Proceedings of the 17th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging (IAPRI 2010 E-BOOK)


ISBN: 978-1-935068-36-5 Scientific Research Publishing, USA

E-Book 886pp Pub. Date: October 2010

Category: Chemistry & Materials Science

Price: $80

Title: Cushioning Packaging Design of the Colored Ceramic Horse
Source: Proceedings of the 17th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging (IAPRI 2010 E-BOOK) (pp 102-106)
Author(s): Jingrui Cai, College of Materials Science and Technology, Beijing Forestry University eBeijing, China
Abstract: Ceramic artworks became more and more popular in both China and foreign country for their strong, durable, attractive features. But the current packaging of them was mainly simple polystyrene foam with lower costs. However, because of poor quality materials and not environmentally friendly, this kind of transport packages was only suitable for low-grade products. This article made improvement in the current plastic foam packaging of the colored ceramic horse. With the test results and the analysis of the characteristics of the product, we chose three kind of flute corrugated cardboard pad (A、B、C) as the new buffer. Besides, two reasonable schemes were designed, one put emphasis on cushion capacity, the other on lower cost. After that, experimental programs were designed to verify the effects of the buffer and compare the two schemes. Taking all those into consideration, it was including protection function, environment-protection, low-cost, attraction, artistic value and other factors, we got a optimal combination: cushioning pad was made of B flute corrugated cardboard, outer packaging box was made of E flute corrugated cardboard, so the second scheme was the cushion pad structure. The materials totally cost 0.1 yuan more than that of the current plastic foam packaging.
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