An Ironic View on a Convoluted Reality: Part A
Amos Avny
Omnidev International, Yehud, Israel.
DOI: 10.4236/ojpp.2021.111014   PDF    HTML   XML   271 Downloads   655 Views   Citations


The year of 2020 displays two important processes; first, it poses the COVID-19 pandemic as an international phenomenon that demonstrates how big and threatening is the unknown Nature. Secondly, it symbolizes the end of the brutal Capitalism era that had started to fall with the 2008-9 financial crisis. The Author argues that these two events are so meaningful that they force people and nations to consider initiating a change in their behavior. The size of the text forced the Author to divide the work into two parts; Part AReflections on Behaviors, and Part BThe Mysteries of the Inner-self. The discussion on behavior and conduct explains how complicated and still unknown many behaviors and their expressions are. The essay analyzes the internal roots and the external interactions that affect and direct a person’s conduct. The Author claims that assessment of behavior is a product of geography, culture and time. As the known say: “Pornography is a question of Geography. He also claims that for increasing the quality of life, it is necessary to introduce a more considering and supporting behavior style. Such a move should begin at the kindergarten. Additionally, the Author suggests embracing some of the Quantum Theory techniques for advancing the study of behavior and the inner-self. Both fields inquire a huge body of unknown infinitive territory. Some diagrams are added for demonstrating some of the Author’s ideas.

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Avny, A. (2021) An Ironic View on a Convoluted Reality: Part A. Open Journal of Philosophy, 11, 178-193. doi: 10.4236/ojpp.2021.111014.


“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” (George Bernard Shaw)

These words are written in a peculiar night, a night when the world’s No. 1 Super-power, the United States of America, tediously is struggling to unashamedly finalizing the election of its next President. Despite all billions invested, in spite of the most sophisticated technology available, the last word remains in the hands of the ordinary counters. They are requested to hasten their work and make their final decision. A visitor from Moon or a traveler from the outer space, will loudly wonder, is it really America? Are these manipulations really legitimate in this great Democracy? However, since we urge and hope to promote Progress and Happiness, we are willing to accept Shaw’s proposition and we are ready to sometime become unreasonable. This is because we believe that only unconventional individuals can resolve unconventional problems.

The last Presidential election, in addition to the unsolved issue of the COVIT-19 pandemic, fairly represents our feeling of the day. It seems that the opening words of the Bible, well describe the murky situation: “And the earth was without form and void(Genesis 1, 2). Thus, we decided to offer some of our insights for shading little light on this prevailing complicated reality.

The work is divided into two parts because of the feeling that a one large manuscript does not fit a magazine article. The Author tried to understand the publishers. Thus, the work is organized to reflect two points of view: external in Part A: Reflections on Behaviors and Conducts, some revised descriptive means for analyzing the issue. And internal, in Part B: The Mysteries of the Inner-self and the Origin of Mediocrity, a try to understand the concealed and hidden drives that motivate people to act in a certain way.

Part A

Reflections on Behaviors and Conducts

“It is impossible to escape the impression that people commonly use false standards of measurement that they seek power, success and wealth for themselves and admire them in others, and that they underestimate what is of true value in life.” (Sigmund Freud, Wikipedia 4)

1. Introduction

Some hundred years ego, Sigmund Freud had observed that “people commonly used false standards of measurement.” [x] This less-explainable but popular behavior continued throughout the 20th Century to our time, because many prefer easy and less responsible life. Unfortunately, it seems that this less-respectful conduct continues and causes many to live in a virtual world, which is provided by today’s technology. This trend may be good for some, mainly, for those who make money out of the situation. However, for others, it increases the confusion and the number of the embarrassing situations. The current COVIT-19 pandemic just increases the convulsion and the fears that follow it.

