Soot and Nanomaterials Synthesis in the Flame


The general scheme of conversion of hydrocarbon fuels with new experimental data on the formation of fullerenes and graphenes taking into account the pressure effect is proposed for the fuel-rich flames. It is shown that the formation of fullerenes is important to the corresponding spatial orientation of PAH, possible at low pressures. The formation of hydrophobic soot surface on silicon and nickel substrates during combustion of propane-oxygen flame was studied. It is established that the hydrophobic properties are due to the presence of soot particles in the form nanobeads. The photovoltaic properties of solar cells coated by nickel oxide nanoparticles synthesized in counter flow propane-air flame. It is revealed that coated the surface of a silicon solar cell by nickel oxide nanoparticles results in the increase in solar cell efficiency by 3%.

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Mansurov, Z. (2014) Soot and Nanomaterials Synthesis in the Flame. Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, 2, 1-6. doi: 10.4236/msce.2014.21001.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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