6 of the maximum scale heat of 10. The time of boiling is about 15 minutes but this can be extended or shortened by several minutes due to the variations of individual heat settings. The solution after boiling can taste bitter with a little bit of sweet taste. A little bit of sweet taste is important because this is the key that makes the cancer cells absorb the glucosodine molecules thinking it as food. In most cases, the resulting liquid solution becomes 90 to 80 percent of the original level after being boiled.

6. Results

The ultimate testing of the effectiveness of this molecule as a cancer treatment supplement was done by having it consumed by stage 4 cancer patient. The first test of the effect of this molecule on patients with cancer was dramatic. The gentleman who had suffered from cancer for 10 years due to diabetes recovered 90 percent after taking the glucosodine supplement once a day for a week. Very few side effects that could be considered dangerous to health were observed. Patients typically complained of indigestion after taking the supplement for more than a week because glucosodine also kills the gut bacteria that are key for healthy digestion in the intestine. This symptom was easily lifted by having the patients take a couple of acidophilic pills whenever necessary, and the indigestion symptoms disappeared very quickly. It will be a matter of further testing, and it will also depend on how many of the 22 hydrogen tentacles of sucrose will be enough for the cancer cells to recognize that it is no longer their food. From the preliminary tests, it was verified that the sucrose molecule that has all the hydrogen atoms replaced by sodium by the open air burning of the mixture of sodium bicarbonate and sugar has no effect on reducing cancer symptoms when taken by the patients. This indicates that cancer cells can distinguish modified glucose molecules in which all of their hydrogen tentacles are replaced by alkali elements.

7. Discussions

Since cancer cells do not have an intricate brain function to be able to analyze the detailed structure of the molecules they consume, as long as they cannot tell the difference between the pure glucose and the modified ones that have a few hydrogen atoms in the tentacle replaced by other alkali atoms such as sodium, they will take in the glucosodine by their very nature of uncontrollable growth and will be infested with strong alkali elements inside their cells due to their localized lump structures.

Therefore, it will be a matter of time before the lumps of voracious cancer cells will be filled with toxic alkali elements and dissolve naturally by themselves in an environment of enough water molecules because alkali elements dissolved in water become strong detergent chemicals.

Since the cells break down the glucose molecules, once they take them inside, into carbon dioxide and water to generate energy, the alkali elements have enough chance to contact the water molecules inside the cell and become strong solvents for grease and protein, which is essentially the fundamental mechanism by which glucosodine destroys the cancer cells.

It should be noted that this method does not distinguish the particular type of cancer that it targets. The very nature of the uncontrollable growth of the cancer cells is all it takes to make this method particularly effective to various types of cancer treatment. The inherent difficulty of detecting and removing cancer cells from the body comes from the fact that cancer cells are fundamentally indistinguishable from normal cells. The only difference between cancer cells and normal cells is that cancer cells cannot stop growing uncontrollably by devouring glucose, unlike normal cells. The typical size of cells in the body is about 5 um - 150 um in diameter and that of glucose molecule is about 9 angstroms which is 1/5000th size of the cells. The reason for the efficacy of the present method is in the fact that the key atomic elements that are capable of dissolving the cancer cells are fully welcome to get inside the cancer cells without any resistance or restrictions due to the deadly property of cancer cell’s unlimited consumption of glucose molecules.

In this protocol of cancer treatment, the conventional concept of killing cancer cells is misdirected because cancer cells are not being killed by some foreign medicine or agent but dissolved from inside because of their unstoppable consumption habit of glucose molecules for energy production and multiplication. The alkali property of the first raw atoms in the periodic table, once in contact with water molecules, become highly caustic and they dissolve grease and protein nearby which happens to be the cancer cells. For some mysterious reasons, if cancer cells suddenly decide not to take the glucosodine molecules for their food; this method will be ineffective in removing the cancer cells; however, it also means that if such incident does happen, the particular cancer cells are no longer dangerous to the body because the converted cells will no longer devour the glucose molecules. As such, uncontrollable growth of particular cells that cause danger to the body will not occur.

The key to the efficacy of this method is that the uncontrollable growing property of the cancer cells, and the subsequent uncontrolled consumption of glucose, is used for their own destruction. In the process of multiplication of cancer cells, the alkali elements attached to the glucose molecule are in contact with water molecules that produce NaOH inside the cell, which is highly alkaline and a solvent substance, making the cancer cell membrane no longer sustainable. The other explanation is that the cancer cells that consumed sodium-laced glucose will have a hard time maintaining their solid cell structure, which is basically the same statement as the cancer cells cannot continue multiplying but disintegrate and dissolve into the blood stream and come out as urine. The fact that most cancer cells grow in lumped form makes this protocol particularly effective because of the highly localized concentration of the alkali element accumulated in the lumped cancer cell-infested region of the body. It also confirms the effectiveness of this method when patients with advanced-stage cancer feel alarmed by noticing the unusually cloudy urine after taking the supplement for the first couple of days. Drinking more than usual amount of water is necessary for obvious reasons of needing to flush the dissolved cancer cells out of the body quickly. The necessity of hydration seems to manifest naturally in patients by their testimonials of excess feeling of thirst after taking the supplement.

