ERAD: Enhanced Ransomware Attack Defense System for Healthcare Organizations


Digital integration within healthcare systems exacerbates their vulnerability to sophisticated ransomware threats, leading to severe operational disruptions and data breaches. Current defenses are typically categorized into active and passive measures that struggle to achieve comprehensive threat mitigation and often lack real-time response effectiveness. This paper presents an innovative ransomware defense system, ERAD, designed for healthcare environments that apply the MITRE ATT&CK Matrix to coordinate dynamic, stage-specific countermeasures throughout the ransomware attack lifecycle. By systematically identifying and addressing threats based on indicators of compromise (IOCs), the proposed system proactively disrupts the attack chain before serious damage occurs. Validation is provided through a detailed analysis of a system deployment against LockBit 3.0 ransomware, illustrating significant enhancements in mitigating the impact of the attack, reducing the cost of recovery, and strengthening the cybersecurity framework of healthcare organizations, but also applicable to other non-health sectors of the business world.

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Li, X. and Madisetti, V. (2024) ERAD: Enhanced Ransomware Attack Defense System for Healthcare Organizations. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 17, 270-296. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2024.175016.

1. Introduction

In the digital era, healthcare’s growing reliance on technology has significantly increased its vulnerability to cyberattacks, especially ransomware. This type of malware, which encrypts files or blocks access to computer systems until a ransom is paid, has surged in complexity and frequency [1] . Such attacks not only disrupt critical healthcare operations but also compromise sensitive patient data, resulting in substantial financial and reputational damage.

From 2016 to 2021, the incidence of ransomware attacks on U.S. healthcare delivery organizations nearly doubled, escalating from 43 to 91 annual incidents [2] . In 2023, the healthcare sector continues to experience a surge in ransomware attacks, with 60% of organizations reporting such incidents, almost double the 34% in 2021 [3] . Dominant among these threats are Locker Ransomware and Crypto Ransomware [4] ; the former locks users out of their systems without data compromise, while the latter encrypts critical files, demanding ransom for their release. A concerning trend is the rise of the “double dip” tactic, where data is not just encrypted but also exfiltrated, amplifying the potential for monetization [3] . This trend is further facilitated by the maturation of the ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) model, which lowers the entry barriers and democratizes the means to launch attacks by providing low-cost, easily accessible ransomware tools online [1] . This model enables even individuals with minimal technical expertise to launch attacks, underscoring an urgent need for fortified defenses within healthcare institutions.

The impacts of ransomware in the healthcare sector are far-reaching, affecting financial stability, operational efficiency, reputational standing, and compliance with data privacy regulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) [5] . Financially, recovery costs have surged to an average of approximately $2.2 million per incident [3] . Operationally, nearly 45% of healthcare providers experience significant service disruptions, including prolonged downtimes and cancellations of scheduled care, which directly impact patient treatment [2] . The resulting reputational damage and concerns about data privacy can erode patient trust and have a long-term impact on healthcare organizations [1] .

The importance of cybersecurity in healthcare is underscored by the high value of Protected Health Information (PHI), which includes sensitive data such as social security numbers, demographic details, and comprehensive medical records. It can be leveraged for identity theft, illegal drug purchases, or insurance fraud, making robust protection measures essential [6] [7] . Additionally, the healthcare industry faces unique challenges in safeguarding its IT infrastructure, including medical devices that can easily become cyber threat entry points [6] [8] .

Traditional security measures in healthcare typically fall into proactive or reactive strategies, each with significant limitations. Proactive strategies, including employee awareness training and data backups, often fail due to the dynamic nature of cyber threats. Conversely, reactive strategies focus on mitigating damage after an incident occurs but are hindered by response delays and irreversible damage caused by attacks.

This paper introduces a novel, stage-level ransomware defense system, ERAD, that significantly enhances the cybersecurity defenses of healthcare organizations. Utilizing the MITRE ATT&CK Matrix [9] , this system offers dynamic, tailored responses to ransomware threats at each functional stage of their lifecycle. By providing sophisticated analysis and stage-specific countermeasures, the system not only prevents ransomware at its current stage but also anticipates and prepares for likely subsequent threats.

The proposed system’s unique structure addresses the limitations of current defenses by integrating both proactive and responsive strategies to minimize attack impacts and facilitate rapid recovery. This paper will demonstrate the system’s effectiveness through a detailed case study of the LockBit 3.0 ransomware [10] , illustrating its strengths over traditional approaches and its adaptability to the evolving nature of cyber threats in healthcare.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses existing security approaches towards the ransomware issue and their limitations. Section 3 outlines the proposed solution and its key improvements. Section 4 describes the implementation details in the context of a case study on LockBit 3.0. Section 5 compares different approaches. Finally, Section 6 presents the conclusion.

