International Conference on Information Technology and Scientific Management (ICITSM 2010 E-BOOK)


ISBN: 978-1-935068-40-2 Scientific Research Publishing, USA

E-Book 1078pp Pub. Date: December 2010

Category: Computer Science & Communications

Price: $220

Title: Writing the Realistic From the Special Angle of View——Observing on Bulgakov’s Master and Margaret
Source: International Conference on Information Technology and Scientific Management (ICITSM 2010 E-BOOK) (pp 775-778)
Author(s): Xiaoxia Shi, Department of Publicity, Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin, China
Abstract: Master and Margaret is one of Bulgakov’s classic works that handed down to posterity. It is an unwonted, fascinating and fantastic novel in the period of Soviets. There are skillful conceiving, odd scenarios, profound philosophy and perfect form in the works. The cruel reality is revealed and the hankering for the goodliness is expressed by means of magic and fantastic. The technique of fantastic, satirizing and humor are employed extremely. There are 3 handholds in the book: Satan and his servant, the love between master and Margaret and the death of Jesus that sentenced by the governor of Rome. The 3 lines intervening and set off one another and constitute a perfect whole. History, legend, fantasy and reality are assembled subtly in the works. The real-life of the day is reflected from unique angle of view including reality, imagination and fantasy.
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