Observing the Coronavirus plague, the COVIT-19 pandemic and the troubles it evokes all over the world, brought us to wonder about the size, volume and the dimension of the less-known and unknown shares of our world. Curiosity about the plague’s origin and its timing is a normal act of a thinking person. This wonderment arouses some basic questions that could be arranged in two main groups. The first refers mainly to more general or philosophical areas, like the following ones: 1) who is greater, the known or the unknown universe? 2) Who is larger, Nature, the Inorganic cosmos, or the organic world? and 3) what is the share of the unexpected events, disasters or catastrophes as compared with the expected or calculated ones? The second group of questions refers mainly to human-beings and their reaction or behavior in this context. Within this group appears questions like the following: 1) what is the meaning of a title or a label attributed to a person (good, bad or mediocre) or of a group of them? 2) Who is responsible for such attributes (either internal or external variables)? 3) Is it possible? or suggested, affecting or directing people’s behavior?

Since we concentrate on Social Sciences, we tend to refer to the second group of questions. With regard to the first group, the Inorganic Universe, we just find it properly to assume that the unknown cosmos is as large as the known one. The main outcome from this assumption is that, still there is a huge body of knowledge waiting for exploration by scientists.

With regard to the second group, we just have to claim at the beginning, that human-beings, with all their strengths and weaknesses, are perceived by us as the key factor and the critical component of every Social, Political or Economic system.

With all respect to the religious faiths, we still argue that Humankind is the Peak of the Creation, while the Single Individual is the Crown of the Divinity’s Conception.

Thus, for better comprehending the system, we have to enhance our expertise in understanding the individual’s internal and external, direct or indirect drives and motives.

The discussion, therefore, starts with clarifying some basic or even elementary terms, used sometimes in an ambiguous way. The questions mentioned in group two, which are just few of many, should be used as guiding landmarks for exploring this human-beings’ colossal world. Each of them can be used as an opening hypothesis for a designated PhD dissertation. At the following pages we focus on some of the major concerns that bother us. Since the article is written as an Essay, it concentrates on pronouncing and presenting the Authors’ ideas and little attention is given to literature review.

2. Complex Behavior and the Quantum Theory

Before proceeding into the specific characters constructing the inner-self, some general remarks should be mentioned about the human nature. First, it is quite difficulty defining the Inner-self. Is it an organ, a part of an organ, a capacity, a capability or a faculty?

For better understanding the activity of those complex mechanisms an unconventional advanced idea is hereunder offered. It is assumed that such a new approach may assist in examining the challenging mind and inner-self capsules. The new approach refers to incorporating techniques taken from Quantum Physics into Brain and Mind research. “Quantum Physics or Mechanics, which is also called Quantum Theory,” explains how the universe works at a scale smaller than atoms. Mechanics is the part of physics that explains how things move while quantum mechanics describes “how energy moves or interacts there. Quantum is the Latin word for ‘how much.’ Quantum energy is the least amount possible (or the least extra amount)” (Quantum Theory).

Because, the Brain little thinking capsule, contains a whole world of mystery, it is fair assuming that this is the Divine Sparkle, which, according to some Holy Books dwells in most human-beings. Understanding human mind sometimes seems as exploring Physical or Space-related phenomena of different dimensions. Using similar research methods seems, therefore to benefit all participants. The concealed rules that lead miniscule energies within the Atom environment, the less-discovered energies that run our Galaxy and the mysterious nervous instincts that steer our behavior, may be similar. It makes therefore sense that the use of the Quantum Theory may help. It might be very inspiring observing human wishes, desires and hopes as miniscule amounts of sparkling energy, which spontaneously move from side to side. When human rational and emotional urges or wishes, would be able to be converted into energy glittering observable bodies, Psychology will make a significant step forward. Similarly, let us hope to see the time when Psychologists will learn little on the Quantum Theory, while Physicists will acquire some know-how on human mind, soul and inner-self. Thus, we hope, together they may bring salvation to earth.

It is quite interesting finding out that Chad Orzel1 while offering information on Quantum Physics, presents “Six things everyone should know about Quantum Physics.” They are:

1) Everything is made of waves; Also, particles.

2) Quantum Physics is discrete.

3) Quantum Physics is Probabilistic.

4) Quantum Physics is non-Local.

5) Quantum Physics is (mostly) very small.

6) Quantum Physics is not Magic”.

3. Similar and Different Aspects of Behavior

It should be clear that million human-beings, behave differently, both in similar or in different occasions. We roughly know how animal behave. How people, as individuals and groups, follow some ways of conduct we can just roughly guess. However, and in spite of the inclination to conserve individuality, still there are common lines of behavior and basic conducting moods that appear in most cases. Let us examine some of them.

