The Similarity Index: A New and Simple Algorithm to Measure Coherence in Polls
—A Case Study Where the Students Evaluate Assessments in a General Chemistry Course


Assessments have been a crucial part of the process of learning and teaching. Most of the time, this process has been measured with summative assessments but what about formative ones? Historically, the teacher chooses the appropriate assessment for his/her class. However, what do the students have to say about that? In this case study, we present the results of a Likert-type poll for five assessments applied in a General Chemistry course. Students gave their answers according to three measurable intended aspects: the cognitive, the emotional and the social. To measure the coherence of those three aspects a similarity index was created. This instrument, together with the Likert-type poll, allowed us to advise which assessment should be accepted or rejected according to the student’s point of view. From a variety of assessments, the student selected the following increasing raking of assessments: Short Multiple-Choice Questions, General Questions/Answers Out Loud and Prediction-Observation-Explanation.

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Flores-Morales, P. (2022) The Similarity Index: A New and Simple Algorithm to Measure Coherence in Polls
—A Case Study Where the Students Evaluate Assessments in a General Chemistry Course. Creative Education, 13, 203-237. doi: 10.4236/ce.2022.131014.

1. Introduction

The social media (SM) allow users to evaluate their peers by pressing “like”. Young people are the common users of SM, so they are habituated to be evaluated and evaluating. Even when this is a spread practice among the Z-generation, it seems such a behaviour is not extrapolated to assessments.

A discussion on how the students should be assessed has had a significant impact over the last years (Creme, 2005; Maxwell, 2012; Mayowski et al., 2018; Schneider et al., 2019; Smith, 2007; Stewart & Richardson, 2000). Should it be at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a unit? It seems that a general conclusion applies; assessment must be a journey, not an objective (Bulwik, 2004; Chamizo, 1995; Viera et al., 2007).

Chamizo (1995, 1996) argues that if the questions that are asked on a test are for specific contents, the students will rapidly forget those contents due to there are no circumstances to overcome. In this sense, students must be challenged to think and reflect on why they are doing what they are doing. Thus, the assessment must be an integral process, not only a goal by itself.

Bulwik (2004) goes beyond Chamizo’s ideas indicating that:

Most of the evaluation methods currently applied for learning are conservative, considering that purposes and teaching methodologies have changed.

According to Bulwik,

[…] to privilege the social character of the evaluation of learning over its pedagogical nature, led to equalise assessment, examination, and qualification.

Moreover, she tops off saying:

[the previous statement led] to consider that assessments are only for rating an exam, turning the exams and tests in moments of tension as much the teacher as the students.

The construction of knowledge is dynamic; the meanings are revisited and updated, recurrently, so the student must do his/her own learning pathway (Price et al., 2017). Thus, if the students take part in the assessment, the commitment to learn is more significant (Bulwik, 2004). A shortlist of formative/summative assessments is presented in Appendix A (view supporting information, from now on S. I.).

Since the assessment is a trip and not a goal, it seems natural questioning: what are the advisable assessments to use? According to literature (Hortigüela et al., 2019; Prashanti & Ramnarayan, 2019; Quesada et al., 2019), this is a critical issue when deep/active/lifelong learning (Davari & Bahraman, 2019; Lewis, 2019; Rubenson, 2019) is the objective needed for reaching.

The main issue with assessments is it is the teacher who makes these instruments. He/she must have the expertise not only in his/her field, but also in the design of assessments. This issue depends on his/her career, so some teachers have the assessments design skills more developed than others. But, in what choices the assessments design is based? (Fischman et al., 2019; Tan, 2019). Is there any chance to involve the students asking for their opinions? We think this is an aspect that we should consider more often.

Furthermore, assessing implies not only a cognitive aspect, but an emotional and, sometimes, a social aspect, as well. When an assessment is placed, the students’ mind tries to find the answer. However, a part of the students’ feelings is also involved. They can react negatively to a particular question if they are not comfortable with the content. Moreover, they can react negatively to a specific type of assessment if they do not like it. As in social media, feelings are involved when teachers assess students.

On the other hand, socio-cognition is another aspect present in assessments, even more, if the students work on groups, and they have peer review. However, the social issue is also present when students are asked if some assessment should be applied to future freshmen. In this scenario, a freshman may think not only in his/her benefits but in the repercussion for their new classmates (next year), as well. In that regard, a parameter that could simultaneously measure the coherence among the cognition, the emotional and the social aspects of the assessment could bring attention to which ones are preferred by the students.

Giving the full range of assessments listed, this study had the purpose to analyse which assessments are preferred the most by the students in a General Chemistry course.

To reach that goal, this manuscript intent to bring some light to the following question: is there any parameter to evaluate the students’ choices with respect the way they are assessed?

