The Impact of Criminal Code Training on Eyewitness Identification Accuracy


Eyewitness identification accuracy of offenders (persons who committed a crime) is generally unreliable. In this study, we implemented a training approach to examine the impact of a brief criminal law training session on the identification accuracy of eyewitnesses viewing a simulated violent altercation between two males. Participants provided with prior training on how to appropriately apply specific criminal law definitions relevant to a violent altercation (assault and self-defense provisions) were more accurate in their identifications of the offender when compared to participants provided with irrelevant training (a riot and the unlawful assembly of a riot), and participants provided with no training, when observing the same violent altercation. Potential implications and limitations are discussed.

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Storozuk, M. & Dupuis, P. (2013). The Impact of Criminal Code Training on Eyewitness Identification Accuracy. Psychology, 4, 1027-1029. doi: 10.4236/psych.2013.412149.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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