3.1. Behavior Is a Sizable Mix of Interactions

The present, the Post-modern approach of Social Sciences, is aware of the sizeable mix of human-beings’ behavior types and legitimizes their existence. Previously, behaviors and behavers where asked and even forced to behave in accordance with some specific protocols that presently disappeared. Only in few occasions today, mostly official or military ceremonies, still remain some rules of behavior. It is obvious that at present, people’s emancipation and freedom feelings, strongly support and encourage this less-formal mood. However, either because of, or in spite of this tendency, many types of behavior still exist in the public arena. Let us discuss some and start with categorizing them.

Behavior could be analyzed from different points of view. Because it is a human capacity it gains much attention. Moreover, because it refers to individual-social interaction, it attracts even more consideration. Many worries and questions arise when dealing with such complicated issues. Among them, for example are: What are the roots of a given behavior? What and how much is the contribution of genetics, family, society. Peers or public opinion to the exposition of behavior? What is authentic and how much, is it just an external show? How long does a given behavior last or endure? Is it for life, or does it change over time? And many more question.

Because this issue is very large and it contains unbelievable number of complex of subjects, we decided to concentrate here, only on major aspects relevant to five forms of behavior. It is perceived that such an analysis will provide enough knowledge for better understanding how complex and less-known is the behavior domain. Below are the five relevant areas:

1) The Nature of Individual: Society interaction,

2) The Origination of Behavior: Rational, Emotional or Mixed

3) The Form of Behavior: Controlled, Uncontrolled or Mixed

4) The Durability of Behavior y: Episodic, Short or Long lasting,

5) Impacts affecting Behavior: Home, Education, Street or Mixed.

3.2. The Nature of Individual: Society Interaction

A person’s behavior is determined and affected by many different variables. The relationships that are being established between the private individual and the social environment around him/her selves are very important for all the participants. Obviously, these relations determine the character and the efficiency of the official organs. The government-citizens linkage is critical for maintaining a positive, supportive and encouraging public atmosphere. Such an atmosphere is the first step toward achieving prosperous economy and pleasant public life. A situation where most citizens, most of the time, will be prosperous and happy is very rare. However, a candid government, fair economic conditions and a supportive public opinion, could significantly contribute for the achievement of such a great goal. Thus, when comparing countries, governments or other groups, most important and helpful is the assessment of peoples’ mood and public opinions. For the beginning it may be satisfactory to score answers just on a three-level-scale, Good, Medium and Bad. This may provide enough information on the prevailing policy.

In contract to the discrete Quantum complex, that deals with tiny, obscure and formless pieces of mass or energies, this arena is large, open and visible. As a public arena, it is open to everyone, who likes to be involved and has something to say. Thus, tools and techniques, taken from Mass Communication and Advertisement fields, seemed suit better and more relevant for influencing and leading people, than logical concerns and rational considerations.

3.3. The Origination of Behavior

What or who initiate a given behavior? Are they rational, emotional or a mix of them? This is almost the critical quest, because it looks on the roots. How a certain behavior was developed, from where does it come? Who are its parents and who is responsible for its wellbeing? These questions take us back to a long-continued Genetic/Education debate on who is responsible on whom. Since each side has enough good evidences for supporting his arguments, we prefer a balanced solution. We argue that both, the conventional Genetics and External surroundings, like Nature, Family and Education, have a share and the responsibility for the development of an adult behavior.

Instead of quarreling, who is more important? We argue that it is better and more constructive, agreeing that these two groups of variables affect equally and direct together the evolution of behavior. A twin, for example, born to a European family, and raised separately, one in US and the second in Russia. When reaching adulthood, they will behave differently, due to their education and in spite of their genetic heritage. So, there is only little practical meaning to the exact share of every influential factor. All of them are important. Here also, involving Quantum Theory’s techniques and practices may yield promising fruits. Even if these tools cannot provide the ultimate Know-How, they still can help in understanding, presenting and demonstrating the processes and events occurred. When inquiring the roots and origins of behaviors, three types of sources or initiators could be offered: Rational, Emotional or Mixed.

