
Dr. Tiziano Tirabassi

Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Italy

Research Director



1972 University of Bologna, Italy

Publications (Selected)

  1. BONAFE' U., CESARI G., GIOVANELLI G., TIRABASSI T., VITTORI O., "Mask correlation spectrophotometry advanced methodology for atmospheric measurements", Atm. Env., vol. 10, pp. 469- 474, 1976.
  2. TIRABASSI T., GIOVANELLI G., "The application of correlation spectroscopy to study of dispersion from tall stacks", Atm. Env., vol. 11, pp. 566-567, 1977.
  3. EVANGELISTI F., GIOVANELLI G., ORSI G., TIRABASSI T., VITTORI O., "Application features of mask correlation spectrophotometry to long horizontal paths", Atm. Env., vol. 12, pp. 1125-1131, 1978.
  4. GIOVANELLI G., TIRABASSI T., SANDRONI S., "Sulphur di-oxide plume structure by mask correlation spectroscopy", Atmos.Env., vol. 13, pp. 1311-1318, 1979.
  5. LUPINI R., TIRABASSI T., "Gaussian plume model and advection-diffusion equation: an attempt to connect the two approaches", Atmos. Env., vol. 13, pp. 1169-1174, 1979.
  6. GUILLOT P., BONOMETTI G., HASENJAEGER, VAN DER MEULEN A., HAMILTON P.M., HAULET R., LAURENT J., SANDRONI S., CERRUTI C., GIOVANELLI G., TIRABASSI T., VITTORI O., PICCININI P., "First European Community campaign for remote sensing of atmospheric pollution, Lacq (France), 7-11 July 1975, Atmos. Env., vol. 13, pp. 895-917, 1979.
  7. LUPINI R., TIRABASSI T., "A simple analytic approximation of the ground level concentration for elevated line sources", J. App. Meteor., vol. 20, pp. 565-570, 1981.
  8. LUPINI R., TIRABASSI T., "Solution of the advection- diffusion equation by the moments method", Atmos. Env., vol. 17, pp. 965-971, 1983.
  9. TIRABASSI T., TAGLIAZUCCA M., LUPINI R., FORTEZZA F., "A mathematical model of dispersion in turbulent shear flow", Int. J. Mod. Simul., vol. 4, pp. 61-64, 1984.
  10. TAGLIAZUCCA M., NANNI T., TIRABASSI T., "An analytical di- spersion model for sources in the surface layer", Nuovo Cimento, vol. 8, pp. 771-781, 1985.
  11. LUPINI R., TIRABASSI T., "Temporal behavior of continuous releases in flows with wind direction reversal", Atm. Env., vol. 19, pp. 1237-1244, 1985.
  12. TIRABASSI T., TAGLIAZUCCA M., ZANNETTI P, "KAPPA G, a non- gaussian plume dispersion model: description and evaluation against tracer measurements", JAPCA, vol. 36, pp. 592-596, 1986.
  13. TROMBETTI F., TAGLIAZUCCA M., TAMPIERI F. and TIRABASSI T.,"Evaluation of similarity scales in the stratified surface layer using wind speed and temperature gradient", Atm. Env., vol. 20, pp.2465-2471, 1986.
  14. TIRABASSI T., TAGLIAZUCCA M. and GALLIANI G., "Easy to use air pollution model for turbulent shear flow", Environ. Soft., vol. 2, pp. 37-43, 1987.
  15. TAGLIAZUCCA M., TIRABASSI T. and L. SEDEFIAN "A climatological model of dispersion in turbulent shear flows", Int. J. Mod. Simul., vol.11, pp. 28-31, 1989.
  16. TIRABASSI T., TAGLIAZUCCA M. and PAGGI P. "A climatological model of dispersion in an inhomogeneous boundary layer", Atmos. Environ., vol. 23, pp. 857-862, 1989.
  17. TIRABASSI T. "Analytical air pollution advection and diffusion models", Water, Air, and Soil Poll., vol. 47, pp. 19-24, 1989.
  18. TIRABASSI T., FORTEZZA F. and VANDINI W. "Wind circulation and air pollutant concentration in the coastal city of Ravenna". Energy and Buildings, vol. 1-2, pp. 699-704, 1991.
  19. TIRABASSI T. "Spectral characteristic of wind and air pollution data in an industrial area". Nuovo Cimento, vol. 14 C, pp. 305-311, 1991.
  20. TIRABASSI T., MANDRIOLI P. and MANCO D. "Statistical distribution of airborne pollen grains". GRANA, vol. 30, pp. 255-259, 1991.
  21. TIRABASSI T. and RIZZA U. "An analytical model for a screen evaluation of the environmental impact from a single point source". Nuovo Cimento, vol. 15 C, pp. 181-190, 1992.
  22. MORSELLI L., ZAPPOLI S. and TIRABASSI T. "Characterization of the effluents from a municipal solid waste incinerator plant and of their environmental impact". Chemosphere, Vol. 24. pp. 1775-1784, 1992.

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