Means of Knowledge Dissemination: Are the Café Scientifique and the Artistic Performance Equally Effective?


An increasing number of health researchers are opting for innovative approaches to communicate research findings. This article compares two methods for disseminating findings to various audiences: the Café scientifique and the artistic performance. Analysis of surveys completed by 78 respondents indicates that the artistic performance is more effective in communicating research findings based on three of the four evaluation criteria used: it generates more questions and emotion among audience members and influences a greater number of individuals to alter their initial understanding of and opinion on an issue. The Café scientifique and the artistic performance both help participants to better understand the topic examined. The arts, however, shine a different light on the issue.

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Lafrenière, D. & Cox, S. (2012). Means of Knowledge Dissemination: Are the Café Scientifique and the Artistic Performance Equally Effective?. Sociology Mind, 2, 191-199. doi: 10.4236/sm.2012.22025.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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