Application of Scale Relativity (ScR) Theory to the Problem of a Particle in a Finite One-Dimensional Square Well (FODSW) Potential


In the present work, and along the lines of Hermann, ScR theory is applied to a finite one-dimensional square well potential problem. The aim is to show that scale relativity theory can reproduce quantum mechanical results without employing the Schrödinger equation. Some mathematical difficulties that arise when obtaining the solution to this problem were overcome by utilizing a novel mathematical connection between ScR theory and the well-known Riccati equation. Computer programs were written using the standard MATLAB 7 code to numerically simulate the behavior of the quantum particle in the above potential utilizing the solutions of the fractal equations of motion obtained from ScR theory. Several attempts were made to fix some of the parameters in the numerical simulations to obtain the best possible results in a practical computer CPU time within limited local computer facilities [1,2]. Comparison of the present results with the corresponding results obtained from conventional quantum mechanics by solving the Schrödinger equation, shows very good agreement. This agreement was improved further by optimizing the parameters used in the numerical simulations [1,3]. This represents a new example where scale relativity theory, based on a fractal space-time concept, can accurately reproduce quantum mechanical results without invoking the Schrödinger equation.

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S. Al-Rashid, M. Habeeb and K. Ahmad, "Application of Scale Relativity (ScR) Theory to the Problem of a Particle in a Finite One-Dimensional Square Well (FODSW) Potential," Journal of Quantum Information Science, Vol. 1 No. 1, 2011, pp. 7-17. doi: 10.4236/jqis.2011.11002.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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