Baryon wave functions and free neutron decay in the scalar strong interaction hadron theory (SSI)
F. C. Hoh
DOI: 10.4236/ns.2010.29115   PDF    HTML     6,300 Downloads   10,128 Views  


From the equations of motion for baryons in the scalar strong interaction hadron theory (SSI), two coupled third order radial wave equations for baryon doublets have been derived and published in 1994. These equations are solved numerically here, using quark masses obtained from meson spectra and the masses of the neutron, ?0 and ?0 as input. Confined wave functions dependent upon the quark-diquark distance as well as the values of the four integration constants entering the quark-diquark interaction potential are found approximately. These approximative, zeroth order results are employed in a first order perturbational treatment of the equations of motion for baryons in SSI for free neutron decay. The predicted magnitude of neutron’s half life agrees with data. If the only free parameter is adjusted to produce the known A asymmetry coefficient, the predicted B asymmetry agrees well with data and vice versa. It is pointed out that angular momentum is not conserved in free neutron decay and that the weak coupling constant is detached from the much stronger fine structure constant of electromagnetic coupling.

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Hoh, F. (2010) Baryon wave functions and free neutron decay in the scalar strong interaction hadron theory (SSI). Natural Science, 2, 929-947. doi: 10.4236/ns.2010.29115.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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