Twin gestation: Is induction of labor possible in highly selected cases?


Induction of labor has been in practice for several decades but the decision to induce labor in multifetal gestations has not been accepted by many practitioners in contemporary obstetrics. The aim of this study was to compare maternal and fetal outcomes among women with uncomplicated twin gestations who were induced at term and those who were not. It was a cross-sectional analytic study that lasted ten years, (1st January 2000 to 31st December 2009 inclusive) at the maternity of the central hospital, Yaounde, Cameroon. 158 women were enrolled, 79 were induced and 79 went into labor spontaneously. Maternal and fetal outcomes, duration of labor, the prevalence of caesarean section were compared in the two groups. The average age of the women in the groups was 26, 75 ± 3.65 years (range 15 - 41 years). For those who were induced, indication was premature rupture of membranes in 44 (56%) of cases. The characteristics of induced and none induced women were similar, except for the number of antenatal consultations (P ≤ 0.001). There was a significant difference in the duration of labor in the two groups (6 hrs versus 9, 75 hrs; P ≤ 0.001). The overall rate of vaginal delivery in the two groups was 87, 97% (n = 139), 88.87% in the group that was induced versus 86.07% in the group that labor was spontaneous (OR 1, 22; 95% IC 0, 51-2, 92; p ≤ 0.90). With respect to primary outcomes, there were no statistically significant differences between the group that labor was induced and that which labor was spontaneous. The prevalence of caesarean delivery was similar in the two groups (10%, 12% vs 13%, 92%; OR 0%, 7%; 95% IC 0, 27-1, 85; P ≤ 0.50). The main indications for caesarean section were acute fetal distress and failed induction. The first and fifth minute APGAR scores less than 7 in the first twins delivered in the two groups were similar. The 312 children delivered in both arms did not show any complications at birth. However, there were 3 neonatal deaths (1 vs 2). There were no cases of uterine rupture or maternal deaths among the 156 women. Induction of labor may be proposed to women with uncomplicated term twin gestations with specific indications. Induction in these highly selected cases does not impute any additional risks but close monitoring of labor is very necessary.

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Mbu, R. , Fouedjio, J. , Fouelifack, Y. , Ngo Batta, J. , Tumasang, F. , Ako, S. , Tonye, R. , Mbu, M. and Leke, R. (2012) Twin gestation: Is induction of labor possible in highly selected cases?. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2, 213-219. doi: 10.4236/ojog.2012.23043.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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