8. Glucosodine’s Effect on Normal Cells

The natural question that comes out of this conceptual picture of cancer cell disintegration by glucosodine is what would happen to normal healthy cells in the body. Normal cells that consume glucosodine also undergo the same dissolution. However, the distribution of normal cells in the body is very large compared to the localized lump of the cancer cells, and the body requires natural death of the old cells for rejuvenation. It is possible that glucosodine accelerates the death of old cells that refuse to leave the body.

At certain points in the consumption of glucosodine, it was found that patients naturally reject further intake of the supplement because they feel instinctively that they do not need to take it anymore because the body is fully recovered and functioning normally, which includes the absence of pain and distinctive relief from the weakness of the body. Since the major pain in the body from cancer comes from the oxygen-deficient breakdown of the sugar molecule that produces acid, the pain disappears quickly once the patient starts taking a glucosodine supplement. Patients do not feel the pain and weakness coming from the rampant growth of the cancer cells that steal the nutrition supposedly to provide energy for the body is no longer there; consequently, the body is rejuvenated and the feeling of health comes back. At a certain point in taking the supplement, most patients decided spontaneously that there was no need to take glucosodine any further. Of course, if any adverse symptoms come back, the supplement is there to be taken and reduce the symptoms. In fact, once the body recovers its full strength, the body’s T cells [3] will take over and finish off the remaining cancer cells.

The patient can always restart taking glucosodine again, and the stage of the cancer will be pushed far back toward the beginning stage that causes no alarm for the health of the patient. In fact, it is possible that many people are living with cancer at certain primitive early stages, and only the immune system restricts their uncontrollable growth. The case worsens only when patients develop weakness in other parts of the body due to many environmental factors and individual habits. In fact, there is no perfect cure for cancer that is guaranteed not to recur for these reasons. Cancer depends on the health status of the body.

9. Testimonials

A gentleman only known as Allan V from New Zealand posted the following testimonial after taking sucrosodine as prescribed.

Day 1, Allan V reported; I have made the medicine and taken my first dose yesterday. It was slightly bitter but some sweetness could still be detected. A mole was not completely removed (because of its depth) from my lower leg about 22 years ago. Recently and over a year a 5mm swelling of 60mm diameter was noticed at this place with some discomfort especially at night. For the last few years my general health has been good but there is a tendency for there to be an acid digestion. I have been to a doctor and had a mole map to begin some assessment. 28 people per day are dying of cancer and 35 per day are being diagnosed in NZ at this time. My first dose produced some sensations in my lower leg during the night but there was reduced pain and discomfort. My urine was very cloudy this morning, almost alarmingly so. There is a slight weakness in the leg but it feels good. The results are interesting at this stage. It could be imagination but the swelling seems to have reduced and taken the pressure out of the leg tissue.

Day 3, Allan V reported; After day three and a total of three glasses of medicine, this morning there is a noticeable reduction in swelling and discomfort in my lower leg. It could be regarded as a dramatic change. The leg may have been a lot worse than was apparent before the medicine was taken. The middle of my back is a bit sore and it may be best to avoid strenuous exercise during the healing process. Overall, this is an amazing result so far.

Day 7, Allan V reported; Seven glasses of medicine and 7 sleeps have produced a reduction in swelling. It would be approximately only 10% remaining. The original scar area has sunk 4mm but this could be more than 8mm altogether because the surrounding tissue is only slightly swollen now. Any pain is less than 1 out of 10, ten being the most. The pain before the medicine was taken would have been stronger than a tooth ache that needed a trip to the dentist. There are sensations that indicate there is a reduction in volume of whatever is or was in my lower leg. There is some indication that it stretched into my ankle, calf muscle against the bone and there have been sensations in my foot. No other places in my body indicate changes the way my leg and foot have over the last week. My eyes have been a little sticky but I will drink more liquids. Overall, I do not have any concerns that this approach is worse to my health than possibly losing my leg. In fact, it would not even come close. There have been a few thoughts on possible side effects long term and a little negativity is allowed but drinking more fluids should reduce risk.

The noticeable fact in this testimonial is that the patient can tell the difference in the progression of the reduction of the symptom daily from his long-lasted cancer. This pattern has been reported by many cancer patients who used the protocol. This is in stark contrast to the time span of the progression of the cancer to the present stage which took over 20 years without the patient noticing the daily progression. In the general course of treatment of any type of cancer, the main obstacle is fighting against time. If the rate of removing (or killing) the cancer cells is slower than the rate of growth and propagation of the cancer, it would mean a losing game. The apparent noticeable reduction of the symptom day by day until 90 percent of the symptom is gone in seven days by once-a-day dosage of the protocol is remarkable to say the least. The main advantage of the present method is in the delivery protocol of the dissolving atomic elements directly into the cancer cells which is essentially unlimited and unhindered. According to the private communications with the users who employed the protocol for themselves first and recommended it to relatives and friends who had cancer, no one has died of cancer after using the protocol.