2. Existing Work

Existing security measures against ransomware in healthcare are inherently categorized into two main strategies: proactive and reactive. Each strategy, while embodying the best practices in defense, reveals significant vulnerabilities that frequently leave healthcare organizations at risk. This section explores the primary security practices within these two categories and identifies the critical gaps between them, which the proposed system aims to address.

2.1. Proactive Approaches

Proactive strategies are designed to prevent ransomware from penetrating the organization. Primary methods include phishing awareness training and data backups, as recommended by the Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3) [11] :

· Awareness Training: This training aims to educate healthcare personnel about cybersecurity threats and prevention techniques, such as recognizing phishing attempts, managing secure passwords, and safeguarding patient information. Despite its importance, current cybersecurity training often lacks a systematic approach and struggles to meet the rapidly evolving demands of digital healthcare environments. Clinicians report that due to high stress, time constraints, and workload pressures, medical personnel may not prioritize cybersecurity practices adequately [12] , potentially leading to significant security gaps in handling sensitive patient information.

· Backup Systems: Essential for restoring systems and data after a ransomware attack, data backups themselves have increasingly become targets. Recent statistics indicate that 94% of organizations affected by ransomware have experienced attempts to compromise their backup systems during attacks [13] . This targeting undermines the reliability of backups as a robust fail-safe measure, exposing a significant vulnerability in proactive strategies.

· Attack Vector Restriction: Ransomware attackers utilize diverse tactics, rendering proactive measures like training and backups insufficient unless operations are significantly restricted [14] . In healthcare, where continuous service availability is critical, such restrictions are impractical and often inhibit proactive strategies from effectively countering various evolving attack methods.

2.2. Reactive Approaches

Reactive approaches are typically activated only after an incident occurs, focusing on damage control and system recovery:

· Sample Analysis: Research efforts have been directed at characterizing ransomware activity by analyzing collected samples from Windows [15] and mobile [16] systems to facilitate the identification of similar threats. However, the reactive nature of this approach means responses only occur after the ransomware has executed its payload, resulting in irreversible damage to files and systems [17] . Files encrypted before ransomware detection often remain irrecoverable, significantly disrupting patient care and hospital operations.

· Decryption Tools: Law enforcement and cybersecurity vendors have collaborated to produce decryption tools for specific ransomware variants, such as Coinvault [18] and LockBit [19] . Despite these efforts, the effectiveness of these tools is limited, and struggles to keep pace with the rapid evolution of ransomware tactics, underscoring the non-scalability of reactive solutions.

· Incident Response Plans: Many healthcare organizations lack a comprehensive incident response plan, critical for efficient recovery and minimizing service disruption. According to the Ponemon Institute [20] , 40% of healthcare organizations lack a business continuity plan that accounts for system disruptions caused by ransomware. This absence can worsen the impact of an attack, extend recovery time, and increase overall costs.

2.3. Bridging the Gap: The Ransomware Attack Progression

Existing efforts seldom focus on the interval between the ransomware’s entry into the organization and the commencement of data encryption. This critical period involves multiple functional stages of a ransomware attack, which, if addressed properly, could halt the attack’s progression. The MITRE ATT&CK Matrix [9] serves as a pivotal tool in this context, which is a comprehensive knowledge base used for cyberattack modeling and simulation, providing a detailed understanding of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations. This framework facilitates the visualization of an attacker’s journey and the development of specific defenses against various stages of an attack, greatly enhancing cybersecurity across industries.

Utilizing the MITRE ATT&CK Matrix, this paper proposes a novel stage-level ransomware defense system that effectively bridges the gaps between proactive and reactive approaches. The subsequent section details this system, highlighting how it combines the strengths of both strategic approaches to enhance healthcare organizations’ ability to defend against ransomware.

3. ERAD: Our Proposed Approach

This paper introduces a ransomware attack defense system (ERAD) that equips hospitals with stage-level guidance for ransomware defense. Figure 1 depicts the high-level system workflow diagram, highlighting the system’s focus on the intermediate period between ransomware entry into the organization and the encryption of services. The system categorizes the ransomware attack into various functional stages, such as initial access, data exfiltration to the Command and Control (C2) server, and impact on data and services. For each stage, the system conducts a thorough analysis based on detected indicators of compromise (IOCs), initially identifying the current stage of the ongoing ransomware attack. Subsequently, it delivers three types of crucial information to aid in ransomware defense:

1) Suggested preventive actions to halt the ransomware at its current stage.