To respond that question, a poll was conducted. Most of the surveys only evaluate the emotional part, but in this manuscript, the cognitive and social aspects were also evaluated. For that, the paper presents a parameter called “the similarity index”, to simultaneously measure the cognitive, the emotional, and the social aspects to quantify the students’ preferences. Thus, along this manuscript, a detailed argumentation is presented to answer the proposed question.

The manuscript is structured as follows: after this introduction, a description of the methods is presented, followed by the results and the discussion, ending with some concluding remarks.

2. Methods

2.1. General Overview

This research was made in a group of tertiary students in an anonymous way and presents a one-year case study in a General Chemistry course where, traditionally, the students were no submitted to any formative assessment. The teacher in charge was trained in general formative assessment with no specificity for Chemistry. Thus, it was the mission of the teacher to explore the most suitable assessments for this course. To accomplish that three to five formative assessment were tested in any lesson along the year (see TableB1 and TableB2, Appendix B, S. I.).

To obtain the students’ opinions concerning assessment, they were polled (by a Likert-type poll), after the finishing of every term. Moreover, a sample of them was interviewed. To gather the Likert-type poll information in a “simple” way, a similarity index was created. This index intended to measure the coherence among the cognitive, the emotional and the social aspect based on the three questions given in the poll (see later). Thus, a high correlation (or coherence) of these three variables indicated the assessment that students appreciated the most, and a low correlation indicated the opposite thing.

According to the previous paragraph, and for the sake of clarity, the following section is ordered as follows: first, the type of lessons and the type of students is described, second, a brief review of each used assessment is given, third, the Likert-type poll details are presented together with segments of the interviews, and forth, the similarity index is presented.

2.2. Type of Lessons

Lectures were scheduled, as shown in TableB1 and TableB2 (see Appendix B, S. I.). Usually, a lesson consisted of an opening to the theme, an introductory activity, a development by exposition, and a closing involving some assessment listed in TableB1 and TableB2 (see Appendix B, S. I.). The opening of the lessons had the purpose of running the students’ minds. Nonetheless, not always was related to students’ assessment. For that, the teacher’s exposition delivered the required contents to complete the assessment.

2.3. Type of Students

The type of the students is described primarily for General Chemistry 1 (GM1, the first-term course), and secondly for General Chemistry 2 (GM2, the second-term course).

First-term (GM1)

The course consisted of 65 students, but since the attendance to classes is not mandatory at the University of Concepción, so an average of 60% of them attended the classes. The students that responded to the poll (see below) were 38. The course included 46% of men and 54% of women. Ages comprehended between 18 and 20 years old. The students’ origin was from Concepción city and nearby cities. This origin assured a composite sample concerning the socio-ethnic origins, the regime, and the quality of education.

Second-term (GM2)

Eighty-four students signed up in GM2. Thus, 19 students were attending the course for a second time. An average of 66% of the students participated in the classes, meaning 78 students responded to the poll (see below). The course included 42% of men and 58% of women with ages between 18 and 20 years old. The origins of the sample described in the first-term section are also valid here.

2.4. Formative Assessments

The students did not mandatorily answer formative assessments. Because of this, all the plots presented in this study were normalised. TableB1 (see Appendix B, S. I.) gathers a list of activities, lesson-by-lesson. Recalling the list shown in Appendix A (S. I.), the formative assessments used in classes were one-minute paper (OMP), short multiple-choice questions (SMCQ), directed paraphrasing (DP), Predict, Observe and Explain (POE), and general question/answer out loud (GQAOL). As was previously settled, the choice for these assessments was completely exploratory based on the following criteria made by the teacher in charge:

• OMP because it is an anonymous form to obtain students thoughts

• SMCQ because the students are used to work with them since high school

• DP because it is a challenge (the students never used it before)

• POE to test the students’ prediction ability

• GQAOL due to it is a classical and a fast way to receive feedback from the students.

One-Minute Paper

To follow the students’ progress, they answered two questions, in a piece of paper, at the end of some lessons (see TableB1, Appendix B, S. I.). The OMP assessment typically takes one minute (Angelo & Cross, 1993; Harwood, 1996; Kumar et al., 2017). The questions were:

• What did you like/learn most about the class?

• What content did you not understand?

The teacher analysed the answers and collected them into two groups: the ones they liked/learned the most and the ones they did not understand. This assessment allowed the teacher to understand what students “like” the most or learned and reinforce what was not clear (Kumar et al., 2017; Lutterodt, 2017; Stead, 2005). The next lesson the teacher gave feedback to the students helping them to realise their strengths and their weaknesses.

