Nucleation Reduction Strategy of (Brushite) CHP Crystals in SMS Media and Its Characterization Studies


Kidney stone consist of various organic, inorganic and semi organic compounds. Mineral oxalate monohydrate and di-hydrate is the main inorganic constituent of kidney stones. However, the mechanisms for the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stone are not clearly understood. In this field of study there are several hypothesis including nucleation, crystal growth and or aggregation of formation of COMH, AOMH (Ammonium oxalate monohydrate), CODH, and AODH (Ammonium oxalate di-hydrate) crystals. The author has reported the effect of some urinary species such as ammonium oxalates, calcium, citrate, proteins and trace mineral. The kidney stone constituents are grown in the kidney environments, the silica gel medium (SMS) provides the necessary growth simulation (in-vivo). In the artificial urinary stone preparation (growth) or crystal growth, growth parameter identification with in the different chemical environments is carried out. In the present study, CHP (calcium hydrogen phosphate) crystals are grown in three different growth faces to attain the total nucleation reductions. As an extension of this research, many characterization studies have been carried out, and the results are compared and reported.

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G. Kanchana, P. Sundaramoorthi, R. Santhi, S. Kalainathan and G. Jeyanthi, "Nucleation Reduction Strategy of (Brushite) CHP Crystals in SMS Media and Its Characterization Studies," Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, Vol. 7 No. 1, 2008, pp. 49-57. doi: 10.4236/jmmce.2008.71004.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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