It seems that all of them are Discrete Factors. With respect to all the former studies, from Ivan Pavlov,2 at the end of the 19th Century to Sigmund Freud3 later and up to now, much still is unknown. It is quite easy to describe and even accept some behaviors, but still little is known about their origins and the ways they are initiated.

Up to now, the only reliable evaluating techniques for assessing the strength and the intensity, of participating emotions, impulses and motives, in evoking behavior, are qualitative measures. Although their end-results are disclosed and sometimes even impressing, their initial originators mostly are less-known, concealed and even open to speculations. Many, from different disciplines and proficiencies, pretend to exactly know what is the track and how the energy run from being just a blink in somebody’s mind, toward becoming an act that creates a given behavior? All in all, the eventual behavior, still is less known and frequently also, uncontrollable.

The common practice for overcoming this obstacle is done by conducting a survey or a designated referendum with close ended questions. In this way, by asking subjects to score their opinion or feelings and mark them on a five or ten grade scale, an opinion could be achieved. Many variations exist for collecting this data, but all of them suffer from the same bias, they are not objective, the results are produced by the participating individuals.

The outcomes and the results are finally analyzed by some statistical techniques. In this capacity measuring behavior follows Orzel’s third point, which is termed as statistical probability.

In this way qualitative results are converted into quantitative measurable ones. However, the accepted results are still less-objective, since they rest on subjective opinions.

Frequently, Unexplainable contacts and impacts exist between different do-polar emotional vectors or nerves. The concrete effect or result, of such an impact is also not always understood. There are, of course, differences between physical or tangible features, like height or weight and intangible reactions like joy or anger, but all together, much still is not comprehendible fortunately, or not, up to now, no exclusive rational linkage was found for explaining the existing patterns. Thus, in describing Behaviors, frequently “Black Holes” appear. They are not the astronomical “Black Holes”, but only, holes in the body of the relevant knowledge, gaps of understanding and lacks in the comprehension process.

3.4. The Forms of Behavior

Different people, usually behave differently. As every person had his/her own world of wishes and desires, so everyone has his/her own form of expression or behavior. Basically, every type of behavior should be accepted, provided it does not hurt anyone. Of course, it depends on many contributing factors, and the individual’s inner-self particular structure. In general, behavior is a cultural or a traditional oriented artifact. The question whether a person is able to steer or control his/her behavior, therefore, is quite a critic one. A normal person will yell and scream when being smashed. But professional boxers never cry, they just whisper something. In a beloved individual’s funeral, many will cry but some will just maintain a serious pace. It is a good thing wondering what, and if, some connections exist between a person’s type of behavior and his/her inner-self sensitivity.

Since this arena is obscure, concealed and mostly private, it fits well to the conditions prevailing in the Quantum play-ground. Despite professional reservation, that somewhere may appear, using some of the Quantum Theory may help in better understanding and describing some of the processes involved. That is not the place and not the time for pointing on specific or concrete tools. But after the ideological obstacles will be thrown away, the road forward will be open. For assessing this type of behavior, we offer the following three measures: Controlled, Uncontrolled and Mixed Conduct. They may indicate how a person masters his/her emotions and behavior.

Whether Behavior is structure of Atomic practices or tiny flows of energy, whether it moves in a dialectical wave-like shape or not it is questionable. It is assumed that it turns from side to side, up and down, in circles and in little-recognized directions. It is nice to compare it to a genuine stallion galloping free, without a Jockey. Further, it is assumed that the energy on the behavior’s two-polar Vector, changes its direction randomly by moving from positive to negative poles, and vice versa. That can happen, every minute, every hour, once a day or a week. Some of these moves or changes are rational while others may be impulsive. Some of them are controlled by logical reasons while others are initiated by concealed or disclosed instincts. This situation is similar to the quantum territory, where it is quite difficult to decide whether the moving fractions are energy units or mass particles. A situation that takes us to Einstein’s (1905) famous Relativity Equation:

E = M C 2

E (Energy) = (equals) M (Mass) × C (Speed of Light Coefficient) in power of 2. [6] The meaning of this equation in common people language is, that Mass and Energy are interchangeable.