Short Multiple-Choice Questions

(Short) multiple-choice questions (SMCQ) are another form to follow the students’ progress (Bresnock et al., 1989; Butler, 2018; Dodd & Leal, 1988). Three SMCQ (each of them having four choices) were asked every time this evaluation was used (at the end of the lessons, see TableB1, Appendix B, S. I.). The questions tuned with the contents of the corresponding class, and the students received instant feedback through the platform (Arriaga et al., 2017; Blackburn, 2015; Frías, Arce, & Flores-Morales, 2016; Guarascio et al., 2017; Kokina & Juras, 2017; Manning et al., 2017).

Directed Paraphrasing

In directed paraphrasing (DP) (Angelo & Cross, 1993), students must explain, in their own words, a complex concept to a regular audience. Due to the students must summarise content in their own words, they prove they have learned it (Cheung, 2016; Moran et al., 2014; Tan, 2017; Uemlianin, 2000).

As an example, for this assessment, after a class of colligative properties (class 36, TableB1, Appendix B, S. I.), students had to demonstrate why a hand cream based on sodium chloride was better for keeping hands warm in cold days than a hand cream based on glycerol. The regular audience was their mothers (not having the chance to talk to them).

Predict, Observe, and Explain

Predict, Observe and Explain (POE) is another formative learning method (Güven, 2014; Hong et al., 2014; Hsu et al., 2011; Kose & Bilen, 2012; White & Gunstone, 1992). In the present case, the students had to predict what was going to happen in a particular experiment, observe the chemical reaction and finally, explain in their own words what they watched.

For example, for the lesson 39 (see TableB2, Appendix B, S. I.), a range of acid-base chemical reactions was made as follows: a solution of sodium hydroxide 0.05 mol∙L−1 was poured into seven beakers with water and drops of different acid-base indicators. The visible spectrum range of colours appears as the water was poured. Finally, all the beakers were poured into a 1 L beaker containing 10 mL of sulfuric acid 2.5 mol∙L−1 for discolouring the solutions. At no time, the students knew what the solutions were.

The students had to follow the POE method: predict what was going to happen when the solutions were mixed, observe the colour appearance, and explain why this happened. Next, the students had to predict what was going to happen when the seven beakers were poured into the 1 L beaker containing 10 mL of sulfuric acid 2.5 mol/L, observe the discolouring and explain why.

General Question/Answer Out Loud

Asking students general questions out loud (GQAOL) is a classical form of formative evaluation (Bannert & Mengelkamp, 2008; Lancaster, 2007; Metcalfe & Xu, 2018; Wardrop, 2012). During almost every lesson this assessment was used.

2.5. Poll

The poll consisted of students’ perceptions about the activities. Their answers were anonymously, and not mandatory. Because of that, all the plots presented in this study, regarding the number of students, were normalised.

The students were asked three questions on the Likert-type scale modality (Likert, 1932; Matas, 2018; Orozco et al., 2018; Robertson, 2012). Table 1 depicts the question and the measured aspect.

For this poll, the Likert-type scale meaning was: 1, nothing; 2, little; 3, enough; 4, much; 5, very much.

Table 1. Questions and measured aspects for the Likert-type scale asked to the students.

2.6. Interviews

A sample of three students (two men and one woman) was interviewed in a semi-structured interview regarding their experiences and opinions of the assessments. Verbal informed consent was obtained prior to the interviews.

2.7. The Similarity Index

The coherence between the cognitive, the emotional and the social aspects presented in the poll, was measured using the similarity index.

The similarity index was obtained as follows:

1) The percentage of students’ responses was plotted as a Cartesian plane plot considering the DK/NA/REF (Don’t Know, No Answer, Refusal) alternative of Likert-type scale as a value of 6 (see the left bottom corner of Figure 1) for all the formative assessments (see Figure 2 and Figure 3). In the example of Figure 1, the top part shows the Likert-type scale responses (left) and the spider chart plot of Figure 2(c) (right), for comparison.

2) The Cartesian plane plot of Figure 1 (right bottom corner) was plot using left bottom corner table of Figure 1, as an irregular polygon by closing the shape between the points 1 and 6.

Figure 1. Scheme of transformation from the Likert-type scale responses to the Cartesian plane plot for Figure 2(c) (shown in the right upper corner). Q1, Q2, and Q3 stand for question 1 (cognitive aspect, blue line), 2 (social aspect, black line) and 3 (emotional aspect, red line), respectively (see the Poll section).

Figure 2. Spider chart plot for the three questions Q1 (cognitive aspect, blue line), Q2 (social aspect, black line), Q3 (emotional aspect, red line) asking in the poll for the following activities: One-minute paper, (a); Directed paraphrasing, (b); General questions/answers out loud, (c) (DK/NA/REF = Don’t Know/No Answer/Refusal). All the data are in percentage.

