Effects of change in smoking habits on bladder cancer incidence in Tunisia
Dhafer Mrizak, Fatma B'chir, Mehdi Jaidane, Maurice Jean Arnaud, Saad Saguem
DOI: 10.4236/health.2011.310103   PDF    HTML     4,717 Downloads   8,720 Views   Citations


Bladder cancer is among the most frequently diagnosed cancer. Tobacco smoking exposures involving nitrosamines and aromatic amines are the main cause of bladder cancer. Although cigarette consumption has gradually decreased, an increased incidence of bladder cancer was registered among males Tunisian for the last two decades. A similar increased incidence of lung adenocarcinoma and bladder cancer was registered among Tunisian males. Epidemiological results suggest that changes in cigarette smoking may be the cause of the increased incidence of bladder cancer. The relationship between CYP1A2 enzyme activities, a key enzyme for activation of bladder carcinogens, and bladder cancer risk was investigated. Variations in CYP1 A2 activities measured in patients with bladder cancer and healthy smokers showed a signifycantly higher CYP1A2 metabolic activity in patient group. Changing in cigarette smoking habits associated to the variation in CYP1A2 activity seem to explain partly the increase incidence of bladder cancer observed in Tunisian male population.

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Mrizak, D. , B'chir, F. , Jaidane, M. , Arnaud, M. and Saguem, S. (2011) Effects of change in smoking habits on bladder cancer incidence in Tunisia. Health, 3, 613-619. doi: 10.4236/health.2011.310103.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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