Mathematical Modeling and Software Application of Blood Flow for Therapeutic Management of Stroke


People in the rural areas do not have access to specialist medical care, and when they have complications of stroke, they do not have specialists to look at them and they cannot afford to travel to the cities. The primary health care centers are not equipped with sophisticated equipments. Medicine is about medication, treatment and management. In rural areas treatment is not available either because of accessibility or affordability. Even the few doctors that are available are not in primary health care centres. Well conserved one-dimensional non-linear equations of blood flow describing blood flow in distensible blood vessels were used to develop software. This model could describe discontinuities and disruption in blood flow. The computer software can be used for detecting artherosclerosis, stenosis and differentiation of haemorrhagic and ischaemic strokes for stroke management from simple measurements. The software developed is capable of computing the Siriraj and the Allen clinical scores. These scores have been proposed to help clinicians in making decisions while waiting for results of computerized tomography, hence clinicians can start anti-thrombotic treatment while waiting for the scan results. It is capable of simulating stenosis at different position and depth of flow along the arterial length, and can be used for diagnosis. The medical emphasis is on avoiding possible occurrence, every individual can know his status by inputting the required data such as flow and geometry of their arteries into the developed interface and such measurements can be obtained from simple Doppler measurements.

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B. Gutti, A. Susu and O. Fasanmade, "Mathematical Modeling and Software Application of Blood Flow for Therapeutic Management of Stroke," Engineering, Vol. 4 No. 4, 2012, pp. 228-233. doi: 10.4236/eng.2012.44030.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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