Figure 3. Spider chart plot for the three questions Q1 (cognitive aspect, blue line), Q2 (social aspect, black line), Q3 (emotional aspect, red line) asking in the poll for the following activities: One-minute paper, (a); Directed paraphrasing, (b); General questions/answers out loud, (c); POE, (d); Short multiple-choice questions, (e) (DK/NA/REF = Don’t Know/No Answer/Refusal). All the data are in percentage.

3) The polygon area was calculated using the method of the Gauss’ determinant (Equation (1)) using a counter clockwise order for the three polygons of the Cartesian plane plot (Figure 1, right bottom corner).

Area = 1 2 ( | x 1 x 2 y 1 y 2 | + | x 2 x 3 y 2 y 3 | + + | x N x 1 y N y 1 | ) (1)

The colours of the “QX area” (being Q = question, and X = 1, 2 or 3) calculation presented below, match the colours of the Cartesian plane plot of Figure 1:

Q1area = 1 2 ( | 6 5 0 71 | + | 5 4 71 18 | + | 4 3 18 5 | + | 3 2 5 5 | + | 2 1 5 0 | + | 1 6 0 0 | ) = 99.0 length 2 Q2area = 1 2 ( | 6 5 0 79 | + | 5 4 79 11 | + | 4 3 11 8 | + | 3 2 8 0 | + | 2 1 0 3 | + | 1 6 3 0 | ) = 92.0 length 2 Q3area = 1 2 ( | 6 5 0 68 | + | 5 4 68 18 | + | 4 3 18 3 | + | 3 2 3 8 | + | 2 1 8 3 | + | 1 6 3 0 | ) = 99.0 length 2

4) The similarity of the Q1, Q2 and Q3 polygons were obtained by the ratio of their respective areas (Thales’ theorem) as is depicted in Table 2. An average of these three measures was calculated. The standard deviation was calculated and expressed as a percentage, and the similarity index was obtained by the subtraction of 100, minus the percentage of standard deviation. This result was called the similarity index.

5) The similarity indexes of the other formative assessments for the first and second term are in the S. I. (see TableC1 and TableC2, Appendix C).

As can be noticed, this algorithm is a simple way to measure the coherence among the mentioned aspects. For that, it is proposed as a direct and a “simple” manner to measure the people’s choices regarding polls. For this paper, it was applied to the students’ opinion regarding formative assessment.

Combining the results of the Likert-type scale with the similarity index, the situations that could emerge are three:

1) A high Likert-type scale value and a high similarity index value means that the corresponding assessment is well received by the students and should be maintained.

2) A high Likert-type scale value and a low similarity index value (or vice-versa) means that even though the assessment is well rated by the students, there is no coherence among the cognitive, the emotional and the social aspect. As a result, if it is planned to use the instrument again, it should be reformulated. Otherwise, it should be not used again.

Table 2. The ratio of the areas of the polygons and the similarity index.

3) A low Likert-type scale value, and a low similarity index value means that the assessment should not be used again unless the meaning, the indications and the purpose were presented clearly by the teacher.

3. Results and Discussion

As a reminder, the aim of this paper, as is entitled, is collecting the students’ preferences through a correlation between three aspects:

• The cognitive aspect → the understanding of the contents → Q1

• The social aspect → the usage of formative evaluations for freshmen → Q2

• The emotional aspect → the students’ taste → Q3

The Likert-type scale (Carifio & Perla, 2007; Likert, 1932; Matas, 2018) was used to obtain that information.

This part of the manuscript is devoted to analyse the students’ responses to the poll regarding how they evaluated the assessment. The results for the first term, and then, for the second term are presented.

3.1. First Term

Figure 2 is a spider chart plot for the three questions listed in Methods concerning three formative evaluations: one-minute paper (OMP), general questions/answers out loud (GQAOL) and directed paraphrasing (DP). It is possible to see two things from Figure 2. Most of the students oriented their responses to four- and five-values of the Likert-type scale, and there is an overlap between questions Q1, Q2, and Q3 within specific nuances (discussed later). Since five and four received the highest scores, the discussion will be centred on those numbers.

One-minute paper

Figure 2(a) shows that for the Q1, 45% of the students scored the assessment with five and 26% with four. Adding these percentages, 71% of the students considered this type of assessment equal to or excellent to grasp the course’s contents. OMP is an opportunity to review the students’ opinion anonymously; they express their beliefs (Such et al., 2015) and they turn so enthusiastic (Hartman & Schachter, 2019). This fact is a fundamental principle that ensures safety in the population when they have polled (Bruschi et al., 2007).

For question Q2 (Figure 2(a), black line), the students declared that 47% would always recommend this evaluation and 32% almost always (79% of the students agree that OMP should be advisable for freshmen).

