Mesothelioma in relation to asbestos exposure in laboratory work


Introduction: Mesothelioma is a malignant conditioncaused by exposure to asbestos that has typically a long latency period. The disease is usually found in the later stages when the prognosis is poor despite treatments. Objective: To report a mesothelioma found in a laboratory. Method: We reported here a case of a 60 year-old-man who was exposed to asbestos fibres-first when he studied in a laboratory at high school and then he had exposure over the following years until graduating with a master’s degree, but he did not have exposure after it. He was a smoker as a teenager and he gave up after 23 years. His first symptom was coughing at night which lasted for several months until the pleural fluid was discovered on the right side of thorax. This triggered investigations led to a diagnosis of mesothelioma. According to a systematic literature search, mesothelioma has not been reported previously in relation to asbestos exposure in laboratory work. An operation was carried out, but the patient refused to take chemotherapy due to the limited benefits that could be expected from it. Instead, he opted for a Budwig protocol. The case has had a good quality of life since the surgery, and did not have any medications. He has regular check-ups at the hospital. Conclusion: Our study has shown that mesothelioma is not only a risk to people directly exposed to asbestos, but also indirectly from, for example, laboratory work. People should avoid exposure to asbestos in daily life.

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Sripaiboonkij, P. and Jaakkola, M. (2013) Mesothelioma in relation to asbestos exposure in laboratory work. Health, 5, 981-984. doi: 10.4236/health.2013.56129.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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