A study of using grey system theory and artificial neural network on the climbing ability of Buergeria robusta frog


Ecological engineering is an emerging study of integrating both ecology and engineering, concerned with the design, monitoring, and construction of ecosystems. In recent years, the threat to amphibian animals is becoming more and more serious. In particular, the loss of habitats caused by changes to the way land is used by human beings has hit amphibians particularly hard. Amphibians are known to be particularly vulnerable to human activities because they rely on both terrestrial and aquatic habitats for survival. With the increasing development of many areas in recent years, concrete structures are often installed along water bodies in order to increase the safety of local residents. The construction of concrete banks along rivers associated with human development has become a serious problem in Taiwan. Most ecosystems used by amphibians are lakes and stream banks, yet no related design solutions to accommodate the needs of amphibians. The need to develop the relevant design specification considering protecting the amphibian is imperative. Buergeria robusta, an endemic species in Taiwan, is tree frog widely distributed in lowland montane regions. Their breeding season is from April to September. They like to rest on trees or hide at caves during the daytime and move to the stream nearby in dusk for breeding. Males usually emit weak mating call while standing on stones. Sticky eggs are attached to undersides of rocks and stones. Tadpoles are found in slow flowing water of streams [1]. The goal of this study is to improve the understanding of the relationship between the climbing ability and the physical characteristics of amphibians. In this study, we use Artificial Neural Network to simulate the climbing ability of Buergeria robusta. Besides, Grey System Theory is also adopted to improve the performance of Artificial Neural Network. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is a computing system that uses a large number of artificial neurons imitating natural neural ability to deal with an information network by computing system. The numerical results have show good agreement with the experimental results. The results can serve as a reference for technicians involved in future ecological engineering designs of banks throughout the world.

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Chang, Y. and Chuang, T. (2013) A study of using grey system theory and artificial neural network on the climbing ability of Buergeria robusta frog. Open Journal of Ecology, 3, 83-93. doi: 10.4236/oje.2013.32010.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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