Comparison of Interval Constraint Propagation Algorithms for Vehicle Localization


Interval constraint propagation (ICP) algorithms allow to solve problems described as constraint satisfaction problems (CSP). ICP has been successfully applied to vehicle localization in the last few years. Once the localization problem has been stated, a large class of ICP solvers can be used. This paper compares a few ICP algorithms, using the same experimental data, in order to rank their performances in terms of accuracy and computing time.

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I. Kueviakoe, A. Lambert and P. Tarroux, "Comparison of Interval Constraint Propagation Algorithms for Vehicle Localization," Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, Vol. 5 No. 12B, 2012, pp. 157-162. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2012.512B030.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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