For question Q3 (Figure 2(a), red line), the sum (4 and 5-values of the Likert-type scale) increases up to 86%. This fact is mostly due to the increase in the percentage of the four-value (38%), comparing to question Q2 (or Q1). Questions as “What did you like most about the lesson?” (the emotional aspect) consider the student’s opinions (Such et al., 2015) and their feelings.

Regarding cognitive (Q1) and emotional (Q3) parts, an extract of the student-3’s interview could clarify the results:

Teacher: Which one of the following assessments was the one you like the most, questions/answers out loud, one-minute paper or directed paraphrasing?

Student-3: One-minute paper might be… Yes… it might be.

Teacher: Why?

Student-3: Because one could… It’s like an instantaneity issue. […] One could realise immediately what was clear and what wasn’t. […] It’s like a… time issue.

Teacher: Okay. So, we could say that you recognise at that moment, your strengths, or weaknesses.

Student-3: Yes.

It seems from the student-3’s words that he likes activities in which he obtains rapid satisfaction since that assures him instantly a posture: right or wrong, which allows him to move forward or stop and think.

The students’ judgement leads to a similarity index of 87.9% for OMP (Table 3) according to the superimposition of Q1, Q2 and Q3 (see Figure2(a)). Even when this value is near to 100%, it is the lowest in comparison to the other ones (see Table 3). The cognitive aspect is the responsible for such an “irregularity” (Q1 area = 115, Q2 area = 92.0, Q3 area = 91.0, see FigureC1, S. I.). Since the social and the emotional aspect correlated well, it seems the students are not quite sure about the influence of the cognitive aspect. In that regard, OMP should carefully be used, meaning spaced in time and feedbacking the student, class by class.

Directed paraphrasing

The results for this issue are depicted in Figure2(b). Note that the percentages of responses to Q1, Q2, and Q3 are similar among the four and five Likert-type scale values (not the scenario for Figure2(a) results). Likewise, as a general trend, the alternative “sometimes” increases, and the alternative “always” decreases (see FigureC1, top, S. I.). It is important to note that another fact that influences this change, is the option DK/NA/REF, which becomes 11% of the answers (see FigureC1, top, S. I.).

Even when the sum of four- and five-values are 74%, 66%, and 74% for Q1, Q2, and Q3, respectively (see 4 and 5 entries in FigureC1, top, S. I.), the percentage of the five-value decreases regarding those of OMP. It seems the exercise of “being in someone else’s shoes” is not wholly accepted by the students. A subject submitted to these kinds of tasks must dominate the concepts, and those concepts, sometimes abstracts, must explain them in ordinary words.

Table 3. Similarity indexa for Q1 (cognitive aspect), Q2 (social aspect), and Q3 (emotional aspect) regarding the assessment of Figure 2. All the values are in percentages.

aSee Methods and Table C1 in the S. I. for the calculation of this index.

Nevertheless, a coherence of 96.4% (see Table2 and TableC1, middle, S. I.) among the three aspects was found. It could say that a mixed result arises. Although the similarity index reached the value of 96.4%, the five-value decreases regarding OMP. This counterpoint is noted by the interviews of the student-1 and student-3:

Teacher: Among the three assessment […] the directed paraphrasing was the lowest scored. Why do you think was like that?

Student 1: We thought it wasn’t useful.

Teacher: […] Could you explain a little bit more?

Student-1: For example, for the other assessments, we could realise what was going to happen. I mean, at the end of the assessment, we had the confirmation or the disconfirmation. But for the paraphrasing… It was like “So what…?”


Teacher: What did you think about this assessment?

Student-3: It was fun…

Teacher: Was it hard, was it easy?

Student-3: It was fun, but it was difficult because one is never in that situation.


Teacher: […] I don’t know if in the following courses, the teachers use paraphrases, but do you think this activity helped you?

Student-3: Gosh… I think to be more helpful; the assessment should be more repetitive along the semester.

Both students seem shocked by this unusual activity, but student-3 advises about the way to reinforce the usefulness of this activity. Thus, in chemistry subjects, directed paraphrasing must be carefully applied.

General questions/answer out loud

In Figure2(c), the results for the GQAOL activity are shown. According to Table 2, the overlap between Q1, Q2, and Q3 is 96.1%. Adding five- and four-values for every question, 89% (71% + 18%) of the students agree that GQAOL over the lessons helped them to understand the contents and 90% (79% + 11%) thought should be used for freshmen (see Figure2(c), blue and black lines, and FigureC1, top, S. I.). Regarding taste, 86% (68% + 18%) of the students liked this evaluation very much (see Figure2(c), red line, and FigureC1, top, S. I.). These results demonstrate two things: 1) students recognise GQAOL as necessary, independently of the content. Thus, this assessment should always be used within lessons and 2), considering the students’ opinion is a very well valued matter for them (Lancaster, 2007; Wardrop, 2012).

