Studies of the Turkish form of the Test for Creative Thinking-Drawing Production


This paper explains the results of multi-year applications of the Test for Creative Thinking-Drawing Production in a Turkish context with Turkish participants. The purpose of the study is to present the results of several empirical studies conducted by different Turkish samples, using the instrument which was developed by Jellen and Urban for measuring the creative thinking potentials of individuals. The number of the subjects of all the studies described here totaled to 1529. These participants were of various ages and at various levels of ability, and they included primary school students, university students, and adults, as well as 369 gifted students, and 64 subjects with neurological problems. The author introduces the evaluation procedures, discusses the culturally fair characteristics of the test, and makes a case for the utility of the instrument in Turkey with a comparison of existing data in the literature related to the instrument.

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Togrol, A. (2012). Studies of the Turkish form of the Test for Creative Thinking-Drawing Production. Creative Education, 3, 1326-1331. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.38194.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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