
Dr. Manish Kumar Goyal

Department of Civil Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology, India



2012 P.D.F., McGill University, Canada

2011 P.D.R.F., Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Publications (Selected)

  1. Goyal Manish Kumar, Ojha C. S. P, Burn Donald H. and Rao Y.S. (2013), “Statistical downscaling of precipitation and temperature for a lake basin” Chapter 9 in Climate change: modelling , mitigation and adapting, Editors -Rao Y. Surampalli, Tian Zhang, Ojha C.S.P., Tyagi R.D. and Kao C.M. (Pub : American Soc. Civil Engrs (ASCE)) Stock No. 41271 / ISBN: 9780784412718, Page 219-250.
  2. Goyal Manish Kumar and Singh V.(2014), Discussion of "SWAT-Based Evapotranspirative Water Conservation Analysis Performed on Irrigated Croplands to Determine Potential Regional Water Savings" by Andrew Gayley, ASCE- Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. (Accepted)
  3. Singh A. K. , Madramootoo C. A., Goyal Manish Kumar, and Smith D. L. (2014), “Corn yield simulation using the STICS model under varying nitrogen management and climate change scenarios” ASCE-Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. (accepted)
  4. Goyal Manish Kumar (2014), “Monthly Rainfall Prediction Using Wavelet Regression and Neural Network: An Analysis of 1901-2002 data, Assam, India”, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/s00704-013-1029-3.
  5. Senthilkumar A.R., Goyal Manish Kumar, Ojha C.S.P., Singh R. D. and Swamee P. K. (2014), “Application of ANN, Fuzzy Logic and Decision Tree Algorithms for Modelling of Streamflow at Kasol in India”, Water Science and Technology, IWA. DOI: 10.2166/wst.2013.491
  6. Richards J., Madramootoo C. A. and Goyal Manish Kumar (2014), “Determining irrigation requirements for vegetables and sugarcane in Jamaica”, Irrigation and Drainage, Wiley. DOI: 10.1002/ird.1811
  7. Dongqing Zhang, Richard M. Gersberg, Tao Hua, Junfei Zhu, Goyal Manish Kumar, WunJern Ng, Soon Keat Tan (2013), “Fate of pharmaceutical compounds in wetland mesocosms planted with Scirpusvalidus” Environment Pollution, Elsevier Ltd, 181: 98–106 (IF-3.73).
  8. Richards J., Madramootoo C.A., Goyal Manish Kumar and Trotman Adrian (2013)Application of the SPI and NDVI for evaluating irrigation demands in JamaicaASCE-Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)IR.1943-4774.0000629
  9. Goyal Manish Kumar, Ojha C.S.P. (2013), “Evaluation of Rule and Decision Tree Induction Algorithms for Generating Climate Change Scenarios for Temperature and Pan Evaporation on a Lake Basin” ASCE-Journal of Hydrologic Engg10.1061 /(ASCE)HE. 1943-5584.0000615.
  10. Goyal Manish Kumar, Burn Donald H. and Ojha C.S.P. (2013), “Precipitation Simulation based on k-Nearest Neighbour Approach using Gamma Kernel” ASCE-Journal of Hydrologic Engg., Vol. 18(5), 481-487.
  11. Senthilkumar A.R., Goyal Manish Kumar, Ojha C.S.P., Singh R. D. Swamee P. K. and Nema R.K.(2013), Application of ANN, Fuzzy Logic and Decision Tree Algorithms for the Development of Reservoir Operating Rules, Water Resources Management, Springer Netherlands vol. 27, Issue 3 , pp. 911-925.
  12. Chua Lloyd H C, Tan Stephen B K, Sim C H, Goyal Manish Kumar (2012), Treatment of Baseflow from an Urban Catchment by a Floating Wetland System, J. of Ecological Engineering, Elsevier Ltd., Vol. 49, pp. 170-180.
  13. Hong Jian-Hao, Goyal Manish Kumar, Chiew Yee-Meng, and Chua Lloyd H. C. (2012), “Predicting time dependent pier scour depth with support vector regression”, Journal of Hydrology, Elsevier Ltd. Vol. 468–469, pp. 241–248.
  14. Goyal Manish Kumar, Burn Donald H. and Ojha C.S.P. (2012), “Statistical downscaling of Temperatures under Climate Change Scenarios for Thames River Basin, Canada” International Journal of Global Warming, Inderscience Publishers, UK, Vol 4, Issue 1:13-30.
  15. Ajmera T. K. and Goyal Manish Kumar (2012), “Development of Stage Discharge Rating Curve Using Model Tree and Neural Networks: An Application to Peachtree Creek in Atlanta” Expert Systems With Applications, Elsevier Ltd., Vol. 39, Issue 5, pp. 5702–5710.
  16. Goyal Manish Kumar, Burn Donald H. and Ojha C.S.P. (2012), “Evaluation of Machine Learning Tools as a Statistical Downscaling Tool:  Temperatures Projections for Multi-Stations for Thames River Basin, Canada” Theoretical and Applied Climatology Springer Netherlands,Volume 108, Issue 3-4, pp. 519-534.
  17. Goyal Manish Kumar and Burn Donald H. (2012), Discussion of "Comparison of Multivariate Regression and Artificial Neural Networks for Peak Urban Water-Demand Forecasting: Evaluation of Different ANN Learning Algorithms" by Jan Adamowski and Christina Karapataki, ASCE's Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. Vol. 15, No. 10, pp. 729–743.
  18. Goyal Manish Kumar, Ojha C.S.P. and Burn Donald H. (2012), “Nonparametric Statistical Downscaling of Temperature, Precipitation and Evaporation for Semi-Arid Region in India”, ASCE-Journal of Hydrologic Engg., Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 615-627.
  19. Senthilkumar A.R., OjhaC.S.P.,Goyal Manish Kumar, Singh R. D. Swamee P. K. (2012), “Modelling of Suspended Sediment Concentration at Kasol in India using ANN, Fuzzy Logic and Decision Tree Algorithms”, ASCE's Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. Vol. 17(3): 394-404.
  20. Goyal Manish Kumar and Ojha C. S. P. (2012), “Downscaling of Precipitation on a Lake Basin: Evaluation of Rule and Decision Tree Induction Algorithms”, Hydrology Research, Vol. 43 (3), 215-230.
  21. Goyal Manish Kumar and Ojha C. S. P. (2012)“ Downscaling of Surface Temperature for Lake Catchment in Arid Region in India using Linear Multiple Regression and Neural Networks” International Journal of Climatology, Wiley InterScience on behalf of Royal Meteorological Society (RMetS), Vol. 32, Issue 4: 552–566.
  22. Goyal Manish Kumar and Ojha C. S. P. (2011), “Estimation of Scour Downstream of a Ski—Jump Bucket Using Support Vector and M5 Model Tree”, Water Resources Management, Springer Netherlands, Vol 25, Number 9, Pages 2177-2195.
  23. Goyal Manish Kumar and Ojha C. S. P. (2011), “PLS regression based Pan evaporation and Minimum-Maximum Temperature projections for an arid lake basin in India” Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Springer Netherlands, Vol 105, Issue 3-4, Pages 403-415.
  24. Goyal Manish Kumar and Ojha C. S. P. (2011), “Evaluation of Linear Regression Methods As Downscaling Tool in Temperature Projections Over Pichola lake Basin in India” Hydrological Processes, Wiley InterScience, Vol. 25, Issue 9, pages 1453–1465.
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