Academic Procrastinators and Their Self-Regulation
Seung Won Park, Rayne A. Sperling
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2012.31003   PDF    HTML     20,943 Downloads   41,834 Views   Citations


Previous procrastination research has provided considerable support for procrastination as a failure of self-regulation. However, procrastination has rarely been examined in relation to models of self-regulated learning. The purpose of this study was to understand the motives and reasons for academic procrastination from a self-regulated learning perspective. The current study employed a mixed-methods design in which participants completed several survey instruments of academic procrastination, self-regulation, and academic motivation and participated in semi-structured interviews. Findings indicated that academic procrastination was related to poor self-regulatory skills and defensive behaviors including self-handica- pping strategies. Only limited support for students’ demonstration of procrastination as an adaptive beha- vior (or, active procrastination) was also indicated. Limitations and implications for future research are discussed.

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Park, S. & Sperling, R. (2012). Academic Procrastinators and Their Self-Regulation. Psychology, 3, 12-23. doi: 10.4236/psych.2012.31003.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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