Delving into this point, this is part of the interview for student-1:

Teacher: Why do you think a large part of the class liked this assessment?

Student-1: I think when we did it, we had an epiphany: “Oh, it was for that!”

Teacher: And at the school, did the teachers ask you “Why do you think this phenomenon is like that?

Student-1: Nope.

Teacher: They don’t ask you, okay. But did you ask?

Student-1: They say, “Let’s work; let’s work!” “Follow the instructions on the guide.”

Teacher: And for you, is it important that the teacher asks you what do you think?

Student 1: I think it works a lot because immediately, one says: “Oh, now I know it!” And if you don’t, it means something is wrong.

Two things arise from this extract:

1) The students are not used to think from a question (because it is not a regular exercise at the school) and 2) questions are a significant issue for them because, through immediate feedback, it gives them a clue if they are right or wrong (Ruiz-Primo, 2011). This idea agrees with Lancaster (Lancaster, 2007) and with the results for the OMP. Thus, asking students during a lesson is a fast way to move their ideas forward.

3.2. Second Term

As was described in the Methods section, during the second term, a group of 23 students were added to the students who had passed the course of GM1. Thus, a total of 84 students enrolled in GM2, but 78 answered the poll.

All the assessment used in the first term were repeated in the second one, and two more were added: POE (Kearney, 2004; Latifah et al., 2019) and short multiple-choice questions (Butler, 2018).

Figure 3 depicts the spider chart plot for Q1, Q2 and Q3, concerning assessments used in the second term for GM2. At first sight, the correlation between the three questions is not as good for all assessments as in Figure 2. A detailed discussion by assessment is presented below.

One-minute paper

According to Figure 3(a), for Q1, Q2 and Q3, a similar trend emerges. The four- and five-values of Likert-type scale give a sum of preferences of 39%, 47% and 42%, respectively. In contrast with Figure 2(a), these percentages decrease, showing that a new phenomenon has settled. The incorporation of new students (second time GM2 students + first term students who this time, answered the poll) changed the results. As the survey was anonymous, it is not possible to gather more information.

The similarity index reported in Table 4 for OMP is one of the lowest for the second term activities. In this case, the slight percentages of the four and five-values correlate well with the low value of the similarity index, indicating that this time, the assessment was not well received. In that regard, it is possible that a part of the first-term students changed their opinion about OMP, and a

Table 4. Similarity indexa for Q1 (cognitive aspect), Q2 (social aspect), and Q3 (emotional aspect) regarding the assessment of Figure 3. All the values are in percentages.

aSee Methods and Table C2 in the S. I. for the calculation of this index.

part of the second-term students increased this opinion. This result emphasises feedbacking the students’ doubts during the next lesson.

Directed paraphrasing

In contrast with the DP of the first term, the DP of the second term was not well judged, 96.4% (see Table 3) of similarity, versus 81.0% (see Table 4), respectively. The decrease is a consequence of the dispersion among the three aspects caused, principally, by the shape of Q3. Inspecting Figure 3(b), the three-value of Likert-type scale reaches the most significant percentage of preferences for Q1 and Q2 (38% and 33%, respectively). Only for Q3, the five-value (26%) is larger than the others. These results show the students consider that DP does not contribute substantially to the cognitive aspect, nor the social one.

It is necessary to re-evaluate the use of this assessment in future lessons or courses due to, although this instrument is widely used (Bronshteyn & Baladad, 2006; Cheung, 2016; Moran et al., 2014; Ponce et al., 2012; Tan, 2017; Uemlianin, 2000), a General Chemistry course would not be a proper context for its application (see the first term interviews of the student-1 and the student-3).

General questions/answer out loud

In this term, GQAOL were well evaluated by the students as in the first term. According to Figure 3(c), most of the responses were for the four- (27%) and five-values (47%) and, according to the students 74% (27% + 47%) thought that this assessment worked in the cognitive aspect (Q1), 77% (21% + 56%) thought it worked in the social aspect (Q2), and 67% (27% + 40%) believed that it worked for the emotional part (Q3). For GQAOL, the similarity index was 94.2% (see Table 4), an indication that the three aspects measured are in consonance. Thus, this assessment should be kept during classes.

Complementing the findings for GQAOL in the first and second term, some thoughts of the student-2 are presented:

Teacher: Why do you think GQAOL helped you?

Student-2: I think one is used to attending lessons, listening to the teacher, taking notes… however, we don’t think: “Am I understanding or not?” I think this is the moment [the class] to understand the concepts because, after that, one goes back to home and one has other subjects, and the doubt vanished… And when one is in the exam…

Teacher: “I should have asked this in class…”

Student-2: ¡Right! The moment has already passed.

