Self-Controlled Feedback and Trait Anxiety in Motor Skill Acquisition


This study examined the relationship between trait anxiety (TA) and self-controlled (SC) frequency of feedback in the acquisition of the overhead volleyball serve. Forty-eight adolescent girls performed 240 acquisition trials, with the provision of knowledge of results (KR). After 48 h, they performed 16 transfer no-KR trials. Although no interactions were found on either acquisition or transfer, the high-anxious girls requested more feedback than the low-anxious ones. Also, feedback was requested more after accurate than after inaccurate trials.

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Maia Bokums, R. , M. Meira Jr., C. , F. O. Neiva, J. , Oliveira, T. & Ferreira Maia, J. (2012). Self-Controlled Feedback and Trait Anxiety in Motor Skill Acquisition. Psychology, 3, 406-409. doi: 10.4236/psych.2012.35057.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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