10. Chemical Formulae and Name Assignment for Sucrose Variant Molecules for Cancer Treatment

Since any alkali elements in the periodic table have the same chemical property as sodium that can replace hydrogen atom one to one without disrupting the main structure of the target molecules, it is scientifically valid to expect the same effect by the same replacement of the hydrogen atoms in sucrose/glucose molecule with other heavier alkali elements. The reason for this is because chemical elements combine each other primarily by the chemical bonding property of the atoms that relies on the number of the outermost electrons in the shell structure of the atoms. The other possibility is that depending on the types and locations of the cancer in the body, the variant glucose molecules with different alkali element may react differently in such a way to remove the cancer cells more efficiently. In all the cases, the alkali elements have only one active valence electron in their outermost shell. As such, we designated the scientific name for sucrose molecule modified by sodium as sucrosodine (C12H(22−X)NaXO11). In the case of potassium replacement, the name is assigned as sucropotasine (C12H(22−X)KXO11), sucrocesine (C12H(22−X)CsXO11) for cesium replacement, sucrorubidine (C12H(22−X)RuXO11) for rubidium replacement and sucrofransine (C12H(22−X)FrXO11) for francium replacement. In chemical denotations, they are represented by

Sucrosodine: C12H(22−X)NaXO11

Sucropotasine: C12H(22−X)KXO11

Sucrocesine: C12H(22−X)CsXO11

Sucrorubidine: C12H(22−X)RuXO11

Sucrofransine: C12H(22−X)FrXO11

11. Chemical Formulae and Name Assignment for Glucose Variant Molecules for Cancer Treatment

By the same token, we designate the scientific name for glucose molecule modified by sodium as glucosodine (C6H(12−Y)NaYO6). In the case of potassium replacement, the name is assigned as glucopotasine (C6H(12−Y)KYO6) for potassium replacement, glucocesine (C6H(12−Y)CsYO6) for cesium replacement, and glucorubidine (C6H(12−Y)RuYO6) for rubidium replacement, and glucofransine (C6H(12−Y)FrYO6) for francium replacement. In chemical denotations, they are represented by

Glucosodine: C6H(11−Y)NaYO6

Glucopotasine: C6H(11−Y)KYO6

Glucocesine: C6H(11−Y)CsYO6

Glucorubidine: C6H(11−Y)RuYO6

Glucofransine: C6H(11−Y)FrYO6

12. Conclusions

We formulated a method to remove cancer cells from the body by using the property of the cancer cells’ unstoppable consumption of the glucose molecules, which ultimately causes severe deficiency of nutrition the body needs and eventually causes death of the patient. Because hydrogen atoms and other alkali elements are chemically identical since they all have one valence electron in the outermost shell, we used the replacement method of hydrogen with other alkali elements to modify the glucose molecules to test whether cancer cells consume the modified glucose molecules as food and eventually dissolve themselves. These molecules already exist in nature in the form of food, but their actual medical properties are not known or investigated. The main result of this study is the verification of the efficacy of the glucosodine molecule in treating cancer and provides a method to produce it in large quantities to specifically treat cancer patients.

It is noted that due to the inherent chemical properties of the supplement and its interaction inside the cells, it has been observed that the more advanced the stage of the cancer of the patient, the faster the speed of recovery.

The effectiveness of the supplement (the sucrose molecules modified by alkali elements can be designated as supplement regardless of its strong medicinal effect) may depend on the number of alkali elements that have replaced hydrogen in the glucose molecules. Therefore, finding the most effective number “Y” of the alkali element in the glucose molecule in such a way that the cancer cells cannot recognize the modification will be a very important scientific task to investigate and to perform further research to amplify the efficacy of the alkali-element-modified glucose molecule for cancer treatment.


I would like to thank EJ Cancer Pharma for the support of this work.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


[1] Mendeleev, D. (1871) The Natural System of Elements and Its Application to the Indication of the Properties of Undiscovered Elements. Journal of the Russian Chemical Society, 3, 25-56. (In Russian)
[2] Bury, C.R. (1921) Langmuir’s Theory of the Arrangement of Electrons in Atoms and Molecules. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 43, 1602-1609.
[3] Kuwana, Y., Asakura, Y., Utsunomiya, N., Nakanishi, M., Arata, Y., Itoh, S., Nagase, F. and Kurosawa, Y. (1987) Expression of Chimeric Receptor Composed of Immunoglobulin-Derived V Regions and T Cell Receptor-Derived C Regions. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 149, 960-968.

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