The Theory of the Organization and the New Paradigms


This paper proposes to tackle a subject that many authors have warned should not be taken lightly: “the new paradigms of Science” and the theory of management. The paper begins with a brief explanation about the changing environment which began during the 1970s. This section contains background and relevant criticism made by several authors, and sets out the argument for the need to change to a new paradigm. This is followed by an exploration of new concepts and ideas that have emerged in New Science that have direct relevance to developing new organizational models. Finally, a way to envision and conceptualize the organization as a living entity and to undertake the construction of a new paradigm is suggested.

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Limone, A. and Marinovic, M. (2013) The Theory of the Organization and the New Paradigms. Open Journal of Business and Management, 1, 30-38. doi: 10.4236/ojbm.2013.12005.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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