Up to now it is still not easy controlling these movements, since the knowledge about them is insufficient. Since a person’s general behavior, usually is driven from the impact of many variables, there is no way for understanding it, only by conducting a deep inquiry of many variables. All in all, the dynamics occurs within a human mind follows Orzel’s first point, which claims that quantum physics explores waves and small particles. This is the reason why we claim that Quantum Theory is qualified for being involved in behavior analysis. In conclusion, we argue that the mighty inner-self is among the most important factors that affects, initiates and steers human behavior.

3.5. The Durability of Behavior

Every good or bad thing has an enduring time. For good surprises, even a short enduring time could be a significant relief. Bad traumatic events may need long period of time for recovering.

The same rule works also with regard to behavior. Extreme unpleasant episodic behavioral outbreak maybe tolerated and even being forgiven. A permanent, disturbing or annoying behavior is mostly unbearable. The point is that many of the individuals who conduct such an unpleasant behavior are not aware to this unkind and sometimes even hostile way of expression. For many this is a natural or a legitimate legacy, because their parents had behaved similarly. It seems that up to now, parent behavior, good or bad, is among the most affecting factors on youngster’s behavior. Following family tradition is one of the common explanations for having a nasty way of behavior. What about criminals who descend from decent families? What trigger other, ordinary people, to embrace nasty, unacceptable or disturbing behavior? Other relevant questions are, what cause and affect the behavior endurance? Are they natural instincts, uncontrolled impulses, attention seeking gestures or, maybe, just health disorders? The fact that more and more behavioral disorders appear in public, the sorrowful reality of increasing permanent homeless population, and the state’s insufficiency to solve the problem, just indicates how far we have to go for attaining a satisfying solution. Anyway, Behavioral disorders seem to stay within the western society for a long time. Additional discussion on the origins of today’s complexity of behavior, will be done further, at the Inner-self section. No question that with regard to the discrete, hidden and blur conditions prevail within the inner-self, techniques and practices from the Quantum Theory may help in studying the above issues. For measuring the length of the behavioral endurance, Episodic, Short, Medium and Long-term periods, are proposed.

3.6. Impacts Affecting Behavior

Most studies indicate that Behavior does not stand alone. It is an external expression of a complex of intertwined vectors, that represents internal concealed and open, wishes, desires, dreams and hopes. Additionally, it openly manifests a bunch of external impacts that are produced by both specific and general social environment. In previous section we already have claimed that we tent to assume that, in principle, the external and internal impacts, the influence of rational or emotional occurrences and the weight of genetic heritage and acquired education, all participate in directing behavior. That is our interpretation to the “complex of intertwined vectors”, and the essence of our argument. It is also the main reason for recommending the promotion of interdisciplinary methods for studying human behavior.

3.6.1. Human-Beings Are Complex Creatures

Concentrating on studying just one aspect of human behavior, only a single mode of behavior, is very complicated but also neither right, nor effective. Different people behave differently in different situations. Even their impression from the same event can varied in accordance with their point of view. Rashomon was a famous film picture that well demonstrated this point (Dan & Saul, 2009). Several people saw the same crime, from different angels, and have reported differently on that event. There are enough evidences indicating that from the same family or social milieu, grew both a gentleman and a crook, a lady and a whore. An old Jewish prob says: “Be aware of poor children, since ‘Tora’ (Prudence in Hebrew) may break through from them.” On the other hand, there is no enough evidence showing that behavior is improved with education. Simple, ordinary, common people, all over the globe, in China, Russia or the Americas, are nice, gentle, well-behaved and respectful individuals. They complete their little formal schooling by maintaining good manners, politeness and natural curiosity. On the other hand, children, students and graduates, of private prestigious schools and Universities behave sometimes with no shame, as villains.

3.6.2. Good and Bad Behavior

A request for assessing behavior is almost a normal quest. It is normal because people want and need some guidelines for evaluating a good or a bad behavior. However, such a request is frequently irrelevant. The truth is that it is quite difficult to decide what is right or wrong, regarding human conduct. Let us say, that in general, good, or proper behavior, is doing what is generally accepted or, complying with the common agreed code of behavior. Bad, or unproper conduct, is just do the opposite, uncomplying with the general code of behavior. However, even this very general definition does not cover many specific cases. For example, Political Correctness, by that statement is supposed to be a right behavior, even when frequently it is a cover-up for unproper behavior or shameful deeds. The weak point in this statement is the “accepted” word. “Accepted,” why, when, where, by whom and for what? A known well-behaving rule says: In Rome behave like the Romans, in London like the British, etc. What about behavior in the desert, the Ocean or the outer space?