2) Potential subsequent stages to which the ransomware could advance.

3) IOCs to monitor to verify the progression of the ransomware.

As illustrated in the ERAD system lifecycle flowchart (Figure 2), by analyzing ransomware activity and engaging actively with each stage of the ransomware attack lifecycle, the system can prevent the attack from reaching its most destructive phase, Impact. This preemptive approach minimizes the need for later-stage mitigation actions and reactive responses post-incident.

The system addresses the shortcomings of existing ransomware defense mechanisms by implementing stage-specific countermeasures. The key improvements include:

Figure 1. High-level workflow diagram of ERAD.

Figure 2. ERAD System lifecycle flowchart.

· Strategic Preventive Actions: The system not only predicts potential next stages but also prescribes suggested preventive actions for each stage, thereby maximizing the efficiency of interventions. This approach surpasses the reactive approach that involves high recovery costs and long downtimes, which are particularly severe for healthcare operations.

· Attack Lifecycle Engagement: By focusing on the full ransomware attack lifecycle, the system transitions from a binary defensive posture to a more nuanced, dynamic, stage-level response model. It empowers healthcare institutions to deploy strategic defenses that adapt to the ongoing attack, thus mitigating the limitations of both proactive and reactive approaches.

· Operational Impact Reduction: The system employs the Principle of Left of Boom, a concept borrowed from the healthcare and cybersecurity sectors, which focuses on preemptive actions to prevent critical incidents. This early intervention reduces the likelihood of extensive disruptions in healthcare services and accelerates a quicker return to normal operations. Therefore, the proposed solution successfully addresses the key challenge of long-term service disruptions in current defense approaches.

· Cost-effective Countermeasures: By anticipating and intercepting ransomware attacks during their development, the system mitigates potential financial and reputational damages, decreases the need for recovery procedures, and ensures a timely and cost-effective response ahead of catastrophic outcomes.

This advanced framework provides notable enhancements to the limitations of existing approaches, creates a more resilient defense architecture, and significantly enhances the security posture of healthcare organizations against ransomware threats.

4. Implementation and Test of ERAD

4.1. System Architecture

The architecture of the proposed ERAD system is shown in Figure 3, where the

Figure 3. ERAD System architecture diagram.

components and their interconnections are depicted. The system inputs and outputs are represented by gray blocks and the implemented functional modules are represented by yellow blocks.

Initially, the system receives detected IOCs as input, which it immediately references against a database. This database contains the mapping relationships between IOCs and stages in the MITRE ATT&CK Matrix, pinpointing the current phase of the ongoing ransomware attack. Once the current stage is identified, the system proposes specific preventative actions by querying a separate database containing a comprehensive list of the MITRE ATT&CK’s mitigations, crafting a defense tailored to the current threat level. Moving on, the system forecasts potential future stages in the MITRE ATT&CK Matrix where the ransomware might be proceeding next. The prediction is performed based on a ransomware behavior node graph, which underscores possible progression paths of the attack. In its final analytical phase, the system circles back to the mapping database to aggregate IOCs corresponding to each anticipated next stage, equipping the defense mechanism with threat intelligence to monitor the ransomware progression.

The introduction of the MITRE ATT&CK Matrix is particularly beneficial because it provides a structured, comprehensive framework for understanding and responding to ransomware tactics and techniques [9] . The framework facilitates a systematic approach to threat detection and response, enabling the system to provide precise, actionable insights. This dynamic functionality maintains a robust defense posture throughout the stages of a ransomware attack, significantly enhancing the overall security framework of the targeted healthcare organization.

4.2. Case Study Target

The implementation of the proposed system is based on a real-world scenario, using LockBit 3.0 as a case study. This ransomware variant was chosen because it was one of the top ransomware groups witnessed targeting the Healthcare and Public Health Sector, as reported by HC3 [11] .

LockBit 3.0 distinguishes itself not only through its prevalence but also through its adoption of advanced techniques that amplify its threat capability. The sophistication of LockBit 3.0 is reflected in its RaaS model, which broadens the scope of potential attackers by lowering entry barriers and extends the reach of ransomware [10] . The model is further enhanced by triple extortion schemes that combine traditional ransom demands with data disclosure threats and other extortion methods such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks or direct threats to stakeholders [21] [22] . Additionally, LockBit 3.0’s anti-analytics feature poses a significant challenge to cybersecurity defenses. By requiring a unique 32-character password for each boot, the ransomware effectively blocks many standard analytics techniques, calling for more advanced defense mechanisms [21] .