From the student’ thoughts, it is possible to infer that for her, having immediate feedback, again, is extremely important (Havnes et al., 2012). Generalising an idea is the way to know if the students are learning. If not, they pay more attention (or study harder). Alternatively, they fail in the exam.

Predict, Observe, Explain

This assessment has a variety of contexts in which can be applied. In this case, POE was referred to a series of live chemical reactions. As can be seen in Figure3(d), most of the answers were for the five-value of Likert-type scale. The sum of the percentages of the four-value plus the five-value (see FigureC2, top, Appendix C, S. I.) gives the following results: 87% (Q1), 92% (Q2) and 83% (Q3). The similarity index reaches a value of 98.9% (see Table 4), showing that there is an almost perfect correlation between the cognitive, the social and the emotional part. This result is not surprising, considering that examples of live chemical reactions (the social dimension) are what the students expect to see (the emotional dimension) in a chemistry course. Moreover, chemical reactions are the central part of the course, and for that, the students highly score the cognitive aspect.

Concerning the social aspect, an extract of the student-3’s interview adds the following:

Teacher: […] So, let’s move to the last assessment, POE […]. There was one which took your attention, people, the rainbow solutions…

Student 3: It was fun!

Teacher: Do you think so?


Student 3: It was a kind of fun because we could chat among the guys in the group, like “What’s in there?”

Teacher: Okay.

Student 3: “What’s the acid-base indicator?” Or “what acid is in there? What base is in there?” It was like it led to the conversation.

Teacher: Let’s say it encouraged the conversation with the others by asking why…

Student 3: Yes.

The student-3 is adding an interesting point of view. The chat among classmates is important because it forces them to discuss. For this chemical reaction, “before the magic happens”, the students had to predict what was going to occur, then, observe the colours appearance and finally, write a rational explanation for that phenomenal. The reasonable answer is not a “piece of cake” for the students. They must imagine the sub-microscopical world to explain the macro-phenomenon (change of colour). When a challenge of these characteristics is presented, it puts them in the place of a researcher (Nunez-Oviedo & Clement, 2019). In the end, this is what chemistry is all about, so this might be the reason why POE applied to experiments is highly well evaluated and should be maintained during the course.

Short multiple-choice questions

SMCQ were used at the end of eight lessons (see TableB2, Appendix B, S. I.). The results for the three questions appear in Figure3(e). As it can be seen, the dispersion of the Likert-type scale is more significant in comparison to the other activities. The similarity index reaches a value of 91.0% (see Table4). The sum of the four- and five-values for Q1, Q2, and Q3 is 72%, 64%, and 58%, respectively (see FigureC2, top, S. I.). This sum represents the lowest numbers of the four previous assessment and is due to the decrease in the five-value and the increase in the three-value (see FigureC2, top, S. I.). In any aspect, SMCQ was the fewer students’ favourite. An explanation for this result might be the occasional feedback that was given to the students. The platform was used for this purpose, but since the students not always were able to connect it (for different reasons), they did not receive instant feedback, and they felt disappointed. This fact is in tune with the results for GQAOL.

A correction for this assessment might be the replacement of virtual questions for questions in a piece of paper and the immediate feedback on the whiteboard, for example. Another improvement could be the application of the SMCQ not only at the end but at the beginning of the class, moving the philosophy from a simple test to a pre- and post-test. Pre- and post-test allow comparing knowledge between what the students partially knew or did not know, and what they finally learned.

4. Conclusion

A similarity index was created for measuring the coherence between three aspects, cognitive, social, and emotional, in a survey to evaluate assessments. This index gives a direct result of what intends to measure and, it might be extended to evaluate any kind of polls that uses Liker-type scale. Nevertheless, an improvement in which the starting points are those from the spider chart plot, is being carried out for future studies. Moreover, the inclusion of additional questions in the Likert-type polls covering other aspects or applying the index also by student and not only by group is advisable, and we are working on it.

This index evidenced that GQAOL, SMCQ and POE, have the highest coherence according to the students. The students believe that these assessments cognitive, social, and emotional speaking, are necessary. GQAOL is the assessment with the highest similarity index because students obtain instant feedback. Thus, this assessment must be maintained within the lessons.

SMCQ had a fractious reception according to the similarity index, although this fact might be due to a malfunction or the impossibility for accessing to the platform. As a result, this assessment should either be eliminated from the lessons or be restructured.

POE was the assessment which obtained the top score in the Likert-type scale and the similarity index. Moreover, POE promotes socio-cognition among students. Thus, this assessment must be maintained within the lessons.

OMP was evaluated relatively well among the students. The reason for that is because this assessment takes into accounts their opinions, but anonymously. Nevertheless, OMP, according to students’ opinion, loses its purpose if they do not receive instantaneous feedback.

