Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection

Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection

ISSN Print: 2327-4336
ISSN Online: 2327-4344

Call For Papers

Special Issue on Environmental Monitoring of Pollutants

Environmental Monitoring is based on scientific observations of changes that occur in our environment. Scientists need to observe changes to study the dynamics of not only natural cycles but also anthropogenic-based impacts. The effects of pollution in the environment, as in humans, can be slow (chronic) and may require multiple observations over time, or they can be fast acting (acute), and be assessed with simultaneous observations. The goal of this special issue is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in the area of environmental monitoring of pollutants.

In this special issue, we intend to invite front-line researchers and authors to submit original research and review articles on exploring environmental monitoring of pollutants. In this special issue, potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Soil pollution monitoring
  • Water pollution monitoring
  • Air pollution monitoring
  • Biomarkers of environmental contamination
  • Migration of pollutants
  • Monitoring of pollutants

Authors should read over the journal’s For Authors carefully before submission. Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the journal’s Paper Submission System.

Please kindly notice that the Special Issue” under your manuscript title is supposed to be specified and the research field “Special Issue - Environmental Monitoring of Pollutants” should be chosen during your submission.

According to the following timetable:

Submission Deadline

November 25th, 2020

Publication Date

          January 2021

Guest Editor:

Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Trung Minh; Doctoral in Geochemistry Institute n. a. Vernadsky - Russian Academy of Sciences,Vietnamese.

For further questions or inquiries

Please contact Editorial Assistant at

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