To fight against the threats posed by LockBit 3.0, the system integrates critical threat intelligence from a Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) [10] issued jointly by the FBI, CISA, and MS-ISAC. This advisory provides a rich dataset of recently and historically observed IOCs and analyzes tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) based on the MITRE ATT&CK Matrix for Enterprise v13.1 [23] . The integration of this data enables the system to offer dynamic, responsive defenses tailored to threats posed by LockBit 3.0.

Through this real-world application, the system’s potential to improve a hospital’s security framework against advanced ransomware attacks will be validated, demonstrating the practical benefits of the proposed solution. The following subsections will explore the specific methodologies employed in the system’s implementation and the results observed during the case study.

4.3. IOC-Stage Mapping Implementation and Detection Techniques

To enable the ERAD analysis system to identify the current stage of a ransomware attack, a database has been constructed that maps IOCs to stages in the MITRE ATT&CK Matrix. The types of IOCs included in this database are as follows [10] [24] :

· Registry Key: Changes to registry keys that are often manipulated to achieve persistence or escalate privileges.

· Freeware and Open-Source Tools: Legal software that LockBit 3.0 repurposes for malicious activities.

· Command Line Parameters: Specific commands used by the ransomware to automate encryption, spread across networks, or modify system configurations.

· IP Address and Domain Name: Network indicators related to LockBit 3.0’s communication with C2 servers or sites utilized for data exfiltration.

· Service and Process Killed: Targeted termination of key operational or defensive services and processes to hinder response actions and maintain ransomware effectiveness.

The mapping results are illustrated in Appendix A Table A1. When the system receives an IOC as input, it consults this mapping database to determine the current stage of the attack. Once the potential next stages the ransomware may transition to are identified, the database is queried again to compile IOCs for each predicted stage. This provides precise guidance for ongoing monitoring and responsive actions.

Furthermore, the system incorporates detection examples for IOCs at each stage, as detailed in Appendix A Table A2. These detection methods are derived from cutting-edge ransomware detection techniques that focus on early-stage identification. They validate the feasibility of this system and provide insights into detecting ransomware at various stages.

4.4. Preventive Action Database Implementation

Once the current stage of a ransomware attack within the MITRE ATT&CK Matrix is determined, the system proposes specific preventive actions to halt the attack. To ensure consistency and granularity, a database organizing mitigations from the MITRE ATT&CK Matrix has been developed, as shown in Appendix A Table A3. The preventive actions are categorized into two types: immediate containment actions and broader general mitigation actions.

1) Containment actions are designed to prevent the ransomware from spreading further. These include taking offline the affected resources, isolating them from the network, and removing vulnerable software or devices. They correspond to Network Segmentation (M1030) and Disable or Remove Feature or Program (M1042) in MITRE ATT&CK Matrix.

2) General mitigation actions, on the other hand, go beyond immediate containment to address specific techniques used at the current stage of the attack. These actions are tailored to reflect the threat tactics employed by the attacking ransomware, enhancing the precision of defense strategies.

For instance, if LockBit 3.0 is identified at the Initial Access stage, the database reveals that one of its common techniques at this stage is External Remote Services (T1133). Accordingly, the system recommends containment actions such as Network Segmentation (M1030) and Disable or Remove Feature or Program (M1042) to block remote access and deactivate related services. Additionally, general mitigations like Limit Access to Resource Over Network (M1035) and Multi-factor Authentication (M1032) are suggested to control network access and strengthen authentication protocols. This approach not only disrupts the ransomware’s progression but also adapts the defense mechanisms to be as dynamic and specific as the threats.

4.5. Behavioral Node Graph Construction

To help hospitals track the progression of ransomware attacks, the proposed system forecasts potential movements of ransomware through a behavioral node graph. Although the MITRE ATT&CK Matrix effectively categorizes an attack into distinct stages and suggests a typical progression path, it does not fully consider the non-sequential behavior of ransomware that often jumps back and forth between stages. For example, if LockBit 3.0 reaches the Privilege Escalation stage, it might choose to evade defenses, as outlined in the linear matrix (Defense Evasion stage), or it may attempt to solidify its presence (Persistence), which is an earlier stage.