Regarding the meaning of bad or unproper conduct, the popular rule is doing just the opposite. Do not comply with given customs or social accepted rules. The understatement hidden in this generally agreed phrase, is quite simple: “We the Majority, know better what is good for you, the single Individual.” Sorry enough, but many independent free people cannot accept this statement. Thus, acceptance or complying with others’ opinion, customs or even religion, cannot and should not be the criterion for assessing behavior.

Additionally, the simplifying meaning of the above phrases is erroneously. Because it claims that the individual’s genuine personality is less important than the public opinion. With due respect, we reject also this approach. In short, we hold that the right and proper way for building a decent, respectful and stable community and society, is by working hard, in common, with mutual responsibility for bringing relief “to ourselves and our posterity.”4

However, other types of doubting, not complying and even rejecting the common prevailing dominating opinion, exist also. They are scientific curiosity and scholars’ constant drive for revealing World’s unknown mysteries. History already taught us that by paraphrasing Shaw’s note on unreasonable man, at the Preface, one can claim that: “Unconventional accomplishments could be achieved mostly by unconventional innovators, who dare to doubt and challenge, the conventional prevailing system.”

It is, therefore, fair to assume that Adam and Eve, who disobeyed the Divinity Command, ate from the “Tree of Wisdom” because of their curiosity and the urge for acquiring knowledge, had conducted well. They behaved correctly as intelligent people. By so doing they eventually became the for-fathers of Israel the “Start-up Nation” (Dan & Saul, 2009). Similarly, Galileo and Copernicus, who dare challenging the Catholic Church teaching of their time, eventually became the for-fathers of Isaak Newton and Albert Einstein. Thus, Obedience and proper behavior must be based on strong valuable grounds. We, tend to think that the ultimate judge on behavior’s correctness is the person’s own conscience, his/her set of values and integrity.

3.6.3. Excuses for Incorrect Conduct

Nobody is troubled by a correct conduct. Incorrect or bad behavior gain many explanations. Many or even most of those who behave unproperly will reject this accusation because it is neither their fault nor their mistake. Almost always “they” are wrong and we are right. Frequently “they” do not know and we know better. Unfortunately, not too many people are willing to admit about their mistakes. People, and men in particular, perceive accepting a behavior accusation, as infringing on their personal prestige. A popular phrase states that: “An honorable gentleman never behaves wrongly.” An arsenal full of excuses is prepared for use in embarrassing situations. It starts with: I did not know, I did not mean, it was a mistake, I have a bad day, etc. Another, a more argumentative clam, relates the incorrectness to others. They can be neighbors, communities, governments etc. This type of expression disregards the individual’s needs and priorities. The third group of excuses, do not exist, because offenders sees themselves free from giving any excuse or explanation to the relevant Authority.

4. A Diagrammatic Way for Describing Behavior

Presenting a thesis in a graphic form helps sometimes to better demonstrating the point. So, posing types of behavior analyses on diagrams, helps understanding the differences between them.

By using the Normal Distribution Model, a normal behavior, seems as in the diagram, Figure 1. In this case only one aspect of the group behavior required to be assessed: the exposition style, for example. So, the group is normally divided into three subgroups. Two minority groups, each with about 20% of the population, located at the Diagram’s two far ends. At the center rests the Majority block, with about 60% of the whole population. Thus, a simple diagram represents a simple situation. When two examined variables like the Behavior Exposition style and the Behavior Origination causes, are measured on a five-level scale the presentation is similar, only five groups of results are achieved.

In this case, four minority groups, Red, Green, Orange and Blue, each with 16% of the total population, are created. The Fifth group, the Yellow one, is the Majority group, with 36% of the population. See Figure 2.

Figure 1. Scheme of a basic normal distribution. 1 Variable, 3 Measuring Levels and 3 groups of Results.

