Student’s Dynamics of Didactic Competence during the “Internship of Preparation for Professional Life” in Physical Education and Sports. Evolution of Pre and Post Active Planning


This study encourages decision making in the field of university training of Physical Education and Sports teachers. It consists in observing and analysing the evolution of pre and post active planning of intern students and identifying their didactic competence during the internship period. Following a qualitative approach a corpus of seventy-two documents prepared by six intern students at the Higher Institute of Sports and Physical Education (ISSEP) in Kef was analyzed. The analysis of these document is based on “guiding questions” constructed from the normative didactic. The analysis of the data allowed inferences about the didactic competence observed. Case analysis and multi-case analysis revealed a static trend in the evolution of specific competence in planning. The appearance of recurrent difficulties in some specific competence reveals the thesis of a “survival strategy” developed by intern students. The in-depth analysis of the preparations also revealed an ineluctable effect of “pedagogy by objectives” on the logic and nature of planning and balance sheets of lessons developed. In addition, the study refutes the hypothesis of the suspected effect of the internal logic of sports activities on the nature of planning and unveils a “traditional” conception of teaching physical education.

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Bennour, N. , Zghibi, M. , Jayari, S. & Ouessleti, N. (2013). Student’s Dynamics of Didactic Competence during the “Internship of Preparation for Professional Life” in Physical Education and Sports. Evolution of Pre and Post Active Planning. Advances in Physical Education, 3, 98-102. doi: 10.4236/ape.2013.32017.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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