To address this limitation, the ERAD system utilizes a behavioral node graph (Figure 4) to map the possible paths of ransomware. The graph visually represents each stage as a node linking to a potential subsequent stage, providing a more detailed understanding of the ransomware path. The node graph begins with the Initial Access stage on the left and guides defenders in preventing the ransomware from reaching the final Impact stage on the right, where significant data damage may occur.

The construction of this node graph is based on a detailed behavioral analysis of LockBit 3.0, leveraging insights from CSA’s analysis of ATT&CK techniques. As an example, in the Privilege Escalation stage, LockBit 3.0 may employ the Domain Policy Modification: Group Policy Modification (T1481.001) technique, preparing it for lateral movements, thereby suggesting Lateral Movement as a likely subsequent stage of Privilege Escalation.

The implementation of the behavioral node graph significantly improves the linear MITRE ATT&CK Matrix by providing a multi-dimensional view of ransomware progression, better reflecting the complex behavior of threats such as LockBit 3.0. This enhancement enables defenders to visualize a wider range of attack scenarios and adapt more quickly to changing techniques. By improving the accuracy of ransomware movement predictions, behavioral node graphs help strategically deploy countermeasures, transforming the traditional Matrix into a dynamic and customizable tool to enhance ransomware defenses against the

Figure 4. Behavioral node graph (visualized with Python NetworkX library) presented in ERAD.

complexity of modern ransomware threats.

4.6. System Interface Design and Functional Demonstration

Figure 5 showcases a preliminary Graphic User Interface (GUI) prototype developed using the Python tkinter library. This GUI is designed for demonstration purposes and to exhibit the main functionalities of the proposed system. The screenshot illustrates a particular use case.

When the remote desktop software Splashtop is detected, it is entered into the system as an IOC. Given that LockBit 3.0 frequently utilizes this software to enable lateral movement, the system determines that the attack has reached the Lateral Movement stage. Building on this identification, the system consults the behavioral node graph to discover possible future stages to which the ransomware may progress. It then offers suggested mitigations to stop LockBit 3.0 at the current stage and outlines IOCs for each potential future stage. This enables defenders to continuously monitor the ransomware’s progress.

The interface is designed to streamline complex data interactions, rendering the analysis and decision-making processes more intuitive and accessible for security personnel. This facilitation significantly enhances the system’s usability in fast-paced security environments.

5. Comparison with Prior Work

This section contrasts the effectiveness of the proposed stage-level ransomware

Figure 5. ERAD GUI and system demonstration.

defense system, ERAD, with traditional proactive and reactive strategies, highlighting its advancements in mitigating operational impacts on healthcare facilities. While proactive and reactive approaches have their merits, they fall short in the critical context of healthcare operations. In healthcare settings, maintaining a high operational level is not only a matter of efficiency but a key to patient care and safety. Any disruption can result in immediate and severe consequences for patient health, making the continuity of operations a top priority. The following graphical analysis (Figure 6) reflects how the operational level is impacted during a ransomware attack under different approaches.

The blue line in both charts symbolizes the proposed approach, initiating a response at the first sign of ransomware entry. This immediate action results in a temporary operational decline as the system mitigates the threat, allowing the organization to continue at a reduced capacity during recovery.

In the “Proposed & Proactive Approaches” chart, the green line representing the proactive strategy shows frequent and significant operational interruptions. This demonstrates the aggressive nature of the proactive approach, which often

Figure 6. Comparative analysis of proposed, proactive, and reactive ransomware defense approaches over time.

preemptively halts operations to prevent ransomware infiltration. This can block some threats, but it also introduces too many false alarms and operational stops, leading to instability and inefficiency. Moreover, when a proactive system is eventually broken by a sophisticated attack, it experiences longer recovery times.

In the “Proposed & Reactive Approaches” chart, the orange line illustrates the reactive approach, which maintains normal operations until an attack occurs and then focuses on quick incident response. However, this strategy leads to a significant drop in the level of operation followed by a long recovery time once data and infrastructure are affected by an attack.

Through this analysis, the proposed ERAD system demonstrates its ability to maintain higher operational continuity and stability over time, unlike the fluctuations and severe declines seen with traditional proactive and reactive methods. By focusing on early detection and response, the proposed system reduces both the time and the resources required for post-attack recovery.

A case study of the LockBit 3.0 attack on Carthage Area Hospital [25] and Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center [26] serves to further illustrate the effectiveness:

Incident Introduction:

In late August of 2023, LockBit 3.0 attacked Carthage Area Hospital and Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center, critical healthcare institutions serving a combined populace of over 200,000 in upstate New York.

