Effect of an educative intervention on the clinical ability of physicians in the risk factor identification of metabolic syndrome


Aim: To measure the effect of an educative intervention on the clinical ability of family physicians of two First Contact Units, (UMF, IMSS) from the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, in the Risk Factor Identification of metabolic syndrome. Methodology: A quasi-experimental study was carried out with a control group using basal and final measurements. The educative intervention of the experimental group included one in-the- classroom work and another at the consulting room. Instrument was validated by a panel of experts and consisted of 40 questions of five cases presenting problems, reaching a reliability index of 0.84. Results: There was no significant difference at base measurement among the different levels of clinical ability among groups (p = 0.82). At the end of the follow-up, a significant increase in the experimental group (29 with 20 - 23 vs 29 with 24 - 33 in the control group) was observed. Conclusions: The advantage observed at the different levels of the experimental group reflects the impact of the alternative educative program which needs to be a programmatic guide for future educative interventions for health workers seeking to transform their own clinical practice.

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Cabrera-Pivaral, C. , Hobert-Cepeda, B. and Berdugo-Rodriguez, A. (2011) Effect of an educative intervention on the clinical ability of physicians in the risk factor identification of metabolic syndrome. Health, 3, 626-630. doi: 10.4236/health.2011.310106.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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