Group Dynamics in On-Line and Face-to-Face Interactions: An Experimental Study on Learning Methods
Sergio Severino, Roberta Messina
DOI: 10.4236/sm.2011.12008   PDF    HTML     7,758 Downloads   14,623 Views   Citations


Organizing in groups does not represent an objective definition, but rather a way to better understand the mean-ing of plurality. At the same time modern technologies modify perceptive and cognitive transformation. This re-search shows that on-line groups develop objective dynamics in face-to-face groups; it evaluates the quality of the University student services and studies the dynamics of the creation of face-to-face and on-line groups. Stu-dents were divided into experimental on-line (forum, chat, newsgroup) and face-to-face encounters (seminars, laboratories). The two level analyses show the defence mechanisms, the lack of socialization attitudes and the tolerance of differences that characterized on-line groups. The new technologies open new horizons and cogni-tive functions.

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Severino, S. and Messina, R. (2011) Group Dynamics in On-Line and Face-to-Face Interactions: An Experimental Study on Learning Methods. Sociology Mind, 1, 65-73. doi: 10.4236/sm.2011.12008.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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