Figure 2. Scheme of a complicated normal distribution. 2 variables, 5 Measuring Levels and 5 groups of Results.

Setting up the Matrix Model

Setting up Matrixes is a very helpful technique for presenting a complicated issue. First, the examined variables should be arranged, in contradictory couples, according to the demands. In this way a larger number of behavior types is accepted. Although one-dimension graphics enables to get only a limited number of results, the use of an advanced computer software enables getting with the help of the computer, many more results. Moreover, such a software enables also to increase the number of the measuring levels and by so doing increasing the meaning and the relevancy of the results. Such a method is very helpful for building specific teams for specific missions. For example, it enables to combine together a 25 years old male graduate with MSc in Mathematics, a 40 years old female with PhD in Biology, and a 50 years old male with PhD, in psychology. This technique will also be useful for preparing interdisciplinary teams for future research.

At this work we confront two major variables, the Exposition Style and the Initiation Causes on a matrix, measured on a Five-level-scale, which produces 25 possible results.

By arranging the Matrix results on a Bell-shaped diagram of the Normal Distribution Theorem, more general information could be gathered. It does not create exactly the same curve, but it provides preliminary and quite satisfactory results for further decisions. The diagram shows in principle, how the four Conduct groups set up on a Bell-shape Structured curve. The Red, the worst group and the Green, the best group is located at the two ends, of the curve. The other two groups, the Orange and the Blue one, which are neither the best, nor the worst are located at marginal locations. The largest Yellow group rests in the center.

The results accepted from Matrix of five-level scale (Figure 3) point out on twenty-five possible results. Due to practical point of view, and the small differences among the measured subjects, results were grouped within five significant groups, colored in Red, Green, Yellow, Orange and Blue. Whereas the variability within the groups is small, the differences between them are meaningful, enabling to make rational decisions about their member’s future (Figure 4, Figure 5).

The nature of every group is detailed below:

The First Red Group, contains subjects 1, 2, 6 and 7, is a small group but the most complicated one. It contains four types of behavior; Very Showy and Showy, Very Rational and Rational. This is a typical mix of contradicting features. It represents an unsettled contrast of behaviors between rational and emotional points of view. Since this group members totally differ in their basic mode of behavior, they will continuously struggle for power and control. Nobody seems to give up ever. The best practical solution for such a situation, is disassembling the group and sending its members to more suitable units.

Figure 3. Five conduct styles arranged on a bell-shape form. 2 variables, 5 Measuring Levels and 5 groups of Results.

Figure 4. Matrix of 2 Variables: Exposition (E) & Origination (o). Measured on a Five level-scale and 5 groups of Results.

Figure 5. Matrix of 2 Variables: Exposition (E) & Origination (o). Measured on a ten-level scale and 5 groups of Results.

The Second Green Group, contains subjects 4, 5, 9 and 10, is also a small group but it is the Best one. It consists of four Styles of Conduct; Emotional, Very Emotional, Showy and Very Showy, which are similar and complement each other.

As all of them like being showy usually they express themselves emotionally. By acting together performing fine and well, they may reach the highest level, provided a competent conductor directs them.

The Third Yellow Group contains subjects 3, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18 and 23, represents the majority group, the ordinary and moderate one. It contains nine types of behavior; four mixed and five moderate styles. This is a typical mix of ordinary and common people, who represents the common interest and the general agreed and accepted conduct. The member of this group usually follows the conventional taste and traditional modes of operation.

Since they are the largest group in many respects, usually they represent the majority of the constituent, a critical role in Parliaments and during election periods.

The Fourth Orange Group, contains subjects 16, 17, 21 and 22, and also is a small group but very efficient one. It consists of four Styles of Conduct; Rational, Very Rational, Humble and Very Humble types. In a way they are similar and complement each other. Usually they are very professional and humble most of the time. By acting together performing fine and well, they may reach the highest level possible. However, their modesty sometimes becomeS a weakness in the political power-game that pretends to run the country. Frequently, many like to intensively exploit their expertise but tend neglecting their advice and recommendations.