DP is the lowest-ranked assessment. Besides the small values in the Likert-type scale, the similarity index provides the maximum dispersion. The students do not feel comfortable with this assessment, and they do not understand how should be useful. A re-evaluation of its use must be done for other courses.

In general, the students’ opinions led, for this General Chemistry course, to the following increasing raking of favourite assessments: SMCQ, GQAOL and POE. Reaffirming the words of Chamizo (1995, 1996) and Bulwik (2004) the assessment must be a process more than a goal, where to measure the “students’ pulse” along the semester (or along the year) is possible, and not only when the test or the exam arrived. The students appreciate this matter.

Since this is a case of study, it needs validation with a broad quantity of courses, an issue that is in progress.


P.F.M. wants to thank M. Cecilia Nunez-Oviedo for her helpful comments and to the students who participated in this study. They know who they are. Thank you, guys! #RenunciaPiñera #NuevaConstitucion #ChileDespertó #BoricPresidente.

Supporting Information

Supporting information includes four appendixes in one document:

Appendix A. List of Formative/Summative assessments.

Appendix B. List of content, activity and assessment carried out for every lesson.

Appendix C. Calculation of the similarity index.

Appendix D. References.

Appendix A: List of Formative/Summative Assessments

• Chain notes (Keeley, 2015)

• Checklist (Baldwin & Ching, 2019; Caruso et al., 2019; Dreimuller et al., 2019; Robles, 2019)

• Directed paraphrasing (Angelo & Cross, 1993; Keeley, 2015)

• Double-entry journal (Allen, 2008; Angelo & Cross, 1993; Berthoff, 1982)

• Group and Self-assessment (Bartels & Kulgemeyer, 2019; Herrington & Sweeder, 2018; Sridharan & Boud, 2019; To & Panadero, 2019)

• In basket (del Pozo, 2012; Frederiksen et al., 1957; Schippmann et al., 1990)

• KPSI (Knowledge and Prior Study Inventory) (Quintanilla et al., 2008; Tamir & Lunetta, 1978)

• K-W-L (Know-Want-Learned) chart (Ogle, 1986)

• Learning registers (Chamizo, 1996)

• Mental/conceptual maps (Chamizo, 1995; Pendley et al., 1994)

• One-minute paper (Angelo & Cross, 1993)

• One-sentence summary (Berthoff, 1982)

• One-world journal (Angelo, 1991)

• POE (Prediction-Observation-Explanation) (Jasdilla et al., 2019; Kearney, 2004; Latifah et al., 2019; Treagust & Chong, 1995)

• Portfolios (Fosado et al., 2018; Lyons, 1999)

• Question/answer out loud (Bannert & Mengelkamp, 2008; Lancaster, 2007; Metcalfe & Xu, 2018; Wardrop, 2012)

• RSQC2 (Recall, Summarize, Question, Connect, Comment) (Angelo & Cross, 1993; Cowan & George, 2004)

• Rubrics (Angra & Gardner, 2018; Cheng & Chan, 2019; Cockett & Jackson, 2018; Tobajas et al., 2019)

• (Short) multiple-choice questions (Bresnock et al., 1989; Butler, 2018; da Silva, 2019; Dodd & Leal, 1988; Witchel et al., 2018)

• Venn diagrams (Hatzikiriakou & Metallidou, 2009; Kerr & Macosko, 2011; Wygoda & Tague, 1995)

• Words association (Sutton, 1980; Zakaluk et al., 1986)

Appendix B

Table B1. List of content, activity and assessment carried out for every lesson during general chemistry 1.

aBased on the course syllabus. bAll the lessons included a lecture. Thus, when no activity has been indicated, the evaluation was based on the lecture. cPhet, interactive simulations from the University of Colorado,

Table B2. List of content, activity and assessment carried out for every lesson during general chemistry 2.

aBased on the course syllabus. bAll the lessons included a lecture. Thus, when no activity has been indicated, the evaluation was based on the lecture.

Appendix C: Similarity Index

The similarity index was calculated, as was described in Methods. Here, a summary of the calculations for all the formative evaluations (first and second term) is presented.


Figure C1. Scheme of transformation from modified Likert-type scale responses to polygons’ areas for the first-term assessments. All the values are in percentage.

(a) (b) (c)

Table C1. Areas’ ratio of the polygons and the similarity index for the first term: One minute-paper, (a); Directed paraphrasing, (b); General questions/answers out loud, (c).


Figure C2. Scheme of transformation from modified Likert-type scale responses to polygons’ areas for the second term assessments. All the values are in percentage.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Table C2. Areas’ ratio of the polygons and the similarity index for the second term: One minute-paper, (a); Directed paraphrasing, (b); General questions/answers out loud, (c); POE, (d); Short multiple-choice questions, (e).

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Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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