Timeline of the Attack [27] [28] :

· August 31, 2023: a ransomware infiltration occurred that severely disrupted hospital operations. The attack resulted in immediate outpatient appointments being rescheduled and the diversion of emergency room services to other facilities, which significantly impacted healthcare delivery.

· September 2, 2023: The phone system was quickly restored, yet the rescheduling of appointments continues, indicating ongoing disruption.

· September 6, 2023: Investigations revealed that sensitive personal and health information including names, addresses, birth dates, and social security numbers had been compromised, raising serious privacy and security concerns.

· September 15, 2023: The LockBit ransomware organization publicly claimed responsibility for the attack.

· September 19, 2023: A deadline was set by the attackers for the ransom payment, with the threat that failure to comply would result in the publication of the stolen data.

Impact Analysis:

The full details of this attack remain under investigation, with critical information regarding the breach’s techniques and the exact financial impact still undisclosed. As a result, the impact analysis will be qualitative, focusing on the broader implications and disruptions such incidents can cause within healthcare systems.

The immediate effects included a healthcare service disruption that spanned over two weeks, emergency room closure due to compromised operational capacities, and outpatient appointments postponed or canceled. This disruption strained nearby medical facilities as patients were diverted. The hospitals’ digital infrastructure, which is the lifeline of modern healthcare services, was also greatly impacted. Key IT assets such as the internal phone systems were made unavailable, blocking communication channels within the hospitals. Digital systems such as Electronic Health Record (EHR) system, hospital digital medication system, and digital laboratory system were affected, resulting in potential delays in diagnosis and treatment. From a financial perspective, while specific figures regarding the costs incurred by this incident or the demanded ransom amount remain undisclosed, statistics show that the average recovery cost for similar breaches in healthcare organizations is approximately $2.2 million [3] . This figure provides a reference for the potential economic burden that the affected hospitals may face. The attack also had compliance and reputational impacts that were more diffuse and challenging to quantify but arguably just as impactful. Compliance violations, such as potential breaches of HIPAA due to compromised patient health information, can lead to fines, further limiting the hospitals’ resources. Moreover, the reputational damage caused by such attacks could erode patient trust, which is critical to the healthcare industry, and could influence patient decisions long after the incident is resolved.

Reduced Impact with Proposed System:

The proposed system empowers hospitals to substantially mitigate the operational and financial impacts of ransomware attacks. By detecting ransomware activity before it progresses to the stages of data exfiltration or encryption, the system can significantly minimize service disruptions. Consequently, rescheduled outpatient appointments, emergency room diversions, and closures might be entirely avoided, maintaining the continuity of critical health care services. From an IT perspective, the system’s early detection capability enables organizations to quickly isolate affected devices, effectively limiting the impact and keeping critical services available. Financially, the avoidance of widespread system encryption would likely lead to a decrease in recovery costs and ransom demands. While reputational damage and HIPAA compliance risks depend on the extent of data involved, the system’s rapid response is expected to mitigate the severity of any breach, thereby limiting the scope of reputational damage and potential compliance violations.

6. Summary and Conclusions

This paper proposes a novel stage-level ransomware defense system, ERAD, that leverages the MITRE ATT&CK Matrix to deliver dynamic, stage-specific responses tailored to the unique challenges of the healthcare sector. By responding to IOCs and implementing strategic preventive actions, the system can effectively prevent ransomware attacks from reaching their most damaging stages, thereby safeguarding critical healthcare operations and sensitive patient data. The paper further illustrated the real-world applicability of this system through a case study on the LockBit 3.0 ransomware.

Future Directions: To enhance the system’s effectiveness, incorporating comprehensive impact analyses at each stage of an attack could significantly refine decision-making processes, enabling healthcare organizations to better tailor preventive and mitigative strategies. Additionally, extending the system’s coverage to include mobile and Internet of Things (IoT) devices is essential, as these technologies are becoming increasingly prevalent in healthcare settings and introduce new security vulnerabilities. Integrating the MITRE ATT&CK Matrix for Mobile and Industrial Control Systems (ICS) could address these challenges comprehensively. Advancing these aspects will ensure the proposed ERAD can be developed further to protect critical healthcare infrastructure and sensitive patient information against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats.


We thank the reviewers for their detailed comments that greatly improved the paper.

Appendix A: Tables

Table A1. Mapping between IOCs and stages.

Table A2. Techniques and detection examples for each stage.

Table A3. Preventive action database.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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