The Fifth Blue Group contains subjects 19, 20, 24 and 25, and also is a small group but a Less-efficient one. It consists of four Styles of Conduct; Emotional, Very Emotional, Humble and Very Humble types. In a way they are similar and complement each other, but tend to do much fuss of nothing. Because of their sensitivity frequently they feel bad and less apperceived. By acting together, they can get the attention of the political establishment, who, with no shame, will be glad abusing their talents. However, their modest behavior is an important asset that they will try maintaining over time.

* * *

Measuring and quantifying social phenomena is complicated and even today, with the help of computers software is questionable. In this regard the academy acts almost like the Football League.

The only acceptable way for evaluating a group is by its rank on the National list. The significant measure that really matters is the number of goals it puts in, or receives during the whole season. Nobody can theoretically be good. He or she must prove their real worth on the field, and the results must be seen by the official scores.

Teaching, writing and lecturing in Social Sciences requires support by quantitative measures and Statistics. Although present computer’s software makes most of the work, but the point is that the basic data is being inputted by people, therefore, it is basically qualitative and not quantitative data. When asking people about their emotions, feelings, desires and hopes the answers will be different. Because two individuals give different answers. But, nevertheless, we have no choice but hoping that the reader will understand our point of view when discussing human behavior.

5. Conclusion

“Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.” (Sigmund Freud)

With all respect to professional writing, it is quite difficult to conclude today a paper on social affairs without involving some of the Author’s personal views or feelings. The second paragraph of the Bible seems well-describing today’s situation: “And the earth was without form, and void” (Genesis 1, 2).

The Covid-19 pandemic poses some meaningful questions about the behavior of many Western Countries during the past two or three decades. It also indicates that in some way, Capitalism as an Ideology and its brutal version in particular, are coming to their end. The Coronavirus plague faces humanity with issues and challenges, never expected before. Referring to Sigmund Freud claim on people’s fear of responsibility, we argue that, at present, developed human-beings have no choice. In order to survive and to maintain prosperous and healthy live, they should train themselves to be responsible, accountable and reliable. It is the Author’s sincere belief that only a significant change and a substantial economic and social move could lead Western nations toward a positive direction. The major values of such a renewed perspective should be Hard-work, Togetherness and Solidarity, which rest on Creative, Innovative and Responsible Individualism.

Behavior in general, is a very complicated, multifarious, less-understandable and sometimes even unpredictable form of human expression. It emerges from the deep internal concealed layers of the Inner-self and surfaces in public, in a variety of forms, expressions and break-outs. At the past, during the Modernity period, when most moves of life were well designed, organized and under control, behavior was run and maintained according to a firm set of conduct and behavior protocols. This reality had changed. At present, in the Post-modern age of the 21st Century, many former protocols become obsolete. Being clean, healthy and orderly, is almost the only limit required for being a legitimate member involved in most societies or social affiliations. The move from a homogeneous to heterogeneous societies or nation is among the important signs that symbolize today countries. This perception causes the Author suggesting to use in behavior and inner-self inquiry some elements taken from the Quantum Theory. One may argue that the miniscule Atom world, the Uncontainable outer space and the less-comprehendible human spirit and Inner-self are similar in the huge amount of mystery involved there.

The proposed use of the Matrix Model just demonstrates how difficult is it using only one or two words for describing authentic behavior of a single person. Thus, behavior changes from one individual to another, it chances over time and with age, and it differs among cultures and traditions. In conclusion it is right to claim that behavior has two parents, one, the concealed genetic inner-self and the second, the external environment, in which the individual is raised, being educated and lives. In this part A, we have discussed the external factors. The internal concealed factors will be discussed further in the coming Part B.


*File: An Ironic View Part A, Final 55.

1 Chad Orzel, 2015, An American writer about physics, science, academia and pop culture (Wikipedia).

2 Ivan Pavlov (1897) A Russian researcher who studied the relations between biological and neutral, or external potent stimuluses -Classical or Respondent conditioning (Wikipedia).

3Sigmund Freud, (1895-1939), An Austrian Jewish neurologist and founder of Psychoanalysis.

4The Preamble of the American Constitution.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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[7] Quantum Theory. Wikipedia.
[8] Sigmund Freud Quotes. Wikipedia.
[9] Sigmund Freud Quotes. Wikipedia 4.

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