Use of ICT in Teaching Cinema: Elements of Reflection and Practice in Higher Education


This paper aims to introduce utilities and dangers using ICT in teaching cinema. As digital convergence offered new opportunities in many fields, it stressed the needs to make some reflections and consequently to acquire the appropriate skills. We will discuss how cinema and ICT are related in educational contexts especially when cinema is not the specific topic. Cinema and audiovisual media are always more necessarily invited guests into lessons of various subjects and courses in order to convey messages to the students through images. As required by the dynamics of the contemporary. Then the essay introduces a practical case in which movie has contributed to develop a theme and has helped students to better understand far phenomena from them.

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Castiglione, O. & Zucchetti, M. (2012). Use of ICT in Teaching Cinema: Elements of Reflection and Practice in Higher Education. Creative Education, 3, 769-772. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.326115.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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