Clinical Study on the Impact of Long-term Survival Quality in 204 Postoperative Patients with Breast Cancer by Cox Proportional Hazard Models
Bei Liu, Qiong Dai, Yukai Du, Xueqing Jiang, Gujun Zhou
DOI: 10.4236/ojpm.2011.11002   PDF    HTML     4,380 Downloads   8,453 Views   Citations


The aim of study was to evaluate clinical characteristics, social support and the association with the prognosis of breast cancer patients. A total of 204 participants were followed from 2003 until the end of 2008. Information about patients with breast cancer was submitted by investigators. Data were analyzed by Cox’s proportional hazard model. The clinical staging of breast cancer we used was the TNM classification. A "T" score is based upon the size and/or extent of invasion. The "N" score indicates the extent of lymph node involvement. Age at diagnose was associated with protective factors (HR=0.972; 95%CI (0.834-1.130)), T staging (HR=2.075; 95%CI (1.424-3.022)), N staging (HR=1.513; 95%CI (1.066-2.148)), were associated with risk factor. Two survival graphs of nodes with negative effects by histology and nodes with positive effects by histology was analyzed by log-rank test, there was statistically significant relationship between two survival graphs (χ2 =136.8467, p <.0001). Age at diagnoses, Clinical stage tumor and node could contribute to the development of breast cancer and disease free survival in Chinese women.

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Liu, B. , Dai, Q. , Du, Y. , Jiang, X. and Zhou, G. (2011) Clinical Study on the Impact of Long-term Survival Quality in 204 Postoperative Patients with Breast Cancer by Cox Proportional Hazard Models. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine, 1, 8-12. doi: 10.4236/ojpm.2011.11002.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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