The Use of Benefit Transfer to Estimate the Recreational and Touristic Value of Two Wooded Areas in Tuscany


The holistic role of forests going beyond the economic function, identified in timber production, substantiates the evaluation of forests’ social and environmental dimensions. Consequently, biodiversity, landscape, hydro-geological security, and maintenance of cultures and traditions are among the manifold issues to be addressed in dealing with forests. Touristic and recreational role of forests is also associated with the disproportionate development of human activities, sources of pollution often correlated to a reduced quality of life. This paper aims at applying the benefit transfer methodology to estimate (from a financial point of view) the recreational and touristic value of wooded areas. The proposed approach relies on an extensive literature review including earlier published books, project’ reports, scientific journals, and conference proceedings addressing the economic evaluation of forests. The reviewed methodologies are then rationally synthesized, adapted, and applied on two case studies in Tuscany, in an attempt to assign a value to forest’s systems; however, only the recreational and touristic dimensions are considered. The ultimate purpose of this work is to emphasize aspects that were not yet properly considered in the financial appraisal of wooded areas, for a balanced management of natural resources avoiding deterioration and neglect.

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F. Riccioli, R. Fratini, J. Asmar and T. Asmar, "The Use of Benefit Transfer to Estimate the Recreational and Touristic Value of Two Wooded Areas in Tuscany," Journal of Service Science and Management, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2012, pp. 14-19. doi: 10.4236/jssm.2012.51002.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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