The 3D Computer Image of the Anterior Corneal Surface


In this paper,we derive a nonlinearequation of corneal asphericity (Q) usingthe tangential radius of curvature (rt) on every semi-meridian. We transform the nonlinear equation into the linear equation and then obtain theQ-value of cor-neal semi-meridianby the linear regression method.We find the 360 semi-meridional variation rule of theQ-value us-ing polynomial function. Furthermore, we construct a new 3D corneal model and present a more realistic model of shape of the anterior corneal surface.

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Wang, B. , Huang, X. , Ying, J. and Shi, M. (2013) The 3D Computer Image of the Anterior Corneal Surface. Engineering, 5, 477-481. doi: 10.4236/eng.2013.510B098.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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