The Wave Properties of Zuara Coast and Their Effects on the Marine Navigation

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DOI: 10.4236/ojms.2013.32010    6,020 Downloads   9,544 Views  


Waves are the most important phenomena affecting marine navigation, either in the field of fishing, military or transporting of goods. This paper tries to answer the following important questions: What are the causes and types of waves in the coast of Zuaracity? What are their characteristics? And how do those waves affect the marine navigation and human activities on this coast? The research finds significant results devoted in that: the coast is exposed to on type of waves; wind waves. Zuara coast has never been exposed to waves of Tsunami or landslides. The largest size of the wave forms in winter season due to the wind of north-west which is the fastest wind type that the Libyan coast is exposed to. However, the highest speed is up to 65 knots accompanied with waves reach a height of more than 7 meters. The research also classifies the wind speeds that lead to cancelling ships and boats trips that depend on this work is studying the waves in Zuara coast and the relationship with the waves of Libyan coast and Mediterranean sea. Also, it focuses on the effect of waves on boat speed, design, fuel consumption, and other effects.

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J. Algraeo and S. Bouaziz, "The Wave Properties of Zuara Coast and Their Effects on the Marine Navigation," Open Journal of Marine Science, Vol. 3 No. 2, 2013, pp. 93-102. doi: 10.4236/ojms.2013.32010.

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