Construction and Validation of Self-Management Scale for Undergraduate Students
Gang Xue, Xiaomin Sun
DOI: 10.4236/ce.2011.22020   PDF    HTML     8,706 Downloads   15,549 Views   Citations


This study developed a scale to assess undergraduate students’ self-management ability in daily life. Forty items about self-management on time, goal, emotions and personal relationships were generated for the draft scale. Content review panel deleted seven items. In Study 1, 522 Chinese undergraduate students took the test. Exploratory factor analysis and item analysis on the first half 261 cases deleted 6 items. Confirmatory factor analysis further revised the model and resulted in a two-factor Self-Management Scale, consisting of 21 items. Cross-validation on the second half 261 cases also verified the scale’s structural validity. In Study 2, responses from 374 undergraduate students were used to examine the reliability and criterion-related validity of the scale. The internal consistency reliability of the scale was 0.86. Relationship management showed good criterion-related validity, while the validity of performance management needs further examination.

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Xue, G. and Sun, X. (2011) Construction and Validation of Self-Management Scale for Undergraduate Students. Creative Education, 2, 142-147. doi: 10.